Source code for functions

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# seniority_list is an analytical tool used when seniority-based work
# groups merge. It brings modern data science to the area of labor
# integration, utilizing the powerful data analysis capabilities of Python
# scientific computing.

# Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Robert E. Davison, Ruby Data Systems Inc.
# Please direct inquires to:

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

'''The functions module contains core program routines related
to building and working with the data model and associated files.
General definitions:
dataset "month_form" is length n months in model
"short_form" data has a length equal to the number of employees
"long_form" data is the length of the cumulative sum non-retired employees
for all months in the data model (could be millions of rows,
depending on workgroup size and age)

import os
import shutil
import copy
import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
from numba import jit
from collections import OrderedDict as od

[docs]def career_months(ret_input, start_date): '''(Short_Form) Determine how many months each employee will work including retirement partial month "ret_input" (retirement dates) may be in the form of a pandas dataframe, pandas series, array, list, or string Output is a numpy array of integers containing the number of months between the start_date and each date in the ret_input (months from start date to retirement for each employee) inputs ret_input (dataframe, series, array, list, or string) retirement dates input start_date (string date) comparative date for the retirement dates input, normally the data model starting date ''' start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) s_year = start_date.year s_month = start_date.month ret_list = convert_to_datetime(ret_input, 'retdate') retyears = ret_list.year.values retmonths = ret_list.month.values cmths = ((retyears - s_year) * 12) - (s_month - retmonths) return cmths
# LONGEVITY AT STARTDATE (for pay purposes)
[docs]def longevity_at_startdate(ldate_input, start_date, return_as_months=False): ''' (Short_Form) determine how much longevity (years) each employee has accrued as of the start date float output is longevity in years (+1 added to reflect current 1-based pay year) inputs ldate_input (dataframe, series, list, or string) list of longevity dates in datetime format start_date (string date) comparative date for longevity dates, normally the data model starting date return_as_months (boolean) option to return result as month value instead of year value ''' start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) s_year = start_date.year # subtract one month so pay increase begins # in month after anniversary month s_month = start_date.month - 1 ldate_list = convert_to_datetime(ldate_input, 'ldate') longevity_list = [] if return_as_months: for ldate in ldate_list: longevity_list.append((((s_year - ldate.year) * 12) - (ldate.month - s_month)) + 1) else: for ldate in ldate_list: longevity_list.append(((((s_year - ldate.year) * 12) - (ldate.month - s_month)) / 12) + 1) return longevity_list
[docs]def starting_age(dob_input, start_date): '''Short_Form Returns decimal age at given date. "dob_input" (birth dates) may be in the form of a pandas dataframe, pandas series, list, or string inputs dob_list (dataframe, series, list, or string) birth dates input start_date comparative date for the birth dates, normally the data model starting date ''' start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) s_year = start_date.year s_month = start_date.month s_day = m_val = 1 / 12 dob_list = convert_to_datetime(dob_input, 'dob') age_list = [] for dob in dob_list: age_list.append(m_val * (((s_year - dob.year) * 12) - (dob.month - s_month) + ((s_day - / s_day))) return age_list
[docs]def convert_to_datetime(date_data, attribute): '''Convert a dataframe column, series, list, or string input into an array of datetimes inputs data_data (dataframe, series, array, list, or string) pandas dataframe with a date column containing string dates or datetime objects, pandas series of dates (strings or datetime objects), a list/array of date strings or datetime objects, or a single comma-separated string containing date information. attribute (string) if the date_data type is a dataframe, the name of the column containing the date information. Otherwise, this input is ignored. ''' in_type = type(date_data) if in_type == pd.core.frame.DataFrame: date_list = pd.to_datetime(date_data[attribute].values) if in_type == pd.core.frame.Series: date_list = pd.to_datetime(date_data.values) if in_type in [np.ndarray, list]: try: date_list = pd.to_datetime(date_data) except: print('\nError:\n\n longevity_at_startdate function\n') if in_type == str: try: stripped = [x.strip("[]Timestamp(' '', freq='M')") for x in date_data.split(',')] str_list = list(filter(None, stripped)) date_list = pd.to_datetime(str_list) except: print('\nError:\n\n longevity_at_startdate function\n') return date_list
[docs]def count_per_month(career_months_array): '''Month_Form Returns number of employees remaining for each month (not retired). Cumulative sum of career_months_array input (np array) that are greater or equal to each incremental loop month number. Note: alternate method to this function is value count of mnums: df_actives_each_month = pd.DataFrame(df_idx.mnum.value_counts()) df_actives_each_month.columns = ['count'] input career_months_array output of career_months function. This input is an array containing the number of months each employee will work until retirement. ''' max_career = career_months_array.max() + 1 emp_count_array = np.zeros(max_career) for i in range(0, max_career): emp_count_array[i] = np.count_nonzero(career_months_array >= i) return emp_count_array.astype(int)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def gen_month_skeleton(month_count_array): '''Long_Form Create an array of month numbers with each month number repeating n times for n non-retired employees in each month. i.e. the first month section of the array will be all zeros (month: 0) repeating for the number of non-retired employees. The next section of the array will be all ones (month: 1) repeating for the number of employees remaining in month 1. Output is a 1d ndarray. This funtion creates the first column and the basic form of the skeleton dataframe which is the basis for the dataset dataframes. inputs month_count_array a numpy array containing the number of employees remaining or not retired for each month. This input is the result of the count_per_month function. ''' total_months = int(np.sum(month_count_array)) mnum_skeleton_array = np.zeros(total_months) i = 0 j = 0 for mcount in month_count_array: for slot in np.arange(j, int(mcount) + j): mnum_skeleton_array[slot] = i i += 1 j = slot + 1 return mnum_skeleton_array
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def gen_skel_emp_idx(monthly_count_array, career_mths_array, empkey_source_array): '''Long_Form For each employee who remains for each month, grab that employee index number. This index will be the key to merging in other data using data alignment. Input is the result of the count_per_month function (np.array) and the result of the career_months function inputs monthly_count_array (numpy array) count of non-retired active employees for each month in the model, the ouput from the count_per_month function. career_mths_array (numpy array) career length in months for each employee, output of career_months functions. empkey_source_array (numpy array) empkey column data as array Returns tuple (skel_idx_array, skel_empkey_array) ''' total_months = int(np.sum(monthly_count_array)) skel_idx_array = np.empty(total_months) skel_empkey_array = np.empty(total_months) emp_idx = np.arange(0, career_mths_array.size) k = 0 # look in career months list for each month for j in range(int(np.max(career_mths_array)) + 1): idx = 0 for i in emp_idx: if career_mths_array[i] >= j: skel_idx_array[k] = idx skel_empkey_array[k] = empkey_source_array[idx] k += 1 idx += 1 return skel_idx_array, skel_empkey_array
# AGE FOR EACH MONTH (correction to starting age)
[docs]def age_correction(month_nums_array, ages_array, retage): '''Long_Form Returns a long_form (all months) array of employee ages by incrementing starting ages according to month number. Note: Retirement age increases are handled by the build_program_files script by incrementing retirement dates and by the clip_ret_ages function within the make_skeleton script. inputs month_nums_array (array) gen_month_skeleton function output (ndarray) ages_array (array) starting_age function output aligned with long_form (ndarray) i.e. s_age is starting age (aligned to empkeys) repeated each month. retage (integer or float) output clip upper limit for retirement age Output is s_age incremented by a decimal month value according to month_num (this is candidate for np.put refactored function) ''' month_val = 1 / 12 result_array = (month_nums_array * month_val) + ages_array result_array = np.clip(result_array, 0, retage) return result_array
# FIND CONTRACT PAY YEAR AND RAISE (contract pay year # and optional raise multiplier)
[docs]def contract_year_and_raise(df, settings_dict): '''(Month_Form) Generate the contract pay year for indexing into the pay table. Pay year is clipped to last year of contract. Also create an annual assumed raise column applicable to the time period beyond the contract duration. This is a multiplier column with a compounded value each subsequent year. If no raise is elected (via the settings.xlsx input file, "scalars" worksheet), then this column will be all ones. The annual raise percentage is designated on the same worksheet. The input df must be a single column dataframe containing end-of-month dates, one for each month of the data model. NOTE: (this function can accept any number of pay exception periods through the pay_exceptions dictionary, populated by the "pay_exceptions" worksheet values within the *settings.xlsx* input file, see the program documentation for more information) inputs df (dataframe) a single column dataframe containing end-of-month dates, one for each month of the data model settings_dict (dictionary) dictionary of program settings generated by the *build_program_files* script ''' df.columns = ['date'] = pd.to_datetime( df['year'] = exception_dict = settings_dict['pay_exceptions'] annual_raise = settings_dict['annual_pcnt_raise'] pay_table_years = settings_dict['contract_years'] last_contract_yr = settings_dict['contract_end'] future_raise = settings_dict['future_raise'] if annual_raise and future_raise: df['pay_raise'] = (1 + annual_raise) ** \ (df.year - int(last_contract_yr)) df.pay_raise = np.clip(df.pay_raise, 1, 100000) else: df['pay_raise'] = 1 df['year'] = if exception_dict and 'no' not in exception_dict.keys(): for year_code in exception_dict.keys(): if year_code in pay_table_years: df.loc[(df['date'] >= exception_dict[year_code][0]) & (df['date'] <= exception_dict[year_code][1]), 'year'] = year_code else: print('\nPay year exception error:\n\n', 'The pay table input data does not contain rates for: "', year_code, '"\n' 'mpay and cpay calculations skipped for', 'the affected time period.\n\n', 'The excel pay table "rates" worksheet contains\n', 'information for the following year codes:\n', pay_table_years, '\n\n' 'Check the settings.xlsx "pay_exceptions" worksheet', 'inputs \nand/or update the pay_tables.xlsx "rates"', 'worksheet\n') df.year = np.clip(df.year, 0, last_contract_yr) return df
# MAKE eg INITIAL JOB LIST from job_count_array (Stovepipe)
[docs]def make_stovepipe_jobs_from_jobs_arr(jobs_arr, total_emp_count=0): '''Month_Form Compute a stovepipe job list derived from the total count of jobs in each job level. This function is for one eg (employee group) and one jobs_arr (list). Creates an array of job numbers from a job count list (converted to np.array). Result is an array with each job number repeated n times for n job count. - job count list like : job_counts = [334, 222, 701, 2364] - jobs_array = np.array(job_counts) inputs jobs_arr (numpy array) job counts starting with job level 1 total_emp_count if zero (normal input), sum of jobs_arr elements, otherwise user-defined size of result_jobs_arr ''' if total_emp_count == 0: result_jobs_arr = np.zeros(sum(jobs_arr)) else: result_jobs_arr = np.zeros(total_emp_count) i = 1 j = 0 # this loop is faster than a np.repeat routine... for job_quant in jobs_arr: if job_quant > 0: result_jobs_arr[j: j + job_quant] = i j = j + job_quant # increment job number for next loop i += 1 return result_jobs_arr.astype(int)
# MAKE integrated INITIAL JOB LIST from eg stovepipe job arrays
[docs]def make_intgrtd_from_sep_stove_lists(job_lists_arr, eg_arr, fur_arr, eg_total_jobs, num_levels, skip_fur=True): '''Month_Form Compute an integrated job list built from multiple independent eg stovepiped job lists. This function is for multiple egs (employee groups) - multiple lists in one job_lists_arr. Creates an ndarray of job numbers. Function takes independent job number lists and an array of eg codes which represent the eg ordering in the proposed list. Job numbers from the separate lists are added to the result array according to the eg_arr order. Jobs on each list do not have to be in any sort of order. The routine simply adds items from the list(s) to the result array slots in list order. inputs job_lists_arr array of the input job number arrays. represents the jobs that would be assigned to each employee in a list form. each list within the array will be the length of the respective eg. eg_arr short_form array of eg codes (proposal eg ordering) fur_arr short_form array of fur codes from proposal eg_total_jobs list length n egs sums of total jobs available for each eg, form: [n,n,n] num_levels number of job levels in model (excluding furlough level) skip_fur (boolean) ignore or skip furloughs when assigning stovepipe jobs. If True, employees who are originally marked as furloughed are assigned the furlough level number which is 1 greater than the number of job levels. If False, jobs are assigned within each employee group in a stovepipe fashion, including those employees who are marked as furloughed ''' result_jobs_arr = np.zeros(eg_arr.size) if skip_fur: for i in range(len(job_lists_arr)): job_indexes = np.where((eg_arr == (i + 1)) & (fur_arr == 0))[0] np.put(result_jobs_arr, job_indexes[:eg_total_jobs[i]], job_lists_arr[i]) np.put(result_jobs_arr, np.where(result_jobs_arr == 0)[0], num_levels + 1) else: for i in range(len(job_lists_arr)): job_indexes = np.where(eg_arr == (i + 1))[0] np.put(result_jobs_arr, job_indexes[:eg_total_jobs[i]], job_lists_arr[i]) np.put(result_jobs_arr, np.where(result_jobs_arr == 0)[0], num_levels + 1) return result_jobs_arr.astype(int)
