Source code for matplotlib_charting

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# seniority_list is an analytical tool used when seniority-based work
# groups merge. It brings modern data science to the area of labor
# integration, utilizing the powerful data analysis capabilities of Python
# scientific computing.

# Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Robert E. Davison, Ruby Data Systems Inc.
# Please direct inquires to:

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

.. module:: matplotlib_charting

   :synopsis: The matplotlib_charting module contains plotting functions
   and supporting utility functions.

.. moduleauthor:: Bob Davison <>

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import math
import datetime
from os import path, makedirs
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm, ticker
from matplotlib import colors as mplclrs
from matplotlib import dates as mdate
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

from cycler import cycler

from collections import OrderedDict as od

from pandas.plotting import parallel_coordinates
import functions as f

# TO_PERCENT (matplotlib percentage axis)
[docs]def to_percent(decimal, position, precision=0): '''Custom format for matplotlib axis as a percentage. Ignores the passed in position variable. This has the effect of scaling the default tick locations. inputs decimal (axis values) no user input position ignored precision (integer) number of decimals in output percentage labels ''' fmt_str = '{0:.' + str(precision) + 'f}%' pcnt_format = fmt_str.format(decimal * 100) return pcnt_format
[docs]def pct_format(): '''Apply "to_percent" custom format for chart tick labels ''' return ticker.FuncFormatter(to_percent)
[docs]def quantile_years_in_position(dfc, dfb, job_levels, num_bins, job_str_list, p_dict, color_list, style='bar', plot_differential=True, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, chart_style='darkgrid', grid_alpha=None, custom_color=False, cm_name='Dark2', start=0.0, stop=1.0, fur_color=None, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, rotate=False, gain_loss_bg=False, bg_alpha=.05, normalize_yr_scale=False, year_clip=30, suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, xsize=12, ysize=12, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''stacked bar or area chart presenting the time spent in the various job levels for quantiles of a selected employee group. inputs dfc (string or dataframe variable) text name of proposal (comparison) dataset to explore (ds_dict key) or dataframe dfb (string or dataframe variable) text name of baseline dataset to explore (ds_dict key) or dataframe job_levels (integer) the number of job levels in the model num_bins (integer) the total number of segments (divisions of the population) to calculate and display job_str_list (list) a list of strings which correspond with the job levels, used for the chart legend example: jobs = ['Capt G4', 'Capt G3', 'Capt G2', ....] p_dict (dictionary) dictionary used to convert employee group numbers to text, used with chart title text display color_list (list) a list of color codes for the job level color display style (string) option to select 'area' or 'bar' to determine the type of chart output. default is 'bar'. plot_differential (boolean) if True, plot the difference between dfc and dfb values ds_dict (dictionary) variable assigned to the output of the load_datasets function. This keyword variable must be set if string dictionary keys are used as inputs for the dfc and/or dfb inputs. attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string chart_style (string) any valid seaborn plotting style name custom_color, cm_name, start, stop (boolean, string, float, float) if custom color is set to True, create a custom color map from the cm_name color map style. A portion of the color map may be selected for customization using the start and stop inputs. fur_color (color code in rgba, hex, or string style) custom color to signify furloughed employees (otherwise, last color in color_list input will be used) flip_x (boolean) 'flip' the chart horizontally if True flip_y (boolean) 'flip' the chart vertically if True rotate (boolean) transpose the chart output gain_loss_bg (boolean) if True, apply a green and red background to the chart in the gain and loss areas bg_alpha (float) the alpha of the gain_loss_bg (if selected) normalize_yr_scale (boolean) set all output charts to have the same x axis range yr_clip (integer) max x axis value (years) if normalize_yr_scale set True suptitle_size (integer or float) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of chart display image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' dsc, df_labelc = determine_dataset(dfc, ds_dict, return_label=True) dsb = determine_dataset(dfb, ds_dict, return_label=False) d_filtc, t_string = filter_ds(dsc, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) d_filtb = filter_ds(dsb, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) if 'new_order' in d_filtc.columns: ds_sel_cols = d_filtc[['mnum', 'eg', 'jnum', 'empkey', 'new_order', 'doh', 'retdate']].copy() if plot_differential: d_filtb['new_order'] = d_filtb['idx'] sa_sel_cols = d_filtb[['mnum', 'eg', 'jnum', 'empkey', 'new_order', 'doh', 'retdate']].copy() else: d_filtc['new_order'] = d_filtc['idx'] ds_sel_cols = d_filtc[['mnum', 'eg', 'jnum', 'empkey', 'new_order', 'doh', 'retdate']].copy() plot_differential = False mnum0 = ds_sel_cols[ds_sel_cols.mnum == 0][[]] mnum0['order'] = np.arange(len(mnum0)) + 1 egs = sorted(list(set( legend_size = np.clip(int(ysize * .8), 12, 18) tick_size = (np.clip(int(ysize * .55), 11, 14)) label_size = (np.clip(int(ysize * .8), 14, 16)) num_rows = len(egs) num_cols = 2 if plot_differential else 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols) plot_num = 1 if custom_color: num_of_colors = job_levels + 1 cm_subsection = np.linspace(start, stop, num_of_colors) colormap = eval('cm.' + cm_name) color_list = [colormap(x) for x in cm_subsection] if fur_color: # insert custom color for furloughed employees... color_list[-1] = fur_color for eg in egs: ds_eg = ds_sel_cols[( == eg) & (ds_sel_cols.jnum >= 1)] job_counts_by_emp = ds_eg.groupby([pd.Grouper('empkey'), 'jnum']).size() months_in_jobs = job_counts_by_emp.unstack() \ .fillna(0).sort_index(axis=1, ascending=True).astype(int) months_in_jobs = months_in_jobs.join(mnum0[['order']], how='left') months_in_jobs.sort_values(by='order', inplace=True) months_in_jobs.pop('order') bin_lims = pd.qcut(np.arange(len(months_in_jobs)), num_bins, retbins=True, labels=np.arange(num_bins) + 1)[1].astype(int) cols = months_in_jobs.columns.values.tolist() result_arr = np.zeros((num_bins, len(cols))) labels = [] colors = [] for col in cols: labels.append(job_str_list[col - 1]) colors.append(color_list[col - 1]) for i in np.arange(num_bins): bin_avg = \ np.array(months_in_jobs[bin_lims[i]:bin_lims[i + 1]].mean()) result_arr[i] = bin_avg quantile_mos = pd.DataFrame(result_arr, columns=months_in_jobs.columns, index=np.arange(1, num_bins + 1)) quantile_yrs = quantile_mos / 12 if plot_differential: sa_eg = sa_sel_cols[ ( == eg) & (sa_sel_cols.jnum >= 1)] sa_job_counts_by_emp = sa_eg.groupby([pd.Grouper('empkey'), 'jnum']).size() sa_months_in_jobs = sa_job_counts_by_emp.unstack() \ .fillna(0).sort_index(axis=1, ascending=True).astype(int) sa_months_in_jobs = sa_months_in_jobs.join( mnum0[['order']], how='left') sa_months_in_jobs.sort_values(by='order', inplace=True) sa_months_in_jobs.pop('order') sa_bin_lims = pd.qcut(np.arange(len(sa_months_in_jobs)), num_bins, retbins=True, labels=np.arange(num_bins) + 1)[1] \ .astype(int) sa_result_arr = np.zeros( (num_bins, len(sa_months_in_jobs.columns))) for i in np.arange(num_bins): sa_bin_avg = \ np.array(sa_months_in_jobs [sa_bin_lims[i]:sa_bin_lims[i + 1]].mean()) sa_result_arr[i] = sa_bin_avg sa_quantile_mos = pd.DataFrame(sa_result_arr, columns=sa_months_in_jobs.columns, index=np.arange(1, num_bins + 1)) sa_quantile_yrs = sa_quantile_mos / 12 for col in quantile_yrs: if col not in sa_quantile_yrs: sa_quantile_yrs[col] = 0 sa_quantile_yrs.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) with sns.axes_style(chart_style): ax = plt.subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plot_num) if style == 'area': quantile_yrs.plot(kind='area', stacked=True, color=colors, ax=ax) if style == 'bar': if rotate: kind = 'barh' else: kind = 'bar' quantile_yrs.plot(kind=kind, width=1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=.5, stacked=True, color=colors, ax=ax) if normalize_yr_scale: if rotate: ax.set_xlim(0, year_clip) else: ax.set_ylim(top=year_clip) if style == 'bar': if not flip_y: ax.invert_yaxis() if rotate: ax.set_xlabel('years', fontsize=label_size) ax.set_ylabel('quantiles', fontsize=label_size) else: ax.set_ylabel('years', fontsize=label_size) ax.set_xlabel('quantiles', fontsize=label_size) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), rotation='horizontal') if flip_x: ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_title('group ' + str(eg), fontsize=label_size) if grid_alpha: ax.grid(alpha=grid_alpha) ax.legend_.remove() ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=tick_size) plot_num += 1 if plot_differential and style == 'bar': ax = plt.subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plot_num) diff = quantile_yrs - sa_quantile_yrs if style == 'area': diff.plot(kind='area', stacked=True, color=colors, ax=ax) if style == 'bar': if rotate: kind = 'barh' else: kind = 'bar' diff.plot(kind=kind, width=1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=.5, stacked=True, color=colors, ax=ax) if rotate: ax.set_xlabel('years', fontsize=label_size) ax.set_ylabel('quantiles', fontsize=label_size) if normalize_yr_scale: ax.set_xlim(year_clip / -3, year_clip / 3) if not flip_y: ax.invert_yaxis() x_min, x_max = ax.get_xlim() if gain_loss_bg: ax.axvspan(0, x_max, facecolor='g', alpha=bg_alpha) ax.axvspan(0, x_min, facecolor='r', alpha=bg_alpha) else: ax.set_ylabel('years', fontsize=label_size) ax.set_xlabel('quantiles', fontsize=label_size) if normalize_yr_scale: ax.set_ylim(year_clip / -3, year_clip / 3) if flip_y: ax.invert_yaxis() ymin, ymax = ax.set_ylim() if gain_loss_bg: ax.axhspan(0, ymax, facecolor='g', alpha=bg_alpha) ax.axhspan(0, ymin, facecolor='r', alpha=bg_alpha) ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_title('group ' + str(eg), fontsize=label_size) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=tick_size) ax.legend_.remove() if grid_alpha: ax.grid(alpha=grid_alpha) plot_num += 1 if t_string: t_string = ', ' + t_string fig.suptitle(df_labelc + ' proposal' + t_string, fontsize=suptitle_size, y=1.01) if not plot_differential: xsize = xsize * .5 fig.set_size_inches(xsize, ysize) plt.tight_layout() for ax in fig.axes: if len(ax.get_xticks()) > 20: for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) if len(ax.get_yticks()) > 20: for label in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) if gain_loss_bg: legend_labels = ['Loss', 'Gain'] legend_colors = ['r', 'g'] else: legend_labels = [] legend_colors = [] for jnum in np.unique(d_filtb.jnum): legend_labels.append(job_str_list[jnum - 1]) legend_colors.append(color_list[jnum - 1]) recs = [] if gain_loss_bg: for i in np.arange(len(legend_colors)): if i <= 1: patch_alpha = .2 else: patch_alpha = 1 recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=legend_colors[i], alpha=patch_alpha)) else: for i in np.arange(len(legend_colors)): recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=legend_colors[i], alpha=1)) fig.legend(recs, (legend_labels), loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5), fontsize=legend_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def age_vs_spcnt(df, eg_list, mnum, color_list, p_dict, ret_age, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, chart_style='darkgrid', size=20, alpha=.8, suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, legend_size=12, xsize=10, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''scatter plot with age on x axis and list percentage on y axis. note: input df may be prefiltered to plot focus attributes, i.e. filter to include only employees at a certain job level, hired between certain dates, with a particular age range, etc. inputs df (string or dataframe) text name of input proposal dataset, also will accept any dataframe variable (if a sliced dataframe subset is desired, for example) Example: input can be 'proposal1' (if that proposal exists, of course, or could be df[df.age > 50]) eg_list (list) list of employee groups to include example: [1, 2] mnum (int) month number to study from dataset color_list (list) color codes for plotting each employee group p_dict (dict) dictionary, numerical eg code to string description ret_age (integer or float) chart xaxis limit for plotting ds_dict (dict) variable assigned to the output of the load_datasets function, reqired when string dictionary key is used as df input attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string chart_style (string) any valid seaborn plotting style size (integer) size of scatter points alpha (float) scatter point alpha (0.0 to 1.0) suptitle_size (integer or font) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title legend_size (integer or float) text size of chart legend xsize, ysize (integer or float) plot size in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) d_filt, t_string = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) d_age_pcnt = d_filt[d_filt.mnum == mnum][ ['age', 'mnum', 'spcnt', 'eg']].copy() with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) for grp in eg_list: d_for_plot = d_age_pcnt[ == grp] x = d_for_plot['age'] y = d_for_plot['spcnt'] ax.scatter(x, y, c=color_list[grp - 1], s=size, alpha=alpha, linewidth=0.1, edgecolors='w', label=p_dict[grp]) ax.set_ylim(1, 0) ax.set_xlim(25, ret_age) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, .05)) fig.suptitle(df_label + ' - age vs seniority percentage' + ', month ' + str(mnum), fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_title(t_string, fontsize=title_size) ax.legend(loc=2, markerscale=1.5, fontsize=legend_size) ax.set_ylabel('seniority list percentage') ax.set_xlabel('age') if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def multiline_plot_by_emp(df, measure, xax, emp_list, job_levels, ret_age, color_list, job_str_list, sdict, attr_dict, ds_dict=None, plot_jobp=False, show_implementation_date=True, through_date=None, pcnt_ylimit=1.0, chart_style='ticks', linewidth=3, line_alpha=.7, grid_linestyle='dotted', grid_alpha=.75, legend_size=14, label_size=13, tick_size=13, title_size=18, xsize=12, ysize=9, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''select example individual employees and plot career measure from selected dataset attribute, i.e. list percentage, career earnings, job level, etc. inputs df (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe or a string key with the ds_dict dictionary object measure (string) dataset attribute to plot. Usually only one attribute to plot, but may be more than one, such as 'jnum' and 'jobp' xax (string) dataset attribute for x axis emp_list (list) list of employee numbers or ids job_levels (integer) number of job levels in model ret_age (float) retirement age (example: 65.0) color list (list) list of colors for plotting job_str_list (list) list of string job descriptions corresponding to number of job levels sdict (dictionary) program settings dictionary attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary ds_dict (dictionary) output of the load_datasets function, dictionary. This keyword argument must be set if a string key is used as the df input. plot_jobp (boolean) if measure input is 'jnum', also plot 'jobp' if set to True show_implementation_date (boolean) if True and "xax" input is "date", plot a vertical line at the implementation date chart_style (string) any seaborn plotting style name linewidth (integer or float) width of chart solid lines line_alpha (float) transparency value of the plotted lines (0.0 to 1.0) grid_linestyle (string) matplotlib line style for grid, such as "dotted" or "solid" grid_alpha transparency value for grid (0.0 to 1.0) legend_size (integer or float) text size of chart legend label_size (integer or float) font size of x and y axis labels tick_size (integer or float) font size of chart tick labels title_size (integer or float) font size of chart title xsize, ysize (integer or float) plot size in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) frame = ds.copy() eg_df = frame[frame.mnum == 0]['eg'] c_list = [] for emp in emp_list: c_list.append(color_list[eg_df[emp] - 1]) frame_cols = [xax, measure, 'age', 'ret_mark', 'empkey'] if measure == 'jnum' and plot_jobp: frame_cols.append('jobp') frame = frame[frame_cols] with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) if measure in ['mpay']: if 'ret_mark' in frame.columns.values.tolist(): frame = frame[frame.ret_mark != 1] else: frame = frame[frame.age < ret_age] i = 0 if xax in ['date', 'ldate', 'doh', 'retdate']: for emp in emp_list: y = frame.loc[emp][measure] x = frame.loc[emp][xax] ax.plot_date(x=x, y=y, color=c_list[i], label=str(emp), ls='solid', lw=linewidth, markersize=0, alpha=line_alpha) if measure == 'jnum' and plot_jobp: y = frame.loc[emp]['jobp'] ax.plot_date(x=x, y=y, color=c_list[i], label='_nolegend_', ls='dashed', markersize=0, alpha=line_alpha, lw=1.5) i += 1 if xax == 'date': if through_date: ax.set_xlim(right=pd.to_datetime(through_date)) ax.set_xlim(left=sdict['starting_date'] + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(-1)) locator = mdate.YearLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.xticks(rotation=75, ha='center') if len(ax.get_xticks()) > 20: for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) else: frame.set_index(xax, inplace=True, drop=True) for emp in emp_list: eg_df = frame[frame.empkey == emp] eg_df[measure].plot(color=c_list[i], alpha=line_alpha, label=str(emp), lw=linewidth, ax=ax) if measure == 'jnum' and plot_jobp: eg_df['jobp'].plot(color=c_list[i], alpha=line_alpha, label='_nolegend_', ax=ax, ls='dashed', lw=1) i += 1 if measure in ['lspcnt', 'spcnt']: if pcnt_ylimit: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, .05)) pcnt_ylimit = np.clip(pcnt_ylimit, 0.05, 1.0) ax.set_ylim(top=pcnt_ylimit) else: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, .05)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) if measure in ['snum', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'jnum', 'lnum', 'jobp', 'fbff', 'cat_order']: ax.invert_yaxis() if measure in ['jnum', 'nbnf', 'jobp', 'fbff']: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, job_levels + 2, 1)) ytick_labels = ax.get_yticks().tolist() for i in np.arange(1, len(ytick_labels)): ytick_labels[i] = job_str_list[i - 1] ax.axhspan(job_levels + 1, job_levels + 2, facecolor='.8', alpha=0.9) ax.set_yticklabels(ytick_labels, va='top') ax.axhline(y=job_levels + 1, c='.8', ls='-', alpha=.8, lw=3) ax.set_ylim(job_levels + 1.5, 0.5) if xax in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1.1, .1)) ax.set_xlim(1, 0) if show_implementation_date: if (sdict['delayed_implementation'] and sdict['implementation_date'] and xax == 'date'): ax.axvline(sdict['implementation_date'], c='g', ls='--', alpha=1, lw=1) ax.set_title(attr_dict[measure] + ' - proposal ' + df_label, y=1.02, fontsize=title_size) ax.set_ylabel(attr_dict[measure], fontsize=label_size) ax.set_xlabel(attr_dict[xax], fontsize=label_size) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_size) ax.yaxis.labelpad = 10 ax.xaxis.labelpad = 10 ax.grid(ls=grid_linestyle, alpha=grid_alpha) ax.legend(loc=4, markerscale=1.5, fontsize=legend_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def violinplot_by_eg(df, measure, ret_age, cdict, attr_dict, ds_dict=None, mnum=0, linewidth=1.5, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1='0', attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2='0', attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3='0', scale='count', saturation=1.0, title_size=12, chart_style='darkgrid', xsize=12, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''From the seaborn website: Draw a combination of boxplot and kernel density estimate. A violin plot plays a similar role as a box and whisker plot. It shows the distribution of quantitative data across several levels of one (or more) categorical variables such that those distributions can be compared. Unlike a box plot, in which all of the plot components correspond to actual datapoints, the