# MAKE_STOVEPIPE_JOBS_WITH_PRE=EXISTING CONDITION # (Stovepipe with internal condition stovepiped, SHORT_FORM)
[docs]def make_stovepipe_prex_shortform(job_list, sg_codes, sg_rights, fur_codes): '''Short_Form Creates a 'stovepipe' job assignment within a single eg including a special job assignment condition for a subgroup. The subgroup is identified with a 1 in the sg_codes array input, originating with the sg column in the master list. This function applies a pre-existing (prior to the merger) contractual job condition, which is likely the result of a previous seniority integration. The subset group will have proirity assignment for the first n jobs in the affected job category, the remainding jobs are assigned in seniority order. The subgroup jobs are assigned in subgroup stovepipe order. This function is applicable to a condition with known job counts. The result of this function is used with standalone calculations or combined with other eg lists to form an integrated original job assignment list. inputs job_list list of job counts for eg, like [23,34,0,54,...] sg_codes ndarray eg group members entitled to job condition (marked with 1, others marked 0) length of this eg population sg_rights list of lists (from settings dictionary) including job numbers and job counts for condition. Columns 2 and 3 are extracted for use. fur_codes array of ones and zeros, one indicates furlough status ''' o_job = np.zeros(sg_codes.size) this_count = 0 job = 0 sg_jobs_and_counts = [ np.array(sg_rights).astype(int)[:, 1], np.array(sg_rights).astype(int)[:, 2]] for i in job_list: job += 1 if job in sg_jobs_and_counts[0]: sg_allotment = sg_jobs_and_counts[1][this_count] np.put(o_job, np.where((sg_codes == 1) & (o_job == 0) & (fur_codes == 0))[0] [:sg_allotment], job) np.put(o_job, np.where((o_job == 0) & (fur_codes == 0))[0] [:(i - sg_allotment)], job) this_count += 1 else: np.put(o_job, np.where((o_job == 0) & (fur_codes == 0))[0][:i], job) return o_job.astype(int)
[docs]def make_original_jobs_from_counts(jobs_arr_arr, eg_array, fur_array, num_levels): '''Short_Form This function grabs jobs from standalone job count arrays (normally stovepiped) for each employee group and inserts those jobs into a proposed integrated list, or a standalone list. Each eg (employee group) is assigned jobs from their standalone list in order top to bottom. Result is a combined list of jobs with each eg maintaining ordered independent stovepipe jobs within the combined list of jobs jobs_arr_arr is an array of arrays, likely output[0] from make_array_of_job_lists function. Order of job count arrays within jobs_arr_arr input must match emp group codes order (1, 2, 3, etc.). If total group counts of job(s) is less than slots available to that group, remaining slots will be assigned (remain) a zero job number (0). eg_array is list (order sequence) of employee group codes from proposed list with length equal to length of proposed list. Result of this function is ultimately merged into long form for no bump no flush routine. employees who are originally marked as furloughed are assigned the furlough level number which is 1 greater than the number of job levels. inputs jobs_arr_arr (numpy array of arrays) lists of job counts for each job level within each employee group, each list in order starting with job level one. eg_array (numpy array) employee group (eg) column data from master list source fur_array furlough (fur) column data from master list source num_levels number of job levels (without furlough level) in the model ''' result_jobs_arr = np.zeros(eg_array.size) eg = 0 for job_arr in jobs_arr_arr: eg += 1 this_job_list = np.repeat((np.arange(len(job_arr)) + 1), job_arr) np.put(result_jobs_arr, np.where((eg_array == eg) & (fur_array == 0))[0][:sum(job_arr)], this_job_list) np.put(result_jobs_arr, np.where(result_jobs_arr == 0)[0], num_levels + 1) return result_jobs_arr.astype(int)
[docs]def assign_standalone_job_changes(eg, df_align, lower, upper, total_months, job_counts_each_month, total_monthly_job_count, nonret_each_month, job_change_months, job_reduction_months, start_month, sdict, tdict, apply_sg_cond=True): '''(Long_Form) Uses the job_gain_or_loss_table job count array for job assignments. Jobs counts may change up or down in any category for any time period. Handles furlough and return of employees, prior rights/conditions and restrictions and recall of initially furloughed employees. Inputs are precalculated outside of function to the extent possible. Returns tuple (long_assign_column, long_count_column, held_jobs, fur_data, orig_jobs) inputs eg (integer) input from an incremental loop which is used to select the proper employee group recall scedule df_align (dataframe) dataframe with ['sg', 'fur'] columns num_of_job_levels (integer) number of job levels in the data model (excluding a furlough level) lower (1d array) ndarry from make_lower_slice_limits function (calculation derived from cumsum of count_per_month function) upper (1d array) cumsum of count_per_month function total_months (integer or float) sum of count_per_month function output job_counts_each_month (array) output of job_gain_loss_table function[0] (precalculated monthly count of jobs in each job category, size (months,jobs)) total_monthly_job_count (array) output of job_gain_loss_table function[1] (precalculated monthly total count of all job categories, size (months)) nonret_each_month (1d array) output of count_per_month function job_change_months (list) the min start month and max ending month found within the array of job_counts_each_month inputs (find the range of months to apply consideration for any job changes - prevents unnecessary looping) job_reduction_months (list) months in which the number of jobs is decreased (list). from the get_job_reduction_months function start_month (integer) starting month for calculations, likely implementation month from settings dictionary sdict (dictionary) the program settings dictionary (produced by the build_program_files script) tdict (dictionary) job tables dictionary (produced by the build_program_files script) apply_sg_cond (boolean) compute with pre-existing special job quotas for certain employees marked with a one in the sg column (special group) according to a schedule defined in the settings dictionary Assigns jobs so that original standalone jobs are assigned each month (if available) unless a better job is available through attrition of employees. Each month loop starts with the lowest job number. For each month and for each job level: 1. assigns nbnf (orig) job if job array (long_assign_column) element is zero (unassigned) and orig job number is less than or equal to the job level in current loop, then 2. assigns job level in current loop to unassigned slots from top to bottom in the job array (up to the count of that job level remaining after step one above) Each month range is determined by slicing using the lower and upper inputs. A comparison is made each month between the original job numbers and the current job loop number. Job assignments are placed into the monthly segment (assign_range) of the long_assign_column. The long_assign_column eventually becomes the job number (jnum) column in the dataset. Original job numbers of 0 indicate no original job and are treated as furloughed employees - no jobs are assigned to furloughees unless furlough_return option is selected. ''' num_of_job_levels = sdict['num_of_job_levels'] fur_return = sdict['recall'] sg_rights = sdict['sg_rights'] recalls = sdict['recalls'] sg_ident = fur_data = df_align.fur.values index_data = df_align.index.values lower_next = lower[1:] lower_next = np.append(lower_next, lower_next[-1]) upper_next = upper[1:] upper_next = np.append(upper_next, upper_next[-1]) # job assignment result array/column long_assign_column = np.zeros(total_months, dtype=int) # job counts result array/column long_count_column = np.zeros(total_months, dtype=int) # job held col held_jobs = np.zeros(total_months, dtype=int) num_of_months = upper.size this_eg_sg = None if apply_sg_cond: sg_rights = np.array(sg_rights) sg_egs = np.unique(np.transpose(sg_rights)[0]) if eg in sg_egs: this_eg_sg = True sg_jobs = np.transpose(sg_rights)[1] sg_counts = np.transpose(sg_rights)[2] sg_dict = dict(zip(sg_jobs, sg_counts)) # calc sg prex condition month range and concat sg_month_range = np.arange(np.min(sg_rights[:, 3]), np.max(sg_rights[:, 4])) job_change_months = np.concatenate((job_change_months, sg_month_range)) if fur_return: recall_months = get_recall_months(recalls) job_change_months = np.concatenate((job_change_months, recall_months)) job_change_months = np.unique(job_change_months) for month in range(start_month, num_of_months): L = lower[month] U = upper[month] L_next = lower_next[month] U_next = upper_next[month] held_job_range = held_jobs[L:U] assign_range = long_assign_column[L:U] job_count_range = long_count_column[L:U] fur_range = fur_data[L:U] sg_range = sg_ident[L:U] index_range = index_data[L:U] index_range_next = index_data[L_next:U_next] # use numpy arrays for job assignment process for each month # use pandas for data alignment 'job position forwarding' # to future months # this_job_col = 0 job = 1 if month in job_reduction_months: mark_for_furlough(held_job_range, fur_range, month, total_monthly_job_count, num_of_job_levels) if fur_return and (month in recall_months): mark_for_recall(held_job_range, num_of_job_levels, fur_range, month, recalls, total_monthly_job_count, standalone=True, eg_index=eg - 1) while job <= num_of_job_levels: this_job_count = job_counts_each_month[month, job] if month in job_change_months: if this_eg_sg: if month in sg_month_range and job in sg_jobs: # assign prex condition jobs to sg employees sg_jobs_avail = min(sg_dict[job], this_job_count) np.put(assign_range, np.where((assign_range == 0) & (sg_range == 1) & (fur_range == 0))[0][:sg_jobs_avail], job) # TODO, (for developer) code speedup... # use when not in condition month and monotonic is true # (all nbnf distortions gone, no job count changes) # if (month > max(job_change_months)) # and monotonic(assign_range): # quick_stopepipe_assign() jobs_avail = count_avail_jobs(assign_range, job, this_job_count) np.put(assign_range, np.where((assign_range == 0) & (held_job_range <= job) & (fur_range == 0))[0][:jobs_avail], job) jobs_avail = count_avail_jobs(assign_range, job, this_job_count) np.put(assign_range, np.where((assign_range == 0) & (fur_range == 0))[0][:jobs_avail], job) assign_job_counts(job_count_range, assign_range, job, this_job_count) # this_job_col += 1 job += 1 # AFTER MONTHLY JOB LOOPS DONE, PRIOR TO NEXT MONTH: # pass down assign_range held_jobs[L_next:U_next] = \ align_next(index_range, index_range_next, assign_range) # pass down fur_range # TODO (for developer)** # eliminate this furlough pass down... # all fur data including future month fur status # can be precalculated with headcount, # job counts and fur return schedule # unassigned marked as fur mark_fur_range(assign_range, fur_range, num_of_job_levels) np.put(job_count_range, np.where(fur_range == 1)[0], np.count_nonzero(fur_range == 1)) fur_data[L_next:U_next] = \ align_next(index_range, index_range_next, fur_range) long_assign_column[long_assign_column == 0] = num_of_job_levels + 1 held_jobs[held_jobs == num_of_job_levels + 1] = 0 orig_jobs = long_assign_column[lower[0]:upper[0]] return long_assign_column.astype(int), long_count_column.astype(int), \ held_jobs.astype(int), fur_data.astype(int), orig_jobs.astype(int)
[docs]def assign_jobs_full_flush_job_changes(nonret_counts, job_counts, num_job_levels): '''(Long_Form) Using the nonret counts for each month: a. determine the long form slice for assignment, and b. slice the jobs list from the top to create job assignment column c. create a corresponding furlough column d. create a job count column Uses the job_counts (job_gain_loss_table function)[0] to build stovepiped job lists allowing for job count changes each month and a furlough status column. Unassigned employees (not enough jobs), are left at job number zero This is the full bump and full flush version inputs nonret_counts (numpy array) array containing the number of non-retired employees for each month job_counts (numpy array) array containing the monthly counts of jobs for each job level num_job_levels (integer) the number of job levels in the model (excluding furlough level) ''' long_job_array = np.zeros(sum(nonret_counts)) long_count_array = np.zeros(long_job_array.size) jobs_arr = np.arange(1, num_job_levels + 1) # build low and high array indexes cumsum = nonret_counts.cumsum() cumsum_w0 = np.append(np.array(0), cumsum) lows = cumsum_w0[:-1] highs = cumsum_w0[1:] for i in range(nonret_counts.size): # set current loop range indexes L = lows[i] H = highs[i] job_range = long_job_array[L:H] count_range = long_count_array[L:H] # build stovepipe job array job_list = np.repeat(jobs_arr, job_counts[i]) idx = min(job_range.size, job_list.size) job_range[:idx] = job_list[:idx] # build job count array count_list = np.repeat(job_counts[i], job_counts[i]) count_range[:idx] = count_list[:idx] # count unassigned workers fur_count = np.count_nonzero(job_range == 0) count_range[count_range == 0] = fur_count long_fur_array = np.zeros(long_job_array.size).astype(int) # mark unassigned workers with a 1 in furlough array long_fur_array[long_job_array == 0] = 1 long_job_array[long_job_array == 0] = num_job_levels + 1 return long_job_array.astype(int), long_count_array.astype(int), \ long_fur_array.astype(int)
[docs]def assign_jobs_nbnf_job_changes(df, lower, upper, total_months, job_reduction_months, start_month, condition_list, sdict, tdict, fur_return=False): '''(Long_Form) Uses the job_gain_or_loss_table job count array for job assignments. Jobs counts may change up or down in any category for any time period. Handles furlough and return of employees, prior rights/conditions and restrictions and recall of initially furloughed employees. Inputs are precalculated outside of function to the extent possible. Returns tuple (long_assign_column, long_count_column, orig jobs, fur_data) inputs df (dataframe) long-form dataframe with ['eg', 'sg', 'fur', 'orig_job'] columns. lower (array) ndarry from make_lower_slice_limits function (calculation derived from cumsum of count_per_month function) upper (array) cumsum of count_per_month function total_months (integer or float) sum of count_per_month function output job_reduction_months (list) months in which the number of jobs is decreased from the get_job_reduction_months function start_month (integer) integer representing the month number to begin calculations, likely month of integration when there exists a delayed integration (from settings dictionary) condition_list (list) list of special job assignment conditions to apply, example: ['prex', 'count', 'ratio'] sdict (dictionary) the program settings dictionary (produced by the build_program_files script) tdict (dictionary) job tables dictionary (produced by the build_program_files script) fur_return (boolean) model employee recall from furlough if True using recall schedule from settings dictionary (allows call to mark_for_recall function) Assigns jobs so that original standalone jobs are assigned each month (if available) unless a better job is available through attrition of employees. Each month loop starts with the lowest job number. For each month and for each job level: 1. assigns nbnf (orig) job if job array (long_assign_column) element is zero (unassigned) and orig job number is less than or equal to the job level in current loop, then 2. assigns job level in current loop to unassigned slots from top to bottom in the job array (up to the count of that job level remaining after step one above) Each month range is determined by slicing using the lower and upper inputs. A comparison is made each month between the original job numbers and the current job loop number. Job assignments are placed into the monthly segment (assign_range) of the long_assign_column. The long_assign_column eventually becomes the job number (jnum) column in the dataset. Original job numbers of 0 indicate no original job and are treated as furloughed employees. No jobs are assigned to furloughees unless furlough_return option is selected. ''' orig = df.orig_job.values eg_data = sg_ident = fur_data = df.fur.values index_data = df.index.values lower_next = lower[1:] lower_next = np.append(lower_next, lower_next[-1]) upper_next = upper[1:] upper_next = np.append(upper_next, upper_next[-1]) # job assignment result array/column long_assign_column = np.zeros(total_months, dtype=int) # job counts result array/column long_count_column = np.zeros(total_months, dtype=int) num_of_months = upper.size num_of_job_levels = sdict['num_of_job_levels'] job_counts_each_month = add_zero_col(tdict['table'][0]) total_monthly_job_count = tdict['table'][1] loop_check = tdict['loop_check'] if sdict['delayed_implementation']: long_assign_column[:upper[start_month]] = \ orig[:upper[start_month]] job_change_months = sdict['jc_months'] if 'prex' in condition_list: sg_rights = np.array(sdict['sg_rights']) sg_jobs = np.transpose(sg_rights)[1].astype(int) sg_counts = np.transpose(sg_rights)[2].astype(int) sg_dict = dict(zip(sg_jobs, sg_counts)) # calc sg prex condition month range and concat sg_month_range = sdict['prex_month_range'] job_change_months = job_change_months.union(sg_month_range) # calc ratio condition month range and concat to # job_change_months if 'ratio' in condition_list: ratio_dict = sdict['ratio_dict'] ratio_jobs = list(ratio_dict.keys()) ratio_month_range = sdict['ratio_month_range'] r_mdict = {} for job in ratio_dict.keys(): r_mdict[job] = set(range(ratio_dict[job][2], ratio_dict[job][3] + 1)) # ratio_cond_month = min(ratio_month_range) job_change_months = job_change_months.union(ratio_month_range) snap_ratio_dict = sdict['snap_ratio_dict'] ratio_items = snap_ratio_dict.items() ratio_months = set(snap_ratio_dict.values()) ratio_on = sdict['snap_ratio_on_off_dict'] # calc capped count condition month range and concat if 'count' in condition_list: count_dict = sdict['count_ratio_dict'] count_jobs = sorted(count_dict.keys()) cr_mdict = {} for job in count_jobs: cr_mdict[job] = set(range(count_dict[job][3], count_dict[job][4] + 1)) dkeys = {'grp': 0, 'wgt': 1, 'cap': 2} count_month_range = sdict['count_ratio_month_range'] job_change_months = job_change_months.union(count_month_range) snap_count_dict = sdict['snap_count_dict'] count_items = snap_count_dict.items() count_months = set(snap_count_dict.values()) count_on = sdict['snap_count_on_off_dict'] if fur_return: recalls = sdict['recalls'] recall_months = set(get_recall_months(recalls)) job_change_months = job_change_months.union(recall_months) # convert job_change_months array to a set for faster membership test job_change_months = set(job_change_months) # loop through model integrated months: for month in range(start_month, num_of_months): L = lower[month] U = upper[month] L_next = lower_next[month] U_next = upper_next[month] orig_job_range = orig[L:U] assign_range = long_assign_column[L:U] job_count_range = long_count_column[L:U] fur_range = fur_data[L:U] eg_range = eg_data[L:U] sg_range = sg_ident[L:U] index_range = index_data[L:U] index_range_next = index_data[L_next:U_next] job = 1 if month in job_reduction_months: mark_for_furlough(orig_job_range, fur_range, month, total_monthly_job_count, num_of_job_levels) if fur_return and (month in recall_months): mark_for_recall(orig_job_range, num_of_job_levels, fur_range, month, recalls, total_monthly_job_count, standalone=False) # use numpy arrays for job assignment process for each month # loop_check is a pre-processed boolean array which prevents looping # through job levels after all remaining employees have been assigned while job <= num_of_job_levels and loop_check[month, job]: this_job_count = job_counts_each_month[month, job] if month in job_change_months: # **pre-existing condition** if 'prex' in condition_list: if (month in sg_month_range) and (job in sg_jobs): sg_jobs_avail = min(sg_dict[job], this_job_count) np.put(assign_range, np.where((assign_range == 0) & (sg_range == 1) & (fur_range == 0))[0][:sg_jobs_avail], job) # assign ratio count condition jobs if 'count' in condition_list: if month in count_months and (job, month) in count_items: if count_on[job]: # adjust count dict values to capture job counts count_dict = set_snapshot_weights(job, count_dict, orig_job_range, eg_range) if (job in count_jobs) and (month in cr_mdict[job]): cap = min(count_dict[job][dkeys['cap']], this_job_count) assign_cond_ratio(job, this_job_count, count_dict, orig_job_range, assign_range, eg_range, fur_range, cap=cap) # assign ratio condition jobs if 'ratio' in condition_list: if month in ratio_months and (job, month) in ratio_items: if ratio_on[job]: # adjust ratio dict values to capture job counts ratio_dict = set_snapshot_weights(job, ratio_dict, orig_job_range, eg_range) if (job in ratio_jobs) and (month in r_mdict[job]): assign_cond_ratio(job, this_job_count, ratio_dict, orig_job_range, assign_range, eg_range, fur_range) # TODO, (for developer) code speedup... # use when not in condition month and monotonic is true # (all nbnf distortions gone, no job count changes) # if (month > max(job_change_months)) # and monotonic(assign_range): # quick_stopepipe_assign() # assign no bump, no flush jobs... jobs_avail = count_avail_jobs(assign_range, job, this_job_count) np.put(assign_range, np.where((assign_range == 0) & (orig_job_range <= job) & (fur_range == 0))[0][:jobs_avail], job) # assign remaining jobs by list order jobs_avail = count_avail_jobs(assign_range, job, this_job_count) np.put(assign_range, np.where((assign_range == 0) & (fur_range == 0))[0][:jobs_avail], job) # insert corresponding job count assign_job_counts(job_count_range, assign_range, job, this_job_count) job += 1 # AFTER MONTHLY JOB LOOPS DONE, PRIOR TO NEXT MONTH: # pass down assign_range orig[L_next:U_next] = \ align_next(index_range, index_range_next, assign_range) # pass down fur_range # TODO (for developer) ** # eliminate this furlough pass down... # all fur data including future month fur status # can be precalculated with headcount, # job counts and fur return schedule # unassigned marked as fur mark_fur_range(assign_range, fur_range, num_of_job_levels) np.put(job_count_range, np.where(fur_range == 1)[0], np.count_nonzero(fur_range == 1)) fur_data[L_next:U_next] = \ align_next(index_range, index_range_next, fur_range) # not part of month loops, cleaning up fur data for output long_assign_column[long_assign_column == 0] = num_of_job_levels + 1 # orig is no longer a function output... # orig[orig == num_of_job_levels + 1] = 0 return long_assign_column.astype(int), long_count_column.astype(int), \ fur_data.astype(int)
[docs]def make_lower_slice_limits(month_counts_cumsum): '''for use when working with unique month data within larger array (slice). The top of slice is cumulative sum, bottom of each slice will be each value of this function output array. Output is used as input for nbnf functions. inputs month_counts_cumsum (numpy array) cumsum of count_per_month function output (employee count each month) ''' lower_list = sorted(month_counts_cumsum, reverse=True) lower_list.append(0) lower_list.sort() lower_list.pop() return np.array(lower_list).astype(int)
[docs]def create_snum_and_spcnt_arrays(jnums, job_level_count, monthly_population_counts, monthly_job_counts, lspcnt_remaining_only): '''Calculates: long_form seniority number ('snum', only active employees), seniority percentage ('spcnt', only active employees), list number ('lnum', includes furlougees), list percentage ('lspcnt', includes furloughees). Iterate through monthly jobs count data, capturing monthly_job_counts to be used as the denominator for percentage calculations. This function produces four ndarrays which will make up four columns in the long_form pandas dataset. Returns tuple (long_snum_array, long_spcnt_array, long_list_array, long_lspcnt_array) inputs jnums the long_form jnums result job_level_count number of job levels in model monthly_population_counts count_per_month function output monthly_job_counts total of all jobs each month derived from job_gain_loss_table function (table) >>> np.add.reduce(table, axis=1) lspcnt_remaining_only calculate list percentage based on employees remaining in each month including furloughees, otherwise percentage calculation denominator is the greater of employees remaining (incl fur) or jobs available ''' fur_level = job_level_count + 1 seq_nums = np.arange(1, monthly_population_counts[0] + 1) # TODO (for developer) # consider np.sum if monthly_population_counts is always np array monthly_population = sum(monthly_population_counts) long_snum_array = np.zeros(monthly_population) long_denom_array = np.zeros(monthly_population) long_list_array = np.zeros(monthly_population) long_lspcnt_array = np.zeros(monthly_population) long_lspcnt_denom = np.zeros(monthly_population) long_spcnt_array = np.zeros(monthly_population) L = 0 for i in range(len(monthly_population_counts)): this_month_count = monthly_population_counts[i] H = this_month_count + L if lspcnt_remaining_only: monthly_list_denom = monthly_population_counts[i] else: monthly_list_denom = max(monthly_job_counts[i], monthly_population_counts[i]) jnum_range = jnums[L: H] snum_range = long_snum_array[L: H] denom_range = long_denom_array[L: H] posit_range = long_list_array[L: H] lspcnt_denom_range = long_lspcnt_denom[L: H] spcnt_range = long_spcnt_array[L: H] non_fur_indexes = np.where((jnum_range > 0) & (jnum_range < fur_level))[0] np.put(snum_range, non_fur_indexes, seq_nums[:this_month_count]) np.copyto(denom_range, monthly_job_counts[i]) np.copyto(posit_range, seq_nums[:posit_range.size]) np.copyto(lspcnt_denom_range, monthly_list_denom) np.copyto(spcnt_range, snum_range / monthly_job_counts[i]) L += this_month_count long_spcnt_array = long_snum_array / long_denom_array long_spcnt_array[long_spcnt_array == 0] = np.nan long_snum_array[long_snum_array == 0] = np.nan long_lspcnt_array = long_list_array / long_lspcnt_denom return long_snum_array, long_spcnt_array, \ long_list_array.astype(int), long_lspcnt_array
# MAKE JOB COUNTS (without furlough counts)
[docs]def make_jcnts(job_count_lists): '''Make two arrays: 1. array of n lists of job counts for n number of eg job count input lists 2. array of one summation list of first array (total count of all eg jobs) The arrays above will not contain a furlough count. Returns tuple (eg_job_counts, combined_job_count) inputs job_count_lists list of the employee job count list(s). If the program is using the enhanced jobs option, this input will be the output of the convert_jcnts_to_enhanced function. Otherwise, it will be the eg_counts variable from the settings dictionary. Example return: .. code:: python (array([ [ 237, 158, 587, 1373, 352, 739, 495, 330, 784, 1457, 0, 471, 785, 0, 0, 0], [ 97, 64, 106, 575, 64, 310, 196, 130, 120, 603, 71, 72, 325, 38, 86, 46], [ 0, 0, 33, 414, 20, 223, 0, 0, 46, 395, 0, 28, 213, 0, 0, 0]]), array( [ 334, 222, 726, 2362, 436, 1272, 691, 460, 950, 2455, 71, 571, 1323, 38, 86, 46])) ''' eg_job_counts = [] for job_list in job_count_lists: j = list(job_list) eg_job_counts.append(j) eg_job_counts = np.array(eg_job_counts) combined_job_count = sum(np.array(eg_job_counts)) return eg_job_counts.astype(int), combined_job_count.astype(int)
[docs]def squeeze_increment(data, eg, low_num, high_num, increment): '''Move members of a selected eg (employee group) within a list according to an increment input (positive or negative) while retaining relative ordering within all eg groups. inputs data (dataframe) dataframe with empkey as index which at minimum includes an order column and an eg column eg (integer) employee group number code low_num and high_num indexes for the beginning and end of the list zone to be reordered increment (integer) the amount to add or subrtract from the appropriate eg order number increment can be positive (move down list) or negative (move up list - toward zero) Selected eg order numbers within the selected zone (as a numpy array) are incremented - then the entire group order numbers are reset within the zone using scipy.stats.rankdata. The array is then assigned to a dataframe with empkeys as index. ''' L = low_num - 1 H = high_num if H <= L: return if L < 0: L = 0 idx_arr = np.array(data.new_order).astype(int) eg_arr = np.array( np.putmask(idx_arr[L:H], eg_arr[L:H] == eg, idx_arr[L:H] + increment) idx_arr[L:H] = st.rankdata(idx_arr[L:H], method='ordinal') + L return idx_arr
[docs]def squeeze_logrithmic(data, eg, low_value, high_value, log_factor=1.5, put_segment=1, direction='d'): '''perform a log squeeze (logrithmic-based movement of one eg (employee group), determine the closest matching indexes within the rng to fit the squeeze, put the affected group in those indexes, then fill in the remaining slots with the other group(s), maintaining orig ordering within each group at all times inputs data (dataframe) a dataframe indexed by empkey with at least 2 columns: employee group (eg) and order (order) eg (employee code integer) the employee group to move low_val and high_val (integers) integers marking the boundries (rng) for the operation (H must be greater than L) log_factor (float) determines the degree of 'logrithmic packing' put_segment (float) allows compression of the squeeze result (values under 1) direction (string) squeeze direction: "u" - move up the list (more senior) "d" - move down the list (more junior) ''' H = high_value L = low_value if put_segment <= 0: return if L < 0: L = 0 if H > len(data): H = len(data) rng = H - L if rng < 2: return rng_dummy = np.arange(L, H, dtype=np.int_) order_arr = np.array(data.new_order, dtype=np.float_) eg_arr = np.array(, dtype=np.int_) order_segment = order_arr[L - 1:H] eg_segment = eg_arr[L - 1:H] eg_count = np.count_nonzero(eg_segment == eg) if eg_count == 0: # if there are no members of the selected eg within the list segment, # do nothing and return the current order: return data.new_order.values log_result = np.logspace(0, log_factor, eg_count, endpoint=False) log_result = log_result - log_result[0] pcnt_result = (log_result / log_result[-1]) additive_arr = (pcnt_result * rng) * put_segment additive_arr = np.int16(additive_arr) if direction == 'd': put_nums = (H - additive_arr[::-1]) put_nums = get_indexes(put_nums) additive_arr = H - get_indexes(additive_arr)[::-1] - L else: put_nums = (additive_arr + L) put_nums = get_indexes(put_nums) additive_arr = get_indexes(additive_arr) np.put(order_segment, np.where(eg_segment == eg)[0], put_nums) rng_dummy = np.delete(rng_dummy, additive_arr) np.put(order_segment, np.where(eg_segment != eg)[0], rng_dummy) return order_arr.astype(int)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def get_indexes(in_arr): rank_bot_up = np.arange(in_arr.size) + np.min(in_arr) rank_top_dn = np.arange(in_arr.size - 1, -1, -1) c_up_arr = rank_bot_up - in_arr c_up = np.maximum(c_up_arr, 0) r_up = in_arr + c_up c_dn_arr = r_up + rank_top_dn - np.max(r_up) c_dn = np.maximum(c_dn_arr, 0) idx_arr = r_up - c_dn return idx_arr