violin plot features a kernel density estimation of the underlying distribution. inputs df (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object measure (string) attribute to plot ret_age (float) retirement age (example: 65.0) cdict (dictionary) color dictionary for plotting palatte attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function mnum (integer) month number to analyze linewidth (integer or float) width of line surrounding each violin plot attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string scale (string) From the seaborn website: The method used to scale the width of each violin. If 'area', each violin will have the same area. If 'count', the width of the violins will be scaled by the number of observations in that bin. If 'width', each violin will have the same width. saturation (float) Proportion of the original color saturation. Large patches often look better with slightly desaturated colors, but set this to 1.0 if you want the plot colors to perfectly match the input color spec. title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) dsm = ds[ds.mnum == mnum] dsm = filter_ds(dsm, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False).copy() title_string = '' if attr1: title_string = title_string + attr1 + ' ' + oper1 + ' ' + str(val1) if attr2: title_string = title_string + ', ' + \ attr2 + ' ' + oper2 + ' ' + str(val2) if attr3: title_string = title_string + ', ' + \ attr3 + ' ' + oper3 + ' ' + str(val3) if measure == 'age': frame = dsm[['eg', measure]].copy() else: frame = dsm[[measure, 'eg', 'age']].copy() frame.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if measure == 'mpay': frame = frame[frame.ret_mark == 0] with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) sns.violinplot(, y=frame[measure], cut=0, scale=scale, inner='box', saturation=saturation, bw=.1, linewidth=linewidth, palette=cdict['eg_colors'], ax=ax) fig.suptitle(df_label + ' - ' + attr_dict[measure].upper() + ', Month ' + str(mnum) + ' Distribution') ax.set_title(title_string, fontsize=title_size) if measure == 'age': ax.set_ylim(25, 70) if measure in ['snum', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'jnum', 'jobp', 'cat_order']: ax.invert_yaxis() if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, .05)) ax.set_ylim(1.04, -.04) ax.set_xlabel('employee group') ax.set_ylabel(attr_dict[measure]) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def age_kde_dist(df, color_list, p_dict, max_age, ds_dict=None, mnum=0, title_size=14, min_age=25, chart_style='darkgrid', xsize=12, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''From the seaborn website: Fit and plot a univariate or bivariate kernel density estimate. inputs df (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object color_list (list) list of colors for employee group plots p_dict (dictionary) eg to string dict for plot labels max_age (float) maximum age to plot (x axis limit) ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function mnum (integer) month number to analyze title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict) frame = ds[ds.mnum == mnum] eg_set = pd.unique( with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) for x in eg_set: try: color = color_list[x - 1] sns.kdeplot(frame[ == x].age, shade=True, color=color, bw=.8, ax=ax, label=p_dict[x]) except LookupError: print('error plotting for eg:', x) ax.set_xlim(min_age, max_age) ax.set_title('Age Distribution Comparison - Month ' + str(mnum), y=1.02, fontsize=title_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def eg_diff_boxplot(df_list, dfb, eg_list, eg_colors, job_levels, job_diff_clip, attr_dict, measure='spcnt', comparison='baseline', ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, tick_size=11, label_size=12, year_clip=None, exclude_fur=False, width=.8, chart_style='dark', notch=True, linewidth=1.0, xsize=12, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''create a DIFFERENTIAL box plot chart comparing a selected measure from computed integrated dataset(s) vs. a baseline (likely standalone) dataset or with other integrated datasets. inputs df_list (list) list of datasets to compare, may be ds_dict (output of load_datasets function) string keys or dataframe variable(s) or mixture of each dfb (string or variable) baseline dataset, accepts same input types as df_list above eg_list (list) list of integers for employee groups to be included in analysis example: [1, 2, 3] eg_colors (list) corresponding plot colors for eg_list input job_levels (integer) number of job levels in the data model (excluding furlough) job_diff_clip (integer) if measure is jnum or jobp, limit y axis range to +/- this value attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary measure (string) differential data to compare comparison (string) if 'p2p' (proposal to proposal), will compare proposals within the df_list to each other, otherwise will compare proposals to the baseline dataset (dfb) ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string suptitle_size (integer or float) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title tick_size (integer or float) text size of x and y tick labels label_size (integer or float) text size of x and y descriptive labels year_clip (integer) only present results through this year if not None exclude_fur (boolean) remove all employees from analysis who are furloughed within the data model at any time use_eg_colors (boolean) use case-specific employee group colors vs. default colors width (float) plotting width of boxplot or grouped boxplots for each year. a width of 1 leaves no gap between groups chart_style (string) chart styling (string), any valid seaborn chart style notch (boolean) If True, show boxplots with a notch at median point vs. only a line xsize, ysize (integer or float) plot size in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' label_dict = {} i = 0 for df in df_list: ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) label_dict[i + 1] = df_label df_list[i] = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) i += 1 df_base, dfb_label = determine_dataset(dfb, ds_dict, return_label=True) dfb_filt, tb_string = filter_ds(df_base, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) chart_pad = {'spcnt': .03, 'lspcnt': .03, 'mpay': 1, 'cpay': 10} # set boxplot color to match employee group(s) color color_index = sorted(list(np.array(eg_list) - 1)) color_arr = np.array(eg_colors) eg_clrs = list(color_arr[color_index]) ds_dict = od() i = 1 for ds in df_list: # filter to only include desired employee groups ds = ds[ds['eg'].isin(eg_list)] # create ordered dictionary containing input dataframes with # columns to create 'key' and the measure column for comparisons if exclude_fur: idx = ds.index.values fur = ds.fur.values furs = np.where(fur == 1)[0] ds_nofur = ds[~np.isin(ds.index, pd.unique(idx[furs]))] ds_dict[str(i)] = ds_nofur[['empkey', 