[docs]def make_decile_bands(num_bands=40, num_returned_bands=10): '''creates an array of lower and upper percentile values surrounding a consistent schedule of percentile markers. If the user desires to sample data at every 10th percentile, this function provides selectiable bottom and top percentile limits surrounding each 10th percentile, or variable width sample ranges. num_bands input must be multiple of 5 greater than or equal to 10 and less than 10000. num_returned_bands input must be multiple of 5, equal to or less than the num_bands input, and num_bands/num_returned_bands must have no remainder. Used for selecting sample employees surrounding deciles (0, 10, 20 etc. percent levels). Top and bottom bands will be half of normal size. inputs num_bands Width of bands in percentage is determined by num_bands input. Input of 40 would mean bands 2.5% wide. (100/40) Top and bottom bands would be 1.25% wide. Ex. 0-1.25%, 8.75-11.25%, ... 98.75-100% num_returned_bands number of returned delineated sections. Must be a multiple of 5 less than or equal to the num_bands value with no remainder when divided into the num_bands value. (note: an input of 10 would result in 11 actual segments, one-half band at the top and bottom of list (0% and 100%), and 9 full bands surrounding each decile, 10% to 90%) ''' if num_bands < 10: print('input must be multiple of 5 greater than or equal to 10') return if num_bands % 5 != 0: print('input must be multiple of 5 greater than or equal to 10') return if (num_returned_bands > num_bands) or \ (num_bands % num_returned_bands != 0): print('num_returned_bands input must be <= num_bands and ' + 'num_bands / num_returned_bands must have no remainder') return cutter = (num_bands * 2) + 1 cuts = np.round(np.linspace(0, 1, cutter) * 100, 2) strider = 2 lower = list(cuts[strider - 1::strider]) upper = list(cuts[1::strider]) upper.append(100) lower = sorted(lower, reverse=True) lower.append(0) lower = sorted(lower) band_limits = np.array((lower, upper)) / 100 stride = int(num_bands / num_returned_bands) return band_limits.T[::stride]
[docs]def monotonic(sequence): '''test for stricly increasing array-like input May be used to determine when need for no bump, no flush routine is no longer required. If test is true, and there are no job changes, special rights, or furlough recalls, then a straight stovepipe job assignment routine may be implemented (fast). inputs sequence array-like input (list or numpy array ok) ''' seq_diff = np.diff(sequence) return np.all(seq_diff >= 0)
[docs]def get_month_slice(df, l, h): '''Convenience function to extract data for a particular month. Input is low and high indexes of target month data (within dataset containing many months) The input may also be an array (not limited to a dataframe). inputs df dataframe (or array) to be sliced l lower index of slice h upper index of slice ''' segment = df[l:h] return segment
# GET_RECALL_MONTHS (refactor to provide for no recall list)
[docs]def get_recall_months(list_of_recall_schedules): '''extract a sorted list of only the unique months containing a recall as defined within the settings dictionary recall schedules. input list_of_recall_schedules list of recall schedule lists, normally equal to the recalls variable from the settings dictionary ''' recall_months = [] for recall_sched in list_of_recall_schedules: recall_months.extend(list(range(recall_sched[2], recall_sched[3]))) recall_months = sorted(list(set(recall_months))) return np.array(recall_months).astype(int)
[docs]def get_job_change_months(job_changes): '''extract a sorted list of only the unique months containing a change in any job count as defined within the settings dictionary job change schedules input job_changes list of job change schedule lists, normally equal to the j_changes variable from the settings dictionary ''' month_list = [] for change in job_changes: month_list = np.concatenate((month_list, np.arange(change[1][0], change[1][1]))) month_list = np.unique(month_list) return month_list.astype(int)
[docs]def get_job_reduction_months(job_changes): '''extract a sorted list of only the unique months containing a reduction in any job count as defined within the settings dictionary job change schedules input job_changes list of job change schedule lists, normally equal to the j_changes variable from the settings dictionary ''' month_list = [] for change in job_changes: if change[2] < 0: month_list = np.concatenate((month_list, np.arange(change[1][0], change[1][1]))) month_list = np.unique(month_list).astype(int) return month_list
[docs]def set_snapshot_weights(job, ratio_dict, orig_rng, eg_range): '''Determine the job distribution ratios to carry forward during the ratio condition application period using actual jobs held ratios. likely called at implementation month by main job assignment function Count the number of jobs held by each of the ratio groups for each of the affected job level numbers. Set the weightings in the distribute function accordingly. inputs ratio_dict (dictionary) dictionary containing job levels as keys and ratio groups, weightings, month_start and month end as values. orig_rng (numpy array) month slice of original job array eg_range (numpy array) month slice of employee group code array ''' ratio_dict = copy.deepcopy(ratio_dict) wgt_list = [] for ratio_group in ratio_dict[job][0]: wgt_list.append(np.count_nonzero((orig_rng == job) & (np.isin(eg_range, ratio_group)))) ratio_dict[job][1] = tuple(wgt_list) return ratio_dict
[docs]def assign_cond_ratio(job, this_job_count, ratio_dict, orig_range, assign_range, eg_range, fur_range, cap=None): ''' Apply a job ratio assignment condition The main job assignment function calls this function at the appropriate months. This function applies a ratio for job assignment between ratio groups. Each ratio group may contain one or more employee groups. The number of jobs affected may be limited with the "cap" input. The ratio for job assignment is set with the inputs on the "ratio_cond" worksheet of the *settings.xlsx* input spreadsheet, using the "group" columns and the corresponding "weights" columns. Optionally, the ratio of jobs which exists during the "month_start" spreadsheet input may be captured and used for job assignment during the data model months when the ratio job assignment condition is applicable ("month_start" through "month_end"). The existing ratios are captured and used by setting the "snapshot" input cell to True for the appropriate basic job row. When using the snapshot option, any weightings designated within the "weights" columns will be ignored. There may be a mix of snapshot ratios and ratios set by the "weight" columns for use within the program. There may also be count-capped ratio assignments and straight ratio assignments within the same data model as long as the effective months and jobs do not overlap, but there may only be one row of ratio data for a job level within the same input worksheet. No bump, no flush rules apply when assigning jobs by ratio, meaning only job openings due to retirements, increases in job counts, or other openings will be assigned according to the ratio schedule. Employees previously holding a job affected by the ratio condition will not be displaced to allow an employee from a different ratio group to have that job when the ratio assignment period begins. Therefore, it may take some time for the desired ratio of job assignments to be achieved if it differs significantly from the actual ratio(s) when the time period of conditional job assignment begins. inputs job (integer or float) job level number this_job_count (integer or float) number of jobs available ratio_dict (dictionary) ratio condition dictionary, constructed with the build_program_files script and possibly modified by the set_snapshot_weights function if the "snapshot" option is set to True on the "ratio_cond" worksheet of the "settings.xlsx" input spreadsheet. orig_range (1d array) original job range Month slice of the orig_job column array (normally pertaining a specific month). assign_range (1d array) job assignment range Month slice of the assign_range column array eg_range (1d array) employee group range Month slice of the eg_range column array fur_range (1d array) furlough range Month slice of the fur_range column array cap (integer (or whole float)) if a count ratio job assignment is being used, this number represents the number of jobs affected by the conditional assignment. Available jobs above this amount are not affected. ''' ratio_groups = ratio_dict[job][0] weights = ratio_dict[job][1] quota = distribute(this_job_count, weights, cap=cap) mask_index = [] actual = [] assign_filter = ((assign_range == 0) & (fur_range == 0) & (orig_range <= job)) # find the indexes of each ratio group for grp in ratio_groups: grp_mask = np.isin(eg_range, grp) mask_index.append(grp_mask) actual.append(np.count_nonzero(assign_filter & grp_mask)) # the counts variable is a list of job counts to be assigned the # ratio groups. The counts include employees already holding the job # from the previous month plus additional to try to meet quotas. if cap: counts = eg_quotas(quota, actual, cap=cap, this_job_count=this_job_count) else: counts = eg_quotas(quota, actual) i = 0 for i in range(len(ratio_groups)): # assign jobs to employees within each ratio group who already hold # that job or better (no bump no flush) np.put(assign_range, np.where(assign_filter & mask_index[i])[0][:counts[i]], job) # count how many jobs were assigned to this ratio group by no bump # no flush used = np.count_nonzero((assign_range == job) & (np.isin(eg_range, ratio_groups[i]))) # determine how many remain for assignment within the ratio group remaining = counts[i] - used # assign the remaining jobs by seniority within the ratio group np.put(assign_range, np.where((assign_range == 0) & (fur_range == 0) & (mask_index[i]))[0][:remaining], job) i += 1
[docs]def mark_for_recall(orig_range, num_of_job_levels, fur_range, month, recall_sched, jobs_avail, standalone=True, eg_index=0, method='sen_order', stride=2): '''change fur code to non-fur code for returning employees according to selected method (seniority order, every nth furloughee, or random) note: function assumes it is only being called during a recall month inputs orig_range original job range num_of_job_levels number of job levels in model, normally from settings dictionary fur_range current month slice of fur data month current month (loop) number recall sched list(s) of recall schedule (recall amount/month, recall start month, recall end month) jobs_avail total number of jobs for each month array, job_gain_loss_table function output [1] standalone (boolean) This function may be used with both standalone and integrated dataset generation. Set this variable to True for use within standalone dataset calculation, False for integrated dataset calculation routine. eg_index (integer) selects the proper recall schedule for standalone dataset generation, normally from a loop increment. The recall schedule is defined in the settings dictionary. set to zero for an integrated routine (integrated routine uses a global recall schedule) method means of selecting employees to be recalled default is by seniority order, most senior recalled first other options are: stride: i.e. every other nth employee. (note: could be multiple strides per month if multiple recall lists are designated). random: use shuffled list of furloughees stride set stride if stride option for recall selected. default is 2. ''' active_count = np.count_nonzero(fur_range == 0) excess_job_slots = jobs_avail[month] - active_count if excess_job_slots > 0: for sched in recall_sched: if month not in np.arange(sched[2], sched[3]): continue if standalone: this_eg_recall_amount = sched[1][eg_index] if this_eg_recall_amount == 0: continue recalls_this_month = min(this_eg_recall_amount, excess_job_slots) else: recalls_this_month = min(sched[0], excess_job_slots) fur_indexes = np.where(fur_range == 1)[0] if method == 'sen_order': np.put(fur_range, fur_indexes[:recalls_this_month], 0) np.put(orig_range, fur_indexes[:recalls_this_month], num_of_job_levels + 1) if method == 'stride': np.put(fur_range, fur_indexes[::stride][:recalls_this_month], 0) np.put(orig_range, fur_indexes[::stride][:recalls_this_month], num_of_job_levels + 1) if method == 'random': fur_indexes == np.random.shuffle(fur_indexes) fur_range[fur_indexes[:recalls_this_month]] = 0 orig_range[fur_indexes[:recalls_this_month]] = \ num_of_job_levels + 1 excess_job_slots -= recalls_this_month if excess_job_slots == 0: return
[docs]def mark_for_furlough(orig_range, fur_range, month, jobs_avail, num_of_job_levels): '''Assign fur code to employees when count of jobs is less than count of active employees in inverse seniority order and assign furloughed job level number. note: normally only called during a job change month though it will do no harm if called in other months inputs orig_range current month slice of jobs held fur_range current month slice of fur data month current month (loop) number jobs_avail total number of jobs for each month array, job_gain_loss_table function output [1] num_of_job_levels from settings dictionary, used to mark fur job level as num_of_job_levels + 1 ''' active_count = np.count_nonzero(fur_range == 0) excess_job_slots = jobs_avail[month] - active_count if excess_job_slots >= 0: return elif excess_job_slots < 0: non_fur_indexes = np.where(fur_range == 0)[0] np.put(fur_range, non_fur_indexes[excess_job_slots:], 1) np.put(orig_range, non_fur_indexes[excess_job_slots:], num_of_job_levels + 1)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def mark_fur_range(assign_range, fur_range, job_levels): '''apply fur code to current month fur_range based on job assignment status inputs assign_range current month assignment range (array of job numbers, 0 indicates no job) fur_range current month fur status (1 means furloughed, 0 means not furloughed) job_levels number of job levels in model (from settings dictionary) ''' for i in range(assign_range.size): if assign_range[i] == 0: fur_range[i] = 1 if assign_range[i] > 0: if assign_range[i] <= job_levels: fur_range[i] = 0
# ALIGN FILL DOWN (all future months)
[docs]def align_fill_down(l, u, long_indexed_df, long_array): '''Data align current values to all future months (short array segment aligned to long array) This function is used to set the values from the last standalone month as the initial data for integrated dataset computation when a delayed implementation exists. uses pandas df auto align - relatively slow TODO (for developer) - consider an all numpy solution inputs l, u (integers) current month slice indexes (from long df) long_indexed_df (dataframe) empty long dataframe with empkey indexes long_array (array) long array of multiple month data (orig_job, fur_codes, etc) declare long indexed df outside of function (input). grab current month slice for array insertion (copy). chop long df to begin with current month (copy). assign array to short df. data align short df to long df (chopped to current month and future). copy chopped df column as array to long_array return long_array ''' short_df = long_indexed_df[l:u].copy() short_df['x'] = long_array[l:u] # chopped_df begins with a defined index (row), normally the begining of # a delayed implementation month chopped_df = long_indexed_df[l:].copy() # data align short_df to chopped_df chopped_df['x'] = short_df['x'] result_array = chopped_df.x.values result_size = result_array.size np.copyto(long_array[-result_size:], result_array) return long_array
# ALIGN NEXT (month)
[docs]@jit def align_next(this_index_arr, next_index_arr, these_vals_arr): '''"Carry forward" data from one month to the next. Compare indexes (empkeys) from one month to the next month. When matching index is found, assign corresponding index value to new result array. Effectively finds the remaining employees (not retired) in the next month and copies the target column data values for them from current month data into the next months data. inputs this_index_arr (array) current month index of unique employee keys next_index_arr (array) next month index of unique employee keys (a subset of this_index_arr) these_vals_arr (array) the data column segment (attribute) to carry forward ''' this_len = this_index_arr.size next_len = next_index_arr.size result = np.empty(next_len) j = 0 for i in range(this_len): if this_index_arr[i] == next_index_arr[j]: result[j] = these_vals_arr[i] j += 1 return result
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def count_avail_jobs(assign_range, job, this_job_count): '''use numba to loop through the job assignment range and count the number of jobs in a specified job level previously assigned from the previous month, then subtract result from the total job level positions count. This result identifies the number of openings available for the current month. inputs assign_range (array) monthly slice of job assignment array job (integer) job level being tested this_job_count (integer) total job positions count for the job being tested ''' count = 0 for j in assign_range: if j == job: count += 1 return this_job_count - count
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def assign_job_counts(job_count_range, assign_range, job, this_job_count): '''assign job counts to job count array month slice inputs job_count_range (array) month slice of long job count array assign_range (array) month slice of long job assignment array job (integer) job level number this_job_count (integer) job count alloted for job level ''' for i in range(assign_range.size): if assign_range[i] == job: job_count_range[i] = this_job_count
# DISTRIBUTE (simple)
[docs]def distribute(available, weights, cap=None): '''proportionally distribute 'available' according to 'weights' usage example: .. code:: python distribute(334, [2.48, 1]) returns distribution as a list, rounded as integers: .. code:: python [238, 96] inputs available (integer) the count (number) to divide weights (list) relative weighting to be applied to available count for each section. numbers may be of any size, integers or floats. the number of resultant sections is the same as the number of weights in the list. cap (integer) limit distribution total to this amount, if less than the "available" input. ''' if cap: if cap < available: available = cap bin_counts = [] total_weights = 0 for weight in weights: total_weights += weight for weight in weights: if weight: p = weight / total_weights this_bin_count = int(round(p * available)) else: this_bin_count = 0 bin_counts.append(this_bin_count) total_weights -= weight available -= this_bin_count return bin_counts
# MAKE PARTIAL JOB COUNT LIST (prior to implementation month)
[docs]def make_delayed_job_counts(imp_month, delayed_jnums, lower, upper): '''Make an array of job counts to be inserted into the long_form job counts array of the job assignment function. The main assignment function calls this function prior to the implementation month. The array output of this function is inserted into what will become the job count column. These jobs are from the standalone job results. The job count column displays a total monthly count of the job in the corresponding jnum (job number) column. inputs imp_month (integer) implementation month, defined by settings dictionary delayed_jnums (numpy array) array of job numbers, normally data from the start of the model through the implementation month lower (numpy array) array of indexes marking the beginning of data for each month within a larger array of stacked, multi-month data upper (numpy array) array of indexes marking the end of data for each month ''' imp_high = upper[imp_month] stand_job_counts = np.zeros(imp_high) job_numbers = sorted(list(set(delayed_jnums[:imp_high]))) for month in range(imp_month + 1): low = lower[month] high = upper[month] jnums_range = delayed_jnums[low:high] stand_range = stand_job_counts[low:high] for job in job_numbers: job_indexes = np.where(jnums_range == job)[0] np.put(stand_range, job_indexes, job_indexes.size) return stand_job_counts
[docs]def job_gain_loss_table(months, job_levels, init_job_counts, job_changes, standalone=False): '''Make two arrays of job tally information. The first array has a row for each month in the model, and a column for each job level (excluding furlough). This array provides a count for each job for each month of the model accounting for changes provided by the job change schedules defined by the settings dictionary. The second array is a one-dimensional array containing the sum for all jobs for each month of the model. inputs months (integer) number of months in model job_levels (integer) number of job levels in model (excluding furlough level) init_job_counts (tuple of two numpy arrays) initial job counts. Output from the make_jcnts function, essentially an array of the job count lists for each employee group and an array of the combined counts. job_changes (list) The list of job changes from the settings dictionary. standalone (boolean) if True, use the job count lists for the separate employee groups, otherwise use the combined job count Returns tuple (job_table, monthly_job_totals) ''' table_list = [] monthly_totals = [] if standalone: this_list_of_counts = init_job_counts[0] else: this_list_of_counts = [init_job_counts[1]] sep_index = 0 for counts in this_list_of_counts: this_job_table = np.zeros((months, job_levels)) this_job_table[:] = counts job_list = [] start = [] end = [] gain_loss = [] for change in job_changes: jnum = int(change[0]) start_mth = int(change[1][0]) end_mth = int(change[1][1]) total_change = change[2] eg_dist = change[3] job_list.append(jnum) start.append(start_mth) end.append(end_mth) if standalone: delta = eg_dist[sep_index] else: delta = total_change gain_loss.append(delta) if this_job_table[0][jnum - 1] + delta < 0: print('Group ' + str(sep_index + 1) + ' ERROR: job_gain_loss_table function: \n' + 'job reduction below zero, job ' + str(jnum) + ', final job total is ' + str(this_job_table[0][jnum - 1] + delta) + ', fur delta input: ' + str(delta) + ', start count: ' + str(this_job_table[0][jnum - 1]) + ' job_levels: ' + str(job_levels)) for i in range(len(job_changes)): col = job_list[i] - 1 col_change_range = this_job_table[start[i]:end[i], col] fill_down_col_range = this_job_table[end[i]:, col] calculated_additives = \ np.linspace(0, gain_loss[i], end[i] - start[i] + 1)[1:].astype(int) np.copyto(this_job_table[start[i]:end[i], col], col_change_range + calculated_additives) this_job_table[end[i]:, col] = fill_down_col_range + \ calculated_additives[-1:] job_total_each_month = np.add.reduce(this_job_table, axis=1) table_list.append(this_job_table) monthly_totals.append(job_total_each_month) sep_index += 1 job_table = np.array(table_list) monthly_job_totals = np.array(monthly_totals) if not standalone: job_table = job_table[0] monthly_job_totals = monthly_job_totals[0] return job_table.astype(int), monthly_job_totals.astype(int)
# Convert to enhanced from basic job levels
[docs]def convert_to_enhanced(eg_job_counts, j_changes, job_dict): '''Convert employee basic job counts to enhanced job counts (includes full-time and part-time job level counts) and convert basic job change schedules to enhanced job change schedules. Returns tuple (enhanced_job_counts, enhanced_job_changes) inputs eg_job_counts A list of lists of the basic level job counts for each employee group. Each nested list has a length equal to the number of basic job levels. example: .. code:: python [[197, 470, 1056, 412, 628, 1121, 0, 0], [80, 85, 443, 163, 96, 464, 54, 66], [0, 26, 319, 0, 37, 304, 0, 0]] j_changes input from the settings dictionary describing change of job quantity over months of time (list) example: .. code:: python [1, [35, 64], 87, [80, 7, 0]] [[job level, [start and end month], total job count change, [eg allotment of change for standalone calculations]] job_dict conversion dictionary for an enhanced model. This is the "jd" key value from the settings dictionary. It uses the basic job levels as the keys, and lists as values which containin the new full- and part-time job level numbers and the percentage of basic job counts to be converted to full-time jobs. example: .. code:: python {1: [1, 2, 0.6], 2: [3, 5, 0.625], 3: [4, 6, 0.65], 4: [7, 8, 0.6], 5: [9, 12, 0.625], 6: [10, 13, 0.65], 7: [11, 14, 0.65], 8: [15, 16, 0.65]} ''' # job changes section # .................................................. enhanced_job_changes = [] for jc in j_changes: job = jc[0] temp1 = [] temp2 = [] # ft refers to full-time, pt is part-time ft = job_dict[job][2] pt = 1 - ft # full-time calculation for this job change temp1 = list([job_dict[job][0], jc[1], np.around(jc[2] * ft).astype(int), list(np.around(np.array(jc[3]) * ft).astype(int))]) # part-time calculation for this job change temp2 = list([job_dict[job][1], jc[1], np.around(jc[2] * pt).astype(int), list(np.around(np.array(jc[3]) * pt).astype(int))]) # add full-time change to changes list enhanced_job_changes.append(temp1) # add part-time changes to changes list enhanced_job_changes.append(temp2) # job counts section # ............................................... enhanced_job_counts = [] for job_list in eg_job_counts: this_list = [] new_dict = {} for job in list(job_dict.keys()): # grab full-time job number as key, calculate count, set as value new_dict[job_dict[job][0]] = \ np.around(job_list[job - 1] * job_dict[job][2]).astype(int) # same for part-time new_dict[job_dict[job][1]] = \ np.around(job_list[job - 1] * (1 - job_dict[job][2])).astype(int) # sort keys and then assign corresponding values to list for key in sorted(new_dict.keys()): this_list.append(new_dict[key]) # add list to list of lists enhanced_job_counts.append(this_list) return enhanced_job_counts, enhanced_job_changes
[docs]def max_of_nested_lists(nested_list, return_min=False): '''Find the maximum value within a list of lists (or tuples or arrays). The function may optionally return the minimum value within nested containers. inputs nested_list (list, tuple, or array) nested container input return_min (boolean) if True, return minimum of nested_list input (vs. max) ''' result_list = [] if not return_min: for lst in nested_list: result_list.append(max(lst)) return max(result_list) else: for lst in nested_list: result_list.append(min(lst)) return min(result_list)
[docs]def clip_ret_ages(ret_age_dict, init_ret_age, dates_long_arr, ages_long_arr): '''Clip employee ages in employee final month to proper retirement age if the model includes an increasing retirement age over time inputs ret_age_dict (dictionary) dictionary of retirement increase date to new retirement age as defined in settings dictionary init_ret_age initial retirement age prior to any increase dates_long_arr (numpy array) array of month dates (long form, same value during each month) ages_long_arr (numpy array) array of employee ages (long form) ''' date_list = [] ret_age_list = [init_ret_age] prev = 0 for date, month_add in ret_age_dict.items(): month_yrs = month_add * (1 / 12) date_list.append(np.datetime64(pd.to_datetime(date))) ret_age_list.append(month_yrs + init_ret_age + prev) prev += month_yrs date_list.append(np.datetime64(pd.to_datetime(dates_long_arr.max()))) date_arr = np.array(date_list) ret_age_arr = np.array(ret_age_list) for date, age in zip(date_arr, ret_age_arr): clip_count = np.where(dates_long_arr < date)[0].size ages_long_arr[:clip_count] = np.clip(ages_long_arr[:clip_count], 0, age) return ages_long_arr
[docs]def clear_dill_files(): '''remove all files from 'dill' folder. used when changing case study, avoids possibility of file from previos calculations being used by new study ''' if os.path.isdir('dill/'): filelist = [f for f in os.listdir('dill/') if f.endswith('.pkl')] for f in filelist: os.remove('dill/' + f)
[docs]def load_datasets(other_datasets=['standalone', 'skeleton', 'edit', 'hybrid']): '''Create a dictionary of proposal names to corresponding datasets. The datasets are generated with the RUN_SCRIPTS notebook. This routine reads the names of the case study proposals from a pickled dataframe ('dill/proposal_names.pkl'), created by the script. It then looks for the matching stored datasets within the dill folder. The datasets are loaded into a dictionary, using the proposal names as keys. The dictionary allows easy reference to datasets from the Jupyter notebook and from within functions. input other_datasets (list) list of datasets to load in addition to those computed from the proposals (from the case-specific proposals.xlsx Excel file) ''' # create ordered dictionary ds_dict = od() # read stored dataframe proposals_df = pd.read_pickle('dill/proposal_names.pkl') # make a list of the proposal names proposal_names = list(proposals_df.proposals) # add the other dataset names proposal_names.extend(other_datasets) # read and assign the datasets to the dictionary for ws in proposal_names: if ws not in other_datasets or ws in ['edit', 'hybrid']: ws_ref = 'ds_' + ws else: ws_ref = ws try: ds_dict[ws] = pd.read_pickle('dill/' + ws_ref + '.pkl') except OSError: # if dataset doesn't exist, pass and notify user print('dataset for proposal "' + ws + '" not found in dill folder') if ws == 'edit': print('"edit" proposal is produced with the editor tool.\n') if ws == 'hybrid': print('"hybrid" proposal is generated with the "build_list"' + ' function within the module\n') print('datasets loaded (dictionary keys):', list(ds_dict.keys()), '\n') return ds_dict