'mnum', measure]].copy() else: ds_dict[str(i)] = ds[['empkey', 'mnum', measure]].copy() i += 1 dict_nums = ds_dict.keys() yval_list = [] # make list of comparison columns if comparison == 'p2p': for num1 in dict_nums: for num2 in dict_nums: if num1 != num2: yval_list.append(num2 + '_' + num1) else: for num1 in dict_nums: yval_list.append('s_' + num1) i = 1 for df in ds_dict.values(): # rename measure columuns to be unique in each dataframe # and make a unique key column in each dataframe for joining df.rename(columns={measure: measure + '_' + str(i)}, inplace=True) df['key'] = (df.empkey * 1000) + df.mnum df.drop(['mnum', 'empkey'], inplace=True, axis=1) df.set_index('key', inplace=True) i += 1 # repeat for standalone dataframe baseline = dfb_filt[dfb_filt['eg'].isin(eg_list)][ ['empkey', 'mnum', 'date', 'eg', measure]].copy() baseline.rename(columns={measure: measure + '_s'}, inplace=True) baseline['key'] = (baseline.empkey * 1000) + baseline.mnum baseline.drop(['mnum', 'empkey'], inplace=True, axis=1) baseline.set_index('key', inplace=True) # join dataframes (auto-aligned by index) for df in ds_dict.values(): baseline = baseline.join(df) # perform the differential calculation if measure in ['mpay', 'cpay']: for num1 in dict_nums: if comparison == 'p2p': for num2 in dict_nums: if num2 != num1: baseline[num1 + '_' + num2] = \ baseline[measure + '_' + num2] - \ baseline[measure + '_' + num1] else: baseline['s' + '_' + num1] = \ baseline[measure + '_' + num1] - baseline[measure + '_s'] else: for num1 in dict_nums: if comparison == 'p2p': for num2 in dict_nums: if num2 != num1: baseline[num1 + '_' + num2] = \ baseline[measure + '_' + num1] -\ baseline[measure + '_' + num2] else: baseline['s' + '_' + num1] = \ baseline[measure + '_s'] - baseline[measure + '_' + num1] for num1 in dict_nums: baseline.drop(measure + '_' + num1, inplace=True, axis=1) baseline.drop(measure + '_s', inplace=True, axis=1) # make a 'date' column containing date year baseline.set_index('date', drop=True, inplace=True) baseline['date'] = baseline.index.year # option to limit display up through a selected year if year_clip: y_clip = baseline[ <= year_clip].copy() else: y_clip = baseline.copy() # replace all zero differential results with nan (null) so that only # differentials are included in boxplot results (avoid partial year zero # differentials averaged with actual differentials) y_clip.replace(0, np.nan, inplace=True) # create a dictionary containing plot titles yval_dict = od() # proposal to proposal comparison... if comparison == 'p2p': for num1 in dict_nums: if label_dict[int(num1)] == 'Proposal': p1_label = 'df_list item ' + num1 else: p1_label = label_dict[int(num1)] for num2 in dict_nums: if label_dict[int(num2)] == 'Proposal': p2_label = 'df_list item ' + num2 else: p2_label = label_dict[int(num2)] yval_dict[num1 + '_' + num2] = p2_label + \ ' vs. ' + p1_label + ' ' + measure.upper() # baseline comparison... else: for num1 in dict_nums: if label_dict[int(num1)] == 'Proposal': p_label = 'df_list item ' + num1 else: p_label = label_dict[int(num1)] yval_dict['s_' + num1] = p_label + ' vs. ' + \ dfb_label + ' ' + measure.upper() for yval in yval_list: # determine y axis chart limits try: pad = chart_pad[measure] except LookupError: pad = 0 compare_vals = y_clip[yval].values max_val = abs(np.nanmax(compare_vals)) min_val = abs(np.nanmin(compare_vals)) ylimit = max(min_val, max_val) + pad with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) sns.boxplot(x='date', y=yval, hue='eg', data=y_clip, palette=eg_clrs, width=width, notch=notch, linewidth=linewidth, fliersize=1.0, ax=ax) # add zero line ax.axhline(y=0, c='r', zorder=.9, alpha=.35, lw=2) # ax.set_ylim(-ylimit, ylimit) if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: # format percentage y axis scale ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) if measure in ['jnum', 'jobp']: # if job level measure, set scaling and limit y range ax.set_yticks(np.arange(int(-ylimit - 1), int(ylimit + 2))) ax.set_ylim(max(-job_diff_clip, int(-ylimit - 1)), min(job_diff_clip, int(ylimit + 1))) ax.set_title(tb_string, fontsize=title_size) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_size) ax.set_ylabel('differential', fontsize=label_size) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(label_size) fig.suptitle(yval_dict[yval], fontsize=suptitle_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - ' + yval + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def eg_boxplot(df_list, eg_list, eg_colors, job_clip, attr_dict, measure='spcnt', ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, year_clip=2035, exclude_fur=False, saturation=.8, chart_style='dark', width=.7, notch=True, show_whiskers=True, show_xgrid=True, show_ygrid=True, grid_alpha=.4, grid_linestyle='solid', whisker=1.5, fliersize=1.0, linewidth=.75, suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, tick_size=11, label_size=12, xsize=12, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''create a box plot chart displaying ACTUAL attribute values (vs. differential values) from a selected dataset(s) for selected employee group(s). inputs df_list (list) list of datasets to compare, may be ds_dict (output of load_datasets function) string keys or dataframe variable(s) or mixture of each eg_list (list) list of integers for employee groups to be included in analysis example: [1, 2, 3] measure (string) attribute for analysis eg_colors (list) list of colors for plotting the employee groups attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function job_clip (float) if measure is jnum or jobp, limit max y axis range to this value attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string year_clip (integer) only present results through this year exclude_fur (boolean) remove all employees from analysis who are furloughed within the data model at any time (boolean) chart_style (string) chart styling (string), any valid seaborn chart style width (float) plotting width of boxplot or grouped boxplots for each year. a width of 1 leaves no gap between groups notch (boolean) If True, show boxplots with a notch at median point show_xgrid (boolean) include vertical grid lines on chart show_ygrid (boolean) include horizontal grid lines on chart grid_alpha (float) opacity value for grid lines grid_linestyle (string) examples: 'solid', 'dotted', 'dashed' suptitle_size (integer or float) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title tick_size (integer or float) text size of x and y tick labels label_size (integer or float) text size of x and y descriptive labels xsize, ysize (integer or float) width and hieght of plot in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' label_dict = {} filt_title = '' i = 0 for df in df_list: ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) label_dict[i + 1] = df_label