[docs]def make_preimp_array(ds_stand, ds_integrated, imp_high, compute_cat, compute_pay): '''Create an ordered numpy array of pre-implementation data gathered from the pre-calculated standalone dataset and a dictionary to keep track of the information. This data will be joined with post_implementation integrated data and then copied into the appropriate columns of the final integrated dataset. inputs ds_stand (dataframe) standalone dataset ds_integrated (dataframe) dataset ordered for proposal imp_high highest index (row number) from implementation month data (from long-form dataset) compute_cat (boolean) if True, compute and append a job category order column compute_pay (boolean) if True, compute and append a monthly pay column and a career pay column ''' key_cols = ['mnum', 'empkey'] imp_cols = ['mnum', 'empkey', 'job_count', 'orig_job', 'jnum', 'lnum', 'lspcnt', 'snum', 'spcnt', 'rank_in_job', 'jobp', 'fur'] if compute_cat: imp_cols.append('cat_order') if compute_pay: imp_cols.extend(['mpay', 'cpay']) # only include columns from col_list which exist in ds_stand filtered_cols = list(set(imp_cols).intersection(ds_stand.columns)) # grab appropriate columns from standalone dataset up to end of # implementation month initiate a 'key' column to save assignment # time below ds_stand = ds_stand[filtered_cols][:imp_high].copy() # grab the 'mnum' and 'empkey' columns from the ordered dataset to # form a 'key' column with unique values. # The ds_temp dataframe is used to sort the ds_stand dataframe. ds_temp = ds_integrated[key_cols][:imp_high].copy() # make numpy arrays out of column values for fast 'key' column generation stand_emp = ds_stand.empkey.values * 1000 stand_mnum = ds_stand.mnum.values temp_emp = ds_temp.empkey.values * 1000 temp_mnum = ds_temp.mnum.values # assign 'key' columns ds_stand['key'] = stand_emp + stand_mnum ds_temp['key'] = temp_emp + temp_mnum # now that the 'key' columns are in place, we don't need or # want the key making columns. # get ds_stand columns except for key making columns ('mnum', 'empkey') stand_cols = list(set(ds_stand.columns).difference(key_cols)) # redefine ds_stand to include original columns less key making columns ds_stand = ds_stand[stand_cols] # redefine ds_temp to only include 'key' column (retains index) ds_temp = ds_temp[['key']] # merge standalone data to integrated list ordered ds_temp df, # using the unique 'key' column values. # this will generate standalone data ordered to match the employee order # from the integrated dataset ds_temp = pd.merge(ds_temp, ds_stand, on='key') # now get rid of the 'key' column temp_cols = list(set(ds_temp.columns).difference(['key'])) # re-order the ds_temp columns according to the imp_cols order ordered_cols = [] for col in imp_cols: if col in temp_cols: ordered_cols.append(col) ds_temp = ds_temp[ordered_cols] # convert the ds_temp dataframe to a 2d numpy array for fast # indexing and retrieval stand_arr = ds_temp.values.T # construct a dictionary of columns to numpy row indexes values = np.arange(len(ordered_cols)) delay_dict = od(zip(ordered_cols, values)) # make a numpy array as wide as the stand_arr and # as long as the integrated dataset final_array = np.zeros((len(ordered_cols), len(ds_integrated))) # assign the standalone data to the final_array. The data will extend # in each column up to the imp_high index for col in ordered_cols: final_array[delay_dict[col]][:imp_high] = stand_arr[delay_dict[col]] return ordered_cols, delay_dict, final_array
[docs]def make_cat_order(ds, table): '''make a long-form "cat_order" (global job ranking) column This function assigns a global job position value to each employee, considering the modeled job level hierarchy and the job count within each level. For example, if a case study contains 3 job levels with 100 jobs in each level, an employee holding a job in the middle of job level 2 would be assigned a cat_order value of 150. Category order for standalone employee groups is "normalized" to an integrated scale by applying *standalone* job level percentage (relative position within a job level) to the *integrated* job level counts. This process allows "apples to apples" comparison between standalone and integrated job progression. Standalone cat_order will only reflect job levels available within the standalone scenario. If the integrated model contains job levels which do not exist within a standalone employee group model, standalone cat_order results will exclude the respective job level rank segments and will rank the existing standalone data according to the integrated ranking scale. The routine creates numpy array lookup tables from integrated job level count data for each month of the model. The tables are the source for count and additive information which is used to calculate a rank number within job level and cumulative job count additives. Month number and job number arrays (from the input ds (dataset)) are used to index into the numpy lookup arrays, producing the count and additive arrays. A simple formula is then applied to the percentage, count, and additive arrays to produce the cat_order array. inputs ds (dataframe) a dataset containing ['jobp', 'mnum', 'jnum'] columns table (numpy array) the first output from the job_gain_loss_table function which is a numpy array with total job counts for each job level for each month of the data model ''' ds = ds[['jobp', 'mnum', 'jnum']].copy() zero_col = np.zeros((table.shape[0], 1)).T cat_counts = table.T cat_counts = np.concatenate((cat_counts, zero_col), axis=0) cat_add = np.add.accumulate(table, axis=1).T cat_add = np.concatenate((zero_col, cat_add), axis=0) cat_add = cat_add[0:-1] cat_add = np.concatenate((cat_add, zero_col), axis=0) cat_add[-1] = np.nan cat_counts[-1] = np.nan mnum_arr = ds.mnum.values jnum_arr = ds.jnum.values - 1 jpcnt_arr = np.array(ds.jobp % 1) cnt_arr = cat_counts[jnum_arr, mnum_arr] add_arr = cat_add[jnum_arr, mnum_arr] cat_arr = (jpcnt_arr * cnt_arr) + add_arr return cat_arr
[docs]def make_tuples_from_columns(df, col_list, return_as_list=True, date_cols=[], return_dates_as_strings=False, date_format='%Y-%m-%d'): '''Combine row values from selected columns to form tuples. Returns a list of tuples which may be assigned to a new column. The length of the list is equal to the length of the input dataframe. Date columns may be first converted to strings before adding to output tuples if desired. inputs df (dataframe) input dataframe col_list (list) columns from which to create tuples return_as_list (boolean) if True, return a list of tuples date_cols (list) list of columns to treat as dates return_dates_as_strings (boolean) if True, for columns within the data_cols input, convert date values to string format date_format (string) string format of converted date columns ''' i = 0 col_list = col_list[:] for col in col_list: if col in date_cols and return_dates_as_strings: col_list[i] = list(df[col].dt.strftime(date_format)) else: col_list[i] = list(df[col]) i += 1 zipped = zip(*col_list) if return_as_list: return list(zipped) else: return tuple(zipped)
[docs]def make_dict_from_columns(df, key_col, value_col): '''Make a dictionary from two dataframe columns. One column will be the keys and the other the values. Unique key column values will be assigned dictionary values. If the key_col input contains duplicates, only the last duplicate key-value pair will exist within the returned dictionary. inputs df (dataframe) pandas dataframe containing the columns key_col (string (or possibly integer)) dataframe column which will become dictionary keys value_col (string (or possibly integer)) dataframe column which will become dictionary values ''' keys = df[key_col] values = df[value_col] return dict(zip(keys, values))
[docs]def make_lists_from_columns(df, columns, remove_zero_values=False, try_integers=False, as_tuples=False): '''combine columns row-wise into separate lists, return a list of lists example: +----+----+----+----+ | A | B | C | D | +----+----+----+----+ | 1 | 6 | 0 | 2 | +----+----+----+----+ | 8 | 4 | 5 | 3 | +----+----+----+----+ .. code:: python make_lists_from_columns(df, ["A", "B", "C"]) [[1, 6, 0], [8, 4, 5]] make_lists_from_columns(df, ["A", "B", "C"], remove_zero_values=True, as_tuples=True) [(1, 6), (8, 4, 5)] inputs df (dataframe) pandas dataframe containing columns to combine columns (list) list of column names try_integers (boolean) if True, if all column values are numerical, the output will be converted to integers remove_zero_values (boolean) if True, remove zero values from list or tuple outputs. The routine checks for zeros as a zero value or a list with a single zero value as_tuples (boolean) if True, output will be a list of tuples instead of a list of lists ''' df_cols = df[columns] arrays = list(df_cols.values) if try_integers: try: arrays = list(df_cols.values.astype(int)) except ValueError: pass column_list = [] for e in arrays: e = list(e) column_list.append(e) if remove_zero_values: for i in range(len(column_list)): column_list[i] = [grp for grp in column_list[i] if grp not in [[0], 0]] if as_tuples: column_list = [tuple(x) for x in column_list] return column_list
[docs]def make_group_lists(df, column_name): '''this function is used with Excel input to convert string objects and integers into Python lists containing integers. This function is used with the count_ratio_dict dictionary construction. The function works with one column at a time. Output is a list of lists which may be reinserted into a column of the dataframe. example: +----+----+----+-------+ | A | B | C | D | +----+----+----+-------+ | 1 | 6 | 0 | "2,3" | +----+----+----+-------+ | 8 | 4 | 5 | "5" | +----+----+----+-------+ .. code:: python make_group_lists(df, ["D"]) [[2, 3], [5]] This function allows the user to type the string 2,3 into an Excel worksheet cell and have it interpreted by seniority_list as [2, 3] inputs df (dataframe) dataframe containing Excel employee group codes column_name dataframe column name to convert ''' col = df[column_name] col_list = [] for item in col: this_list = [] try: for el in item.strip("'").split(","): this_list.append(int(el)) except AttributeError: if type(item) == list: this_list = item else: this_list.append(int(item)) col_list.append(this_list) return col_list
[docs]def make_eg_pcnt_column(df, recalc_each_month=False, mnum=0, inplace=True, trim_ones=True, fixed_col_name='eg_start_pcnt', running_col_name='eg_pcnt'): '''make an array derived from the input df reflecting one of the following options: Option A: The percentage of each employee within his/her original employee group for **a selected month**. The array values will be data-aligned with the df input index. This option is useful for tracking percentile cohorts throughout the model. Option B: The percentage of each employee within his/her original employee group **recalculated each month**. This has the effect of adjusting each group relative percentage for population changes due to retirements, furlough, etc. This option is useful for monthly percentile cohort comparisons. This function either adds a column to the input dataframe or returns an array of values, the same length as the input dataframe. Note: This function calculations include any furloughed employees assign to long-form dataframe (with default month 0 values aligned): .. code:: python make_eg_pcnt_column(df) inputs df (dataframe) pandas dataframe containing an employee group code column ('eg') and a month number column ('mnum'). The dataframe must be indexed with employee number code integers ('empkey') recalc_each_month (boolean) if True: recalculate separate employee group percentage each month of data model if False: calculate values for one month only - align those values by employee number (empkey) to the entire data model mnum (integer) if recalc_each_month is True, calculate values for this selected month number inplace (boolean) if True, add a column to the input dataframe with the calculated values. If False, return a numpy array of the calculated values. trim_ones (boolean) if True, replace 100% values (1.0) with a value slightly under 1.0 (.9999). This action assists construction of percentile quantiles for membership grouping purposes. exclude_fur (boolean) if True, remove furloughed employees from percentage calculations fixed_col_name (string) manually designated name for dataframe column when recalc_each_month input is False and inplace input is True. running_col_name (string) manually designated name for dataframe column when recalc_each_month input is True and inplace input is True. ''' if not recalc_each_month: # grab the first month of the input dataframe, only 'eg' column m0df = df[df.mnum == mnum][['eg']].copy() # make a running total for each employee group and assign to column m0df['eg_count'] = m0df.groupby('eg').cumcount() + 1 # make another column with the total count for each respective group m0df['eg_total'] = m0df.groupby('eg')['eg'].transform('count') # calculate the group percentage and assign to column m0df['eg_pcnt'] = m0df.eg_count / m0df.eg_total if trim_ones: m0df['eg_pcnt'].replace(to_replace=1, value=.9999, inplace=True) if inplace: # data align results to long_form input dataframe df[fixed_col_name] = m0df.eg_pcnt else: return df.eg_start_pcnt.values else: df_egs = df[['mnum', 'eg']].copy() df_egs['eg_count'] = df_egs.groupby(['mnum', 'eg']).cumcount() + 1 df_egs['eg_total'] = df_egs.groupby(['mnum', 'eg'])['eg'] \ .transform('count') df_egs['eg_pcnt'] = df_egs.eg_count / df_egs.eg_total if trim_ones: df_egs['eg_pcnt'].replace(to_replace=1, value=.9999, inplace=True) if inplace: df[running_col_name] = df_egs.eg_pcnt else: return df.eg_pcnt.values
[docs]def make_starting_val_column(df, attr, inplace=True): '''make an array of values derived from the input dataframe which will reflect the starting value (month zero) of a selected attribute. Each employee will be assigned the zero-month attribute value specific to that employee, duplicated in each month of the data model. This column allows future attribute analysis with a constant starting point for all employees. For example, retirement job position may be compared to initial list percentage. assign to long-form dataframe: .. code:: python df['start_attr'] = make_starting_val_column(df, attr) input df (dataframe) pandas dataframe containing the attr input column and a month number coulumn. The dataframe must be indexed with employee number code integers ('empkey') attr (column name in df) selected zero-month attribute (column) from which to assign values to the remaining data model months ''' all_mths_df = df[['mnum', attr]].copy() m0df = all_mths_df[all_mths_df.mnum == 0] all_mths_df['starting_value'] = m0df[attr] if inplace: df['start_' + attr] = all_mths_df.starting_value.values else: return all_mths_df.starting_value.values
[docs]def save_and_load_dill_folder(save_as=None, load_case=None, print_saved=False): '''Save the current "dill" folder to the "saved_dill_folders" folder, or load a saved dill folder as the "dill" folder if it exists. This function allows calculated case study pickle files (including the calculated datasets) to be saved to or loaded loaded from a "saved_dill_folders" folder. The "saved_dill_folders" folder is created if it does not already exist. The load_case input is a case study name. If the load_case input is set to None, the function will only save the current dill folder and do nothing else. If a load_case input is given, but is incorrect or no matching folder exists, the function will only save the current dill folder and do nothing else. The user may print a list of available saved dill folders (for loading) by setting the print_saved input to True. No other action will take place when this option is set to True. If an award has conditions which differ from proposed conditions, the settings dictionary must be modified and the dataset rebuilt. This function allows previously calculated datasets to be quickly retrieved and eliminates continual adjustment of the settings spreadsheet if the user switches between case studies (assuming the award has been determined and no more input adjustment will be made). inputs save_as (string) A user-specified folder prefix. If None, the current "dill" folder will be saved using the current case study name as a prefix. If set to a string value, the current dill folder will be saved with the "save_as" string value prefix. Example with the save_as variable set to "test1". The existing dill folder would be saved as: .. code:: python saved_dill_folders/test1_dill_folder load_case (string) The name of a case study. If None, the only action performed will be to save the current "dill" folder to the "saved_dill_folders" folder. If the load_case variable is a valid case study name and a saved dill folder for that case study exists, the saved dill folder will become the current dill folder (contents of the saved dill folder will be copied into the current dill folder). This action will occur after the contents of the current dill folder are copied into the "saved_dill_folders" folder. print_saved (boolean) option to print the saved folder prefixes only. This provides a quick check of the folders available to be loaded. No other action will take place with this option set to True. ''' os.makedirs('saved_dill_folders/', exist_ok=True) if print_saved: # get all saved folder prefixes and print this_dir = 'saved_dill_folders/' print('The saved dill folders available to load are:\n') print(' ' + str([name.replace('_dill_folder', '') for name in os.listdir(this_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(this_dir, name))])) print('\nNothing changed, set print_saved input to "False" if ' + 'you wish to save and/or load a folder\n') return try: # get current case study name case_df = pd.read_pickle('dill/case_dill.pkl') current_case_name = except OSError: current_case_name = 'copy' if save_as is None: # use case study name as prefix save_name = current_case_name if current_case_name == 'copy': print('"dill/case_dill.pkl" not found, ' + 'copying dill folder as "copy_dill_folder"\n') else: # set user-defined prefix save_name = save_as dill = 'dill/' dst = 'saved_dill_folders/' + save_name + '_dill_folder' # delete destination folder if it already exists if os.path.exists(dst): shutil.rmtree(dst) # copy dill folder to destination folder shutil.copytree(dill, dst) print('"' + current_case_name + '" dill folder copied to:\n\n ' + dst + '\n') if load_case: try: load_dill = 'saved_dill_folders/' + load_case + '_dill_folder' # if both a saved load_case folder and a dill folder exist, # delete the dill folder in preparation for the paste if os.path.exists(load_dill): if os.path.exists(dill): shutil.rmtree(dill) # copy load_case folder to dill folder (will fail if load_case # folder does not exist) shutil.copytree(load_dill, dill) # update case_dill.pkl file case_dill = pd.DataFrame({'case': load_case}, index=['value']) case_dill.to_pickle('dill/case_dill.pkl') # read the proposal names (dataset names) and print for user prop_df = pd.read_pickle('dill/proposal_names.pkl') proposal_names = list(prop_df.proposals) print('The dill folder contains the files previously saved as "' + load_case + '".') print('The "' + load_case + '" proposal names are:\n\n ' + str(proposal_names) + '\n') except OSError: print('\nError >>> problem finding a saved dill folder with a "' + load_case + '" prefix in ' + 'the "saved_dill_folders" folder.') print('\nThe dill folder contents remain unchanged.\n')
[docs]def add_zero_col(arr): '''Add a column of zeros as the first column in a 2d array. Output will be a numpy array. example: input array: .. code:: python array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], [40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49]]) output array: .. code:: python array([[ 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [ 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [ 0, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], [ 0, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], [ 0, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49]]) inputs arr (array) 2-dimensional numpy array ''' zero_col = np.zeros((arr.shape[0], 1)) arr = np.append(zero_col, arr, 1) return arr.astype(int)
[docs]def update_excel(case, file, ws_dict={}, sheets_to_remove=None): '''Read an excel file, optionally remove worksheet(s), add worksheets or overwrite worksheets with a dictionary of ws_name, dataframe key, value pairs, and write the excel file back to disk inputs case (string) the data model case name file (string) the excel file name without the .xlsx extension ws_dict (dictionary) dictionary of worksheet names as keys and pandas dataframes as values. The items in this dictionary will be passed into the excel file as worksheets. The worksheet name keys may be the same as some or all of the worksheet names in the excel file. In the case of matching names, the data from the input dict will overwrite the existing data (worksheet) in the excel file. Non-overlapping worksheet names/dataframe values will be added as new worksheets. sheets_to_remove (list) a list of worksheet names (strings) representing worksheets to remove from the excel workbook. It is not necessary to remove sheets which are being replaced by worksheet with the same name. ''' # read a single or multi-sheet excel file # (returns dict of sheet_name(s), dataframe(s)) path = 'excel/' + case + '/' + file + '.xlsx' # make a copy of file before modifying copy_excel_file(case, file, verbose=False) # get a dictionary from the excel file consisting of worksheet name keys # and worksheet contents as values (as dataframes) try: dict0 = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name=None) except OSError: print('Error: Unable to find "' + path + '"') return # all worksheets are now accessible as dataframes. # drop worksheets which match an element in the sheets_to_remove: if sheets_to_remove is not None: for ws_name in sheets_to_remove: dict0.pop(ws_name, None) # update worksheet dictionary with ws_dict (ws_dict values will override # existing values in the case of matching worksheet name keys): dict0.update(ws_dict) # write the updated dictionary back to excel... with pd.ExcelWriter(path, engine='xlsxwriter', datetime_format='yyyy-mm-dd', date_format='yyyy-mm-dd') as writer: for sheet_name, df_sheet in dict0.items(): df_sheet.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheet_name)
[docs]def copy_excel_file(case, file, return_path_and_df=False, revert=False, verbose=True): '''Copy an excel file and add '_orig' to the file name, or restore an excel file from the '_orig' copy. inputs case (string) the data model case name file (string) the excel file name without the .xlsx extension return_path_and_df (boolean) if True, return a tuple containing the file path as a string and the worksheet designated by the "file" input as a dataframe revert (boolean) if False, copy the excel file and add '_orig' to the file name. if True, restore the copied file and drop the '_orig' suffix verbose (boolean) if True, print a brief summary of the operation result ''' path_orig = 'excel/' + case + '/' + file + '_orig.xlsx' path = 'excel/' + case + '/' + file + '.xlsx' # copy file as <file>_orig.xlsx if not revert: try: if not os.path.isfile(path_orig): shutil.copyfile(path, path_orig) if verbose: print('\n"' + path + '" *copied* as "' + path_orig + '"') else: if verbose: print('\n"' + path_orig + '" file already exists (nothing copied)') except OSError: if verbose: print('\n"' + path + '" file *not found*') if return_path_and_df: try: return path, pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name=None) except OSError: print('\nproblem reading/returning ' + path + '"') return # restore <file>_orig.xlsx as <file>.xlsx if revert: try: if os.path.isfile(path_orig): os.remove(path) os.rename(path_orig, path) if verbose: print('\n"' + path_orig + '" *restored* as "' + path + '"') else: if verbose: print('\n"' + path_orig + '" file *not found*') except OSError: if verbose: print('\n' + path + ' file not found')
[docs]def anon_names(length=10, min_seg=3, max_seg=3, add_rev=False, df=None, inplace=False): '''Generate a list of random strings Output may be used to anonymize a dataset name column The length of the output strings will be determined by the min_seg and max_seg inputs. The segments (seg) are random 2-letter combinations of a consonant and a vowel. An additional random consonant or vowel will be added to the segment combinations, so the length of the output strings will always be an odd number. The min and max may be the same value to produce a list of strings of uniform length. Example: If the min_seg input is 1 and the max_seg input is 3, the output list will contain strings from 3 (2-letter seg + 1 random letter) to 7 characters. inputs length (integer) the length of the output list min_seg (integer) the minimum number of 2 letter segments to include in the output list max_seg (integer) the maximum number of 2 letter segments to include in the output list (must be => "min_seg" input) add_rev (boolean) add vowel-consonant combinations to the consonant-vowel segments. (this is not normally needed to produce random and readable strings) df (dataframe) optional short-form pandas dataframe input. If not None, use the length of the dataframe as the "length" input value inplace (boolean) if the "df" input is not None, insert the results directly into the input "lname" column. Caution: make a copy first! ''' segs = [] vowels = 'aeiou' letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' anon_list = [] for l in letters: for v in vowels: segs.append(l + v) if add_rev: rev_segs = [el[::-1] for el in segs if el[::-1] not in segs] segs.extend(rev_segs) segs.remove('fu') segs.remove('hi') segs.remove('cu') segs.remove('co') segs.remove('mo') rnd = len(segs) - 1 if df is not None: length = len(df) for n in range(length): anon = '' num_segs = random.randint(min_seg, max_seg) for i in range(num_segs): anon = anon + segs[random.randint(1, rnd)] anon = anon + letters[random.randrange(0, 25)] anon_list.append(anon) if not inplace: return anon_list else: df['lname'] = anon_list
[docs]def anon_empkeys(df, seq_start=10001, frame_num=10000000, inplace=False): '''Produce a list of unique, randomized employee numbers, catogorized by employee group number code. Output may be used to anonymize a dataset empkey column. Dataframe input (df) must contain an employee group (eg) column. inputs df (dataframe) short-form (master list) pandas dataframe containing an employee group code column seq_start (integer) this number will be added to each employee group cumulative count to "seed" the random employee numbers. These numbers will be shuffled within employee groups by the function for the output frame_num (integer) This number will be multiplied by each employee code and added to the employee group cumulative counts (added to the seq_start number), and should be much larger than the data model population to provide a constant length employee number (empkey) for all employees. inplace (boolean) if True, insert the results directly into the "empkey" column of the input dataframe. Caution: make a copy first! ''' df0 = df[['eg']].copy() df0['new_emp'] = (df0.groupby('eg').cumcount() + seq_start) +\ ( * frame_num) eg = emp = df0.new_emp.values for eg_num in np.unique(eg): emp_slice = emp[np.where(eg == eg_num)[0]] shuffled = np.random.permutation(emp_slice) np.put(emp, np.where(eg == eg_num)[0], shuffled) if inplace: df.empkey = emp else: return emp
[docs]def anon_dates(df, date_col_list, max_adj=5, positive_only=True, inplace=False): '''Add (or optionally, add or subtract) a random number of days to each element of a date attribute column. inputs df (dataframe) short-form (master list) pandas dataframe containing a date attribute column date_col_list (list) name(s) of date attribute column(s) to be adjusted (as a list of strings) Example: .. code:: python ['ldate', 'doh', 'dob'] max_adj (integer) the maximum number of days to add (or optionally subtract) from each element within the date column positive_only (boolean) if True limit the range of adjustment days from zero to the max_adj value. If False, limit the range of adjustment from negative max_adj value to positive max_adj value. inplace (boolean) if True, insert the results directly into the date column(s) of the input dataframe. Caution: make a copy first! ''' # p_adj is only positive adjustment # pn_adj is both positive and negative adjustment df0 = df.copy() if positive_only: adj_range = range(max_adj) # make arrays slightly longer than dataframe length else: adj_range = range(-max_adj, max_adj) adj = np.random.permutation(np.repeat(adj_range, int(len(df) / len(adj_range)) + 1)) df0['adjust'] = adj[:len(df)] days_adjust = pd.TimedeltaIndex(df0['adjust'], unit='D') for col in date_col_list: if inplace: df[col] = df0[col] + days_adjust else: df0[col] = df0[col] + days_adjust if not inplace: return df0[date_col_list]
[docs]def anon_pay(df, proportional=True, mult=1.0, inplace=False): '''Substitute pay table baseline rate information a proportional method or with a non-linear, non-proportional method. inputs df (dataframe) pandas dataframe containing pay rate date (dataframe representation of the "rates" worksheet from the pay_tables.xlsx workbook) proportional (boolean) if True, use the mult input to increase or decrease all of the "rates" worksheet pay data proportionally. If False, use a fixed algorithm to disproportionally adjust the pay rates. mult (integer or float) if the proportional input is True, multiply all pay rate values by this input value inplace (boolean) if True, replace the values within the original dataframe with the "anonomized" values. ''' df0 = df.copy() all_cols = df.columns.values.tolist() val_cols = [col for col in all_cols if type(col) == int] data = df0[val_cols].values if proportional: arr_mod = data * mult else: arr_mod = np.where(data > 0, (((((data - 17) / 1.4) + 20) / 1.3) - 5) * 1.1, 0) if inplace: df[val_cols] = arr_mod else: df0[val_cols] = arr_mod if not inplace: return df0[val_cols]
[docs]def sample_dataframe(df, n=None, frac=None, reset_index=False): '''Get a random sample of a dataframe by rows, with the number of rows in the returned sample defined by a count or fraction input. inputs df (dataframe) pandas dataframe for sampling n (integer) If not None, the count of the rows in the returned sample dataframe. The "n" input will override the "frac" input if both are not None. Will be clipped between zero and len(df) if input exceeds these boundries. frac (float) If not None, the size of the returned sample dataframe relative to the input dataframe. Will be ignored if "n" input is not None. Will be clipped between 0.0 and 1.0 if input exceeds these boundries. An input of .3 would randomly select 30% of the rows from the input dataframe. reset_index (boolean) If True, reset the output dataframe index If both the "n" and "frac" inputs are None, a random single row will be returned. The rows in the output dataframe will be sorted according to original order. ''' # set "frac" input to None if "n" input is not None (cannot use both # inputs at once) if (frac is None) and (n is None): return df if (frac is not None) and (n is not None): frac = None # make an order column for sorting after sample operation df['df_order'] = np.arange(len(df)) + 1 if n is not None: n = np.clip(n, 0, len(df)) df = df.sample(n=n) else: if frac is not None: frac = np.clip(frac, 0.0, 1.0) df = df.sample(frac=frac) # use order column to restore original order to sampled data df.sort_values('df_order', inplace=True) # get rid of utility order column df.pop('df_order') if reset_index: df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # recalculate "eg_order" column if it exists in dataframe try: df['eg_order'] = df.groupby('eg').cumcount() + 1 except: pass return df