df_list[i], filt_title = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=True) i += 1 chart_pad = {'spcnt': .03, 'lspcnt': .03, 'mpay': 1, 'cpay': 10, 'cat_order': 50, 'snum': 50, 'lnum': 50, 'jobp': .5} # set boxplot color to match employee group(s) color color_index = sorted(list(np.array(eg_list) - 1)) color_arr = np.array(eg_colors) eg_clrs = list(color_arr[color_index]) temp_frame = df_list[0][['empkey', 'mnum', 'eg', 'date']].copy() temp_frame['year'] = temp_frame['key'] = (temp_frame.empkey * 1000) + temp_frame.mnum data = {'eg':, 'year': temp_frame.year.values} frame = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=temp_frame.key) # filter frame to only include desired employee groups frame = frame[frame['eg'].isin(eg_list)] yval_list = [] title_dict = od() i = 1 for ds in df_list: this_measure_col = measure + '_' + str(i) if exclude_fur: ds = ds[ds['eg'].isin(eg_list)][['empkey', 'mnum', 'fur', measure]].copy() idx = ds.index.values fur = ds.fur.values furs = np.where(fur == 1)[0] ds = ds[~np.isin(ds.index, pd.unique(idx[furs]))] # filter each ds to only include desired employee groups ds = ds[ds['eg'].isin(eg_list)][['empkey', 'mnum', measure]].copy() ds['key'] = (ds.empkey * 1000) + ds.mnum ds.set_index('key', drop=True, inplace=True) frame[this_measure_col] = ds[measure] yval_list.append(this_measure_col) if label_dict[i] == 'Proposal': p_label = 'df_list item ' + str(i) else: p_label = label_dict[i] title_dict[this_measure_col] = p_label + ' ' + attr_dict[measure] i += 1 y_clip = frame[frame.year <= year_clip] if not show_whiskers: whisker = 0 fliersize = 0 # make a chart for each selected column for yval in yval_list: # determine y axis chart limits try: pad = chart_pad[measure] except LookupError: pad = 0 compare_vals = y_clip[yval].values max_val = abs(np.nanmax(compare_vals)) min_val = abs(np.nanmin(compare_vals)) ylimit = max(min_val, max_val) + pad with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) sns.boxplot(x='year', y=yval, hue='eg', data=y_clip, palette=eg_clrs, width=width, notch=notch, linewidth=linewidth, whis=whisker, fliersize=fliersize, ax=ax) ax.set_ylim(0, ylimit) if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: # format percentage y axis scale ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.set_ylim(ylimit, 0) if measure in ['jnum', 'jobp']: # if job level measure, set scaling and limit y range ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, int(ylimit + 1))) ax.set_ylim(min(job_clip + 1.5, int(ylimit + 2)), 0.5) if measure in ['cat_order', 'snum', 'lnum']: ax.invert_yaxis() if filt_title: fig.suptitle(title_dict[yval], fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_title(filt_title, fontsize=title_size) else: ax.set_title(title_dict[yval], fontsize=suptitle_size, y=1.01) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) ax.set_ylabel('absolute values', fontsize=label_size) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_size) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(label_size) if show_xgrid: ax.xaxis.grid(alpha=grid_alpha, ls=grid_linestyle) if show_ygrid: ax.yaxis.grid(alpha=grid_alpha, ls=grid_linestyle) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - ' + measure + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def stripplot_dist_in_category(df, job_levels, full_time_pcnt, eg_colors, band_colors, job_strs, attr_dict, p_dict, ds_dict=None, rank_metric='cat_order', mnum=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1='0', attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2='0', attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3='0', bg_alpha=.12, fur_color=None, show_part_time_lvl=True, size=3, alpha=1, title_size=14, label_pad=110, label_size=13, tick_size=12, xsize=4, ysize=12, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''visually display employee group distribution concentration within accurately sized job bands for a selected month. This chart reveals how evenly or unevenly the employee groups share the jobs available within each job category. inputs df (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object job_levels (integer) number of job levels in the data model full_time_pcnt (float) percentage of each job level which is full time eg_colors (list) list of colors for eg plots band_colors (list) list of colors for background job band colors job_strs (list) list of job strings for job description labels attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary p_dict (dictionary) eg to group string label ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function rank_metric (string) rank attribute (currently only accepts 'cat_order') mnum (integer) month number - if not None, analyze data from this month attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string bg_alpha (float) color alpha for background job level color fur_color (color code in rgba, hex, or string style) custom color to signify furloughed job band area (otherwise, last color from band_colors list will be used) show_part_time_lvl (boolean) if True, draw a line within each job band representing the boundry between full and part-time jobs when using a basic jobs only data model (set this input to False when using an enhanced job data model) size (integer or float) size of density markers alpha (float) alpha of density markers (0.0 to 1.0) title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title label_size (integer or float) text size of x and y descriptive labels tick_size (integer or float) text size of x and y tick labels xsize, ysize (integer or float) width and height of chart in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) if mnum: dsm = ds[ds.mnum == mnum] else: dsm = ds d_filt, t_string = filter_ds(dsm, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) d_filt = d_filt[[]].join(dsm[['mnum', 'jnum', 'eg', rank_metric]]).reindex(dsm.index) data = d_filt.copy() eg_set = pd.unique( max_eg_plus_one = np.nanmax(eg_set) + 1 y_count = len(data) clr_idx = (np.unique(dsm.jnum) - 1).astype(int) cum_job_counts = dsm.jnum.value_counts().sort_index().cumsum() cnts = list(cum_job_counts) cnts.insert(0, 0) axis2_lbl_locs = [] axis2_lbls = [] if fur_color: band_colors[-1] = fur_color with sns.axes_style('white'): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=tick_size) ax1 = sns.stripplot(y=rank_metric, x='eg', data=data, jitter=.5, order=np.arange(1, max_eg_plus_one), palette=eg_colors, size=size, alpha=alpha, linewidth=0, dodge=True) ax1.set_yticks = (np.arange(0, ((len(df) + 1000) % 1000) * 1000, 1000)) ax1.set_ylim(y_count, 0) ax1.xaxis.label.set_size(label_size) ax1.yaxis.label.set_size(label_size) i = 0 for job_zone in cum_job_counts: ax1.axhline(job_zone, c='magenta', ls='-', alpha=1, lw=.8) ax1.axhspan(cnts[i], cnts[i + 1], facecolor=band_colors[clr_idx[i]], alpha=bg_alpha) if show_part_time_lvl: part_time_lvl = (round((cnts[i + 1] - cnts[i]) * full_time_pcnt)) + cnts[i] ax1.axhline(part_time_lvl, c='#66ff99', ls='--', alpha=1, lw=1) i += 1 i = 0 for job_num in cum_job_counts.index: axis2_lbl_locs.append(round((cnts[i] + cnts[i + 1]) / 2)) axis2_lbls.append(job_strs[int(job_num)]) i += 1 axis2_lbl_locs = add_pad(axis2_lbl_locs, pad=label_pad) with sns.axes_style("white"): ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_yticks(axis2_lbl_locs) yticks = ax2.get_yticks().tolist() for i in np.arange(len(yticks)): yticks[i] = axis2_lbls[i] ax2.set_yticklabels(yticks) ax2.set_ylim(y_count, 0) xticks = ax2.get_xticks().tolist() tick_dummies = [] for tck in xticks: tick_dummies.append(p_dict[tck + 1]) ax2.set_xticklabels(tick_dummies) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=tick_size) title_pt1 = (df_label + ', distribution within job levels, month ' + str(mnum)) plt.title(title_pt1 + '\n\n' + t_string, fontsize=title_size, y=1.01) ax1.set_ylabel(attr_dict[rank_metric]) ax1.set_xlabel(attr_dict['eg']) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) fig.set_size_inches(xsize + 1, ysize) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def job_level_progression(df, emp_list, through_date, settings_dict, color_dict, eg_colors, band_colors, ds_dict=None, rank_metric='cat_order', chart_style='white', show_implementation_date=True, job_bands_alpha=.1, max_plots_for_legend=5, xgrid_alpha=.65, xgrid_linestyle='dotted', ygrid_alpha=.5, ygrid_linestyle='dotted', tick_size=13, job_descr_size=12.5, job_descr_pad=115, label_size=15, title_size=18, xsize=12, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''show employee(s) career progression through job levels regardless of actual positioning within integrated seniority list. This x axis of this chart represents rank within job category. There is an underlying stacked area chart representing job level bands, adjusted to reflect job count changes over time. This chart reveals actual career path considering no bump no flush, special job assignment rights/restrictions, and furlough/recall events. Actual jobs held may not be correlated to jobs normally associated with a certain list percentage for many years due to job assignment factors. inputs df (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object emp_list (list) list of empkeys to plot through_date (date string) string representation of y axis date limit, ex. '2025-12-31' settings_dict (dictionary) program settings dictionary generated by the build_program_files script color_dict (dictionary) dictionary containing color list string titles to lists of color values generated by the build_program_files script eg_colors (list) colors to be used for employee line plots corresponding to employee group membership band_colors (list) list of colors to be used for stacked area chart which represent job level bands ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function rank_metric (string) column name for y axis chart ranking. Currently only 'cat_order' is valid. chart_style (string) any valid seaborn plotting chart style name show_implementation_date (boolean) plot a vertical dashed line at the implementation date job_bands_alpha (float) opacity level of background job bands stacked area chart max_plots_for_legend (integer) if number of plots more than this number, reduce plot linewidth and remove legend xgrid_alpha, ygrid_alpha (float) transparency value for grid. x and y axis may be set independently xgrid_linestyle, ygrid_linestyle (string) matplotlib line style for grid, such as "dotted" or "dashed". x and y axis may be set independently job_descr_size (integer or float) font size of job description text labels on right side of chart job_descr_pad (integer) padding to add between job description labels when they would otherwise overlap tick_size (intger or float) font size of tick labels job_descr_size (integer or float) font size of job description labels label_size (integer or float) font size of axis labels title_size (integer or label) font size of title xsize, ysize (integer or float) plot size in inches (width, height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) job_levels = settings_dict['num_of_job_levels'] through_date = pd.to_datetime(through_date) fur_lvl = job_levels + 1 jobs_dict = settings_dict['job_strs_dict'] tdict = pd.read_pickle('dill/dict_job_tables.pkl') table = tdict['table'] df_table = pd.DataFrame(table[0], columns=np.arange(1, job_levels + 1), index=pd.date_range(settings_dict['starting_date'], periods=table[0].shape[0], freq='M')) # for band areas jobs_table = df_table[:through_date] # for headcount: df_monthly_non_ret = pd.DataFrame(ds[ds.fur == 0].groupby('mnum').size(), columns=['count']) df_monthly_non_ret.set_index( pd.date_range(settings_dict['starting_date'], periods=pd.unique(df_monthly_non_ret.index).size, freq='M'), inplace=True) non_ret_count = df_monthly_non_ret[:through_date] last_month_jobs_series = jobs_table.loc[through_date].sort_index() last_month_counts = pd.DataFrame(last_month_jobs_series, index=last_month_jobs_series.index ).sort_index() last_month_counts.rename(columns={last_month_counts.columns[0]: 'counts'}, inplace=True) last_month_counts['cum_counts'] = last_month_counts['counts'].cumsum() lowest_cat = max(last_month_counts.index) cnts = list(last_month_counts['cum_counts']) cnts.insert(0, 0) axis2_lbl_locs = [] axis2_lbls = [] i = 0 for job_num in last_month_counts.index: axis2_lbl_locs.append(round((cnts[i] + cnts[i + 1]) / 2)) axis2_lbls.append(jobs_dict[job_num]) i += 1 axis2_lbl_locs = add_pad(axis2_lbl_locs, pad=job_descr_pad) egs = ds[ds.mnum == 0].eg if len(emp_list) > max_plots_for_legend: lw = 1 else: lw = 3 with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) ds = ds[ <= through_date][['empkey', 'date', rank_metric]].copy() ds.set_index('date', drop=True, inplace=True) i = 0 for emp in emp_list: c_idx = egs.loc[emp] - 1 ds[ds.empkey == emp][rank_metric].plot(lw=lw, color=eg_colors[c_idx], label=emp, ax=ax1) i += 1 non_ret_count['count'].plot(c='grey', ls='--', label='active count', ax=ax1) if len(emp_list) <= max_plots_for_legend: ax1.legend(title='') if (settings_dict['delayed_implementation'] and show_implementation_date and settings_dict['implementation_date']): ax1.axvline(settings_dict['implementation_date'], c='g', ls='--', alpha=1, lw=1) jobs_table.plot.area(stacked=True, figsize=(xsize, ysize), sort_columns=True, linewidth=2, color=band_colors, alpha=job_bands_alpha, legend=False, ax=ax1) ax1.invert_yaxis() ax1.set_ylim(max(df_monthly_non_ret['count']), 0) ax1.set_title(df_label + ' job level progression', y=1.01, fontsize=title_size) if lowest_cat == fur_lvl: ax1.axhspan(cnts[-2], cnts[-1], facecolor='#fbfbea', alpha=0.9) axis2_lbls[-1] = 'FUR' ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_yticks(axis2_lbl_locs) yticks = ax2.get_yticks().tolist() for i in