[docs]def anon_master(case, empkey=True, name=True, date=False, sample=False, # empkey seq_start=10001, frame_num=10000000, # name min_seg=3, max_seg=3, add_rev=False, # date date_col_list=['ldate', 'doh'], max_adj=5, positive_only=True, date_col_list_sec=['dob'], max_adj_sec=5, positive_only_sec=True, # sample n=None, frac=None, reset_index=False): '''Specialized function to anonymize selected columns from a master.xlsx file and/or select a subset. All operations are inplace. The original master file is copied and saved as master_orig.xlsx. The default parameters will replace last names and employee keys with substitute values. Date columns, (doh, ldate, dob) will also be adjusted if the date input is set True and the proper column names are set as column list inputs. The function reads the original excel file, copies and saves it, modifies the original file as directed, and writes the results back to the original file. Subsequent dataset creation runs will use the modified data. The output master list will be sorted according to the original master list order. inputs case (string) the case study name empkey (boolean) if True, anonymize the empkey column name (boolean) if True, anonymize the lname column date (boolean) if True, anonymize date columns as disignated with the date_col_list and the date_col_list_sec inputs sample (boolean) if True, sample the dataframe if the n or frac inputs is/are not None seq_start (integer) beginning anonymous employee number portion of empkey frame_num (integer) large frame number which will contain all generated employee numbers. This number will be adjusted to begin with the appropriate employee group code min_seg (integer) minimum number of 2-character segments to include in the generated substitute last names. max_seg (integer) maximum number of 2-character segments to include in the generated substitute last names. add_rev (boolean) if True, add reversed, non-duplicated 2-character segments to the pool of strings for name construction. This is normally not necessary and will construct output strings with multiple consecutive consonants/vowels. date_col_list (list) list of date value columns to adjust. All columns in this list will be adjusted in a syncronized fashion, meaning a random day adjustment for each row will be applied to each row member of all columns. max_adj (integer) maximum random adjustment deviation, in days, from the original date(s) positive_only (boolean) if True, only adjust dates forward in time date_col_list_sec (list) a secondary list of date column(s) which will be adjusted independently from the date columns in the date_col_list max_adj_sec (integer) maximum random adjustment deviation, in days, from the original date(s) in the date_col_list_sec columns positive_only_sec (boolean) if True, only adjust dates forward in time (for secondary cols) n (integer or None) number of rows to sample if the sample input is True. This input will override the frac input frac (float (0.0 - 1.0) or None) decimal fraction (0.0 to 1.0) of the master list to sample, if the sample input is True and the n input is None reset_index (boolean) if True, reset the index of the output master list (zero-based integer index). Do not use this option normally because it will wipe out the empkey index of the master list. ''' inplace = True anon_cols = [] attributes = [empkey, name, date] if any(attributes): path, d = copy_excel_file(case, 'master', return_path_and_df=True) df = d['master'] if sample: df = sample_dataframe(df, n=n, frac=frac, reset_index=reset_index).copy() print('\n input master length:', len(d['master'])) print('sampled master length:', len(df)) if empkey: anon_empkeys(df, seq_start=seq_start, frame_num=frame_num, inplace=inplace) anon_cols.append('empkey') if name: anon_names(min_seg=min_seg, max_seg=max_seg, add_rev=add_rev, df=df, inplace=inplace) anon_cols.append('name') if date: if date_col_list: anon_dates(df, date_col_list, max_adj=max_adj, positive_only=positive_only, inplace=inplace) anon_cols.extend(date_col_list) if date_col_list_sec: anon_dates(df, date_col_list_sec, max_adj=max_adj_sec, positive_only=positive_only_sec, inplace=inplace) anon_cols.extend(date_col_list_sec) d['master'] = df with pd.ExcelWriter(path, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer: for ws_name, df_sheet in d.items(): df_sheet.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=ws_name) print('\n"' + path + '" anonymized!\n', ' columns: ', anon_cols, '\n')
[docs]def anon_pay_table(case, proportional=True, mult=1.0,): '''Anonymize the "rates" worksheet of the "pay_tables.xlsx" input file. The rates may be proportionally adjusted (larger or smaller) or disproportionally adjusted with a fixed algorithm. A copy of the original excel file is copied and saved as "pay_tables_orig.xlsx". All modifications are inplace. inputs case (string) the case name proportional (boolean) if True, use the mult input to increase or decrease all of the "rates" worksheet pay data proportionally. If False, use a fixed algorithm to disproportionally adjust the pay rates. mult (integer or float) if the proportional input is True, multiply all pay rate values by this input value ''' inplace = True path, d = copy_excel_file(case, 'pay_tables', return_path_and_df=True) df = d['rates'] anon_pay(df, proportional=proportional, mult=mult, inplace=inplace) d['rates'] = df with pd.ExcelWriter(path, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer: for ws_name, df_sheet in d.items(): df_sheet.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=ws_name) print('\nanon_pay_table routine complete')
[docs]def find_index_val(df1, df2, df2_vals, col1=None, col2=None): '''find a value in another dataframe with the same index of another given value in a dataframe. df1 index, df2 index, and the value columns must contain unique values. inputs df1 (dataframe) the first dataframe containing values to index match in another dataframe df2 (dataframe) the second dataframe with corresponding index values df2_vals (list) values to match ''' # initiate df1_vals list df1_vals = [] # set df1 value column, use first column if None if col1 is not None: column1 = df1[col1] else: column1 = df1[df1.columns[0]] # set df2 value column, use first column if None if col2 is not None: column2 = df2[col2] else: column2 = df2[df2.columns[0]] # find index for df1 value # find value in df2 with corresponding index from df1 for v in df2_vals: try: df1_idx = df2[column2 == v].index[0] result_val = column1.loc[df1_idx] # append df2 value to df1_vals list df1_vals.append(result_val) except KeyError: print('value ' + str(v) + ' error:', 'no corresponding index') return return df1_vals
[docs]def convert_to_hex(rgba_input): '''convert float rgba color values to string hex color values rgba = color values expressed as: red, green, blue, and (optionally) alpha float values rgba_input may be: 1. a single rgba list or tuple 2. a list or tuple containing rgba lists or rgba tuples 3. a dictionary of key: rgba values output is string hex color values in place of rgba values Examples: input single rgba value: .. code:: python sample_value = (.5, .3, .2) convert_to_hex(sample_value) '#7f4c33' input list: .. code:: python sample_list = [[0.65, 0.81, 0.89, 1.0], [0.31, 0.59, 0.77, 1.0], [0.19, 0.39, 0.70, 1.0], [0.66, 0.85, 0.55, 1.0]] convert_to_hex(sample_list) ['#a5cee2', '#4f96c4', '#3063b2', '#a8d88c'] input dict: .. code:: python sample_dict = {1: (.65, .45, .45, 1.), 2: [.60, .45, .45, 1.], 3: (.55, .45, .45, 1.)} convert_to_hex(sample_dict) {1: '#a57272', 2: '#99593a', 3: '#8c7249'} inputs rgba_input (tuple, list, or dictionary) input may be a single list or tuple OR a list of float rgba values as lists or tuples OR a dictionary with values as lists or tuples. Valid string hex values may also be passed as inputs and will be returned unchanged. ''' if type(rgba_input) in [list, tuple]: if type(rgba_input[0]) not in [list, tuple]: c0 = int(rgba_input[0] * 255) c1 = int(rgba_input[1] * 255) c2 = int(rgba_input[2] * 255) return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (c0, c1, c2) color_list = [] for rgba in rgba_input: if type(rgba) in [tuple, list]: c0 = int(rgba[0] * 255) c1 = int(rgba[1] * 255) c2 = int(rgba[2] * 255) color_list.append('#%02x%02x%02x' % (c0, c1, c2)) else: color_list.append(rgba) return color_list elif type(rgba_input) is dict: for key in rgba_input.keys(): if type(rgba_input[key]) in [tuple, list]: c = rgba_input[key] c0 = int(c[0] * 255) c1 = int(c[1] * 255) c2 = int(c[2] * 255) rgba_input[key] = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (c0, c1, c2) return rgba_input else: print('invalid convert_to_hex function input') return rgba_input
[docs]@jit(cache=True) def find_nearest(col_arr, value): idx = np.searchsorted(col_arr, value) if idx > 0 and (idx == len(col_arr) or np.fabs(value - col_arr[idx - 1]) < np.fabs(value - col_arr[idx])): return col_arr[idx - 1] else: return col_arr[idx]
# for stripplot, col2 will always be the integrated list original order values
[docs]@jit(cache=True) def cross_val(col1, value, col2): idx = np.searchsorted(col1, value) if idx > 0 and (idx == col1.size or np.fabs(value - col1[idx - 1]) < np.fabs(value - col1[idx])): nearest = col1[idx - 1] else: nearest = col1[idx] return col2[np.where(col1 == nearest)[0]][0]
[docs]def hex_dict(): '''returns a color name to hex code dictionary (no inputs)''' hex_dict = {'white': '#ffffff', 'azure': '#f0ffff', 'mintcream': '#f5fffa', 'snow': '#fffafa', 'ivory': '#fffff0', 'ghostwhite': '#f8f8ff', 'floralwhite': '#fffaf0', 'aliceblue': '#f0f8ff', 'lightcyan': '#e0ffff', 'honeydew': '#f0fff0', 'lightyellow': '#ffffe0', 'seashell': '#fff5ee', 'lavenderblush': '#fff0f5', 'whitesmoke': '#f5f5f5', 'oldlace': '#fdf5e6', 'cornsilk': '#fff8dc', 'linen': '#faf0e6', 'lightgoldenrodyellow': '#fafad2', 'lemonchiffon': '#fffacd', 'beige': '#f5f5dc', 'lavender': '#e6e6fa', 'papayawhip': '#ffefd5', 'mistyrose': '#ffe4e1', 'antiquewhite': '#faebd7', 'blanchedalmond': '#ffebcd', 'bisque': '#ffe4c4', 'paleturquoise': '#afeeee', 'moccasin': '#ffe4b5', 'gainsboro': '#dcdcdc', 'peachpuff': '#ffdab9', 'navajowhite': '#ffdead', 'palegoldenrod': '#eee8aa', 'wheat': '#f5deb3', 'powderblue': '#b0e0e6', 'aquamarine': '#7fffd4', 'lightgrey': '#d3d3d3', 'pink': '#ffc0cb', 'lightblue': '#add8e6', 'thistle': '#d8bfd8', 'lightpink': '#ffb6c1', 'lightskyblue': '#87cefa', 'palegreen': '#98fb98', 'lightsteelblue': '#b0c4de', 'khaki': '#f0d58c', 'skyblue': '#87ceeb', 'aqua': '#00ffff', 'cyan': '#00ffff', 'silver': '#c0c0c0', 'plum': '#dda0dd', 'gray': '#bebebe', 'lightgreen': '#90ee90', 'violet': '#ee82ee', 'yellow': '#ffff00', 'turquoise': '#40e0d0', 'burlywood': '#deb887', 'greenyellow': '#adff2f', 'tan': '#d2b48c', 'mediumturquoise': '#48d1cc', 'lightsalmon': '#ffa07a', 'mediumaquamarine': '#66cdaa', 'darkgray': '#a9a9a9', 'orchid': '#da70d6', 'darkseagreen': '#8fbc8f', 'deepskyblue': '#00bfff', 'sandybrown': '#f4a460', 'gold': '#ffd700', 'mediumspringgreen': '#00fa9a', 'darkkhaki': '#bdb76b', 'cornflowerblue': '#6495ed', 'hotpink': '#ff69b4', 'darksalmon': '#e9967a', 'darkturquoise': '#00ced1', 'springgreen': '#00ff7f', 'lightcoral': '#f08080', 'rosybrown': '#bc8f8f', 'salmon': '#fa8072', 'chartreuse': '#7fff00', 'mediumpurple': '#9370db', 'lawngreen': '#7cfc00', 'dodgerblue': '#1e90ff', 'yellowgreen': '#9acd32', 'palevioletred': '#db7093', 'mediumslateblue': '#7b68ee', 'mediumorchid': '#ba55d3', 'coral': '#ff7f50', 'cadetblue': '#5f9ea0', 'lightseagreen': '#20b2aa', 'goldenrod': '#daa520', 'orange': '#ffa500', 'lightslategray': '#778899', 'fuchsia': '#ff00ff', 'magenta': '#ff00ff', 'mediumseagreen': '#3cb371', 'peru': '#cd853f', 'steelblue': '#4682b4', 'royalblue': '#4169e1', 'slategray': '#708090', 'tomato': '#ff6347', 'darkorange': '#ff8c00', 'slateblue': '#6a5acd', 'limegreen': '#32cd32', 'lime': '#00ff00', 'indianred': '#cd5c5c', 'darkorchid': '#9932cc', 'blueviolet': '#8a2be2', 'deeppink': '#ff1493', 'darkgoldenrod': '#b8860b', 'chocolate': '#d2691e', 'darkcyan': '#008b8b', 'dimgray': '#696969', 'olivedrab': '#6b8e23', 'seagreen': '#2e8b57', 'teal': '#008080', 'darkviolet': '#9400d3', 'mediumvioletred': '#c71585', 'orangered': '#ff4500', 'olive': '#808000', 'sienna': '#a0522d', 'darkslateblue': '#483d8b', 'darkolivegreen': '#556b2f', 'forestgreen': '#228b22', 'crimson': '#dc143c', 'blue': '#0000ff', 'darkmagenta': '#8b008b', 'darkslategray': '#2f4f4f', 'saddlebrown': '#8b4513', 'brown': '#a52a2a', 'firebrick': '#b22222', 'purple': '#800080', 'green': '#008000', 'red': '#ff0000', 'mediumblue': '#0000cd', 'indigo': '#4b0082', 'midnightblue': '#191970', 'darkgreen': '#006400', 'darkblue': '#00008b', 'navy': '#000080', 'darkred': '#8b0000', 'maroon': '#800000', 'black': '#000000'} return hex_dict
[docs]def remove_zero_groups(ratio_dict): '''remove data related to a "dummy" group represented by a zero example: .. code:: python {2: [([2], [0], [1]), [0, 2, 6], 34, 120]} becomes: .. code:: python {2: [([2], [1]), [0, 6], 34, 120]} inputs ratio_dict (dictionary) the ratio dictionary produced by the build_program_files script originating from the "ratio_cond" worksheet of the *settings.xlsx* input file ''' for job in ratio_dict.keys(): groups = [] weights = [] ratio_group = ratio_dict[job][0] weight_list = ratio_dict[job][1] for i, grp in enumerate(ratio_group): if 0 not in grp: groups.append(grp) weights.append(weight_list[i]) ratio_dict[job][0] = tuple(groups) ratio_dict[job][1] = weights return ratio_dict
[docs]def eg_quotas(quota, actual, cap=None, this_job_count=None): '''determine the job counts to be assigned to each ratio group during a ratio condition job assignment routine inputs quota (list or list-like) the desired job counts for each employee group actual (list or list-like) the actual job counts for each employee group cap (integer (or whole float)) if a count ratio routine is being used, this is the total count of jobs to be affected by the ratio this_job_count (integer (or whole float)) the monthly count of the applicable job ''' quota_weights = [] quota_range = range(len(quota)) if cap: excess_avail = this_job_count - sum(actual) else: excess_avail = sum(quota) - sum(actual) actual = np.array(actual) # decide how to assign job openings, based on quotas and count of # jobs already occupied by each ratio group (the "actual" input) if excess_avail > 0: for i in quota_range: quota_weights.append(quota[i] - actual[i]) if excess_avail <= 0: for i in quota_range: quota_weights.append(actual[i] - quota[i]) for i, f in enumerate(quota_weights): if quota_weights[i] > 0: quota_weights[i] = f else: quota_weights[i] = 0 # calculate the distribution of job openings additives = np.array(distribute(excess_avail, quota_weights)) if cap: shortfall = [] for i in quota_range: temp = quota[i] - actual[i] if temp > 0: shortfall.append(temp) else: shortfall.append(0) additives = np.minimum(additives, np.array(shortfall)) # combine the above distribution with the original actual counts grp_assign_count = actual + additives return grp_assign_count