np.arange(len(yticks)): yticks[i] = axis2_lbls[i] ax2.set_yticklabels(yticks, fontsize=job_descr_size) ax2.grid(False) ax2.invert_yaxis() ax1.xaxis.grid(True, alpha=xgrid_alpha, ls=xgrid_linestyle) ax1.yaxis.grid(True, alpha=ygrid_alpha, ls=ygrid_linestyle) ax1.set_axisbelow(True) ax1.set_ylabel('global job ranking', fontsize=label_size) ax1.set_xlabel('year', fontsize=label_size) ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_size) ax1.margins(x=0) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def differential_scatter(df_list, dfb, measure, eg_list, attr_dict, color_dict, p_dict, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, prop_order=True, show_scatter=True, show_lin_reg=True, show_mean=True, mean_len=50, dot_size=15, lin_reg_order=15, ylimit=False, ylim=5, suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, legend_size=14, tick_size=11, label_size=12, bright_bg=False, bright_bg_color='#faf6eb', chart_style='whitegrid', xsize=12, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''plot an attribute differential between datasets. datasets may be filtered by other attributes if desired. Example: plot the difference in cat_order (job rank number) between all integrated datasets vs. standalone for all employee groups, applicable to month 57. (optionally add a pre-filter(s), such as all employees hired prior to a certain date) The chart may be set to use proposal order or native list percentage for the x axis. The scatter markers are selectable on/off, as well as an average line and a linear regression line. inputs df_list (list) list of datasets to compare, may be ds_dict (output of load_datasets function) string keys or dataframe variable(s) or mixture of each dfb (string or variable) baseline dataset, accepts same input types as df_list above measure (string) attribute to analyze eg_list (list) list of employee group codes attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary color_dict (dictionary) dictionary containing color list string titles to lists of color values generated by the build_program_files script p_dict (dictionary) employee group code number to description dictionary ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string eg_list (list) a list of employee groups to analyze prop_order (boolean) if True, organize x axis by proposal list order, otherwise use native list percent show_scatter (boolean) if True, draw the scatter chart markers show_lin_reg (boolean) if True, draw linear regression lines show_mean (boolean) if True, draw average lines mean_len (integer) moving average length for average lines dot_size (integer or float) scatter marker size lin_reg_order (integer) regression line is actually a polynomial regression lin_reg_order is the degree of the fitting polynomial ylimit (boolean) if True, set chart y axis limit to ylim (below) ylim (integer or float) y axis limit positive and negative if ylimit is True suptitle_size (integer or float) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title legend_size (integer or float) text size of chart legend labels tick_size (integer or float) text size of x and y tick labels label_size (integer or float) text size of x and y descriptive labels bright_bg (boolean) use a custom color chart background bright_bg_color (color value) chart background color if bright_bg input is set to True chart_style (string) style for chart, valid inputs are any seaborn chart style xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of chart (width, height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' label_dict = {} tb_string = '' i = 0 for df in df_list: ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) label_dict[i + 1] = df_label df_list[i] = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) i += 1 df_base, dfb_label = determine_dataset(dfb, ds_dict, return_label=True) # dfb_filt, tb_string = filter_ds(df_base, df, tb_string = filter_ds(df_base, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) cols = [measure, 'new_order'] # df = dfb_filt[dfb_filt[filter_measure] == filter_val][ # [measure, 'eg']].copy() df.rename(columns={measure: measure + '_s'}, inplace=True) order_dict = {} i = 1 for ds in df_list: ds = ds[cols].copy() # ds = ds[ds[filter_measure] == filter_val][cols].copy() ds.rename(columns={measure: measure + '_' + str(i), 'new_order': 'order' + str(i)}, inplace=True) df = df.join(ds) order_dict[i] = 'order' + str(i) i += 1 df.sort_values(by='order1', inplace=True) eg_grouped = df.groupby('eg') df['eg_sep_order'] = eg_grouped.cumcount() + 1 eg_sep_order = df.eg_sep_order.values eg_denom_dict = eg_grouped.eg_sep_order.max().to_dict() eg_arr = eg_set = pd.unique(eg_arr) denoms = np.zeros(eg_arr.size) for eg in eg_set: np.put(denoms, np.where(eg_arr == eg)[0], eg_denom_dict[eg]) df['separate_eg_percentage'] = eg_sep_order / denoms if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'snum', 'lnum', 'cat_order', 'jobp', 'jnum']: for key in list(order_dict.keys()): df[str(key) + 'vs'] = df[measure + '_s'] - \ df[measure + '_' + str(key)] else: for key in list(order_dict.keys()): df[str(key) + 'vs'] = df[measure + '_' + str(key)] - \ df[measure + '_s'] for prop_num in np.arange(len(df_list)) + 1: df.sort_values(by=order_dict[prop_num], inplace=True) if prop_order: xax = order_dict[prop_num] else: xax = 'separate_eg_percentage' with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) for eg in eg_list: try: data = df[ == eg].copy() x_limit = max(data[xax]) + 100 yax = str(prop_num) + 'vs' label = p_dict[eg] if show_scatter: data.plot(x=xax, y=yax, kind='scatter', linewidth=0.1, color=color_dict['eg_colors'][eg - 1], s=dot_size, label=label, ax=ax) if show_mean: data['ma'] = data[eg].rolling(mean_len).mean() data.plot(x=xax, y='ma', lw=5, color=color_dict['mean_colors'][eg - 1], label=label, alpha=.6, ax=ax) ax.set_xlim(0, x_limit) if show_lin_reg: if show_scatter: lin_reg_colors = color_dict['lin_reg_colors'] else: lin_reg_colors = color_dict['lin_reg_colors2'] sns.regplot(x=xax, y=yax, data=data, color=lin_reg_colors[eg - 1], label=label, scatter=False, truncate=True, ci=50, order=lin_reg_order, line_kws={'lw': 20, 'alpha': .4}, ax=ax) ax.set_xlim(0, x_limit) ax.set_xlabel('order: ' + label_dict[prop_num]) except: print('no data for eg group ' + str(eg) + ', adjust filter?') if measure == 'jobp': ymin = math.floor(min(df[yax])) ymax = math.ceil(max(df[yax])) scale_lim = max(abs(ymin), ymax) ax.set_yticks = (np.arange(-scale_lim, scale_lim + 1, 1)) if ylimit: ax.set_ylim(-ylim, ylim) else: ax.set_ylim(-scale_lim, scale_lim) if label_dict[prop_num] == 'Proposal': p_label = 'df_list item ' + str(prop_num) else: p_label = label_dict[prop_num] suptitle_str = (p_label + ' differential: ' + attr_dict[measure]) if tb_string: fig.suptitle(suptitle_str, fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_title(tb_string, fontsize=title_size, y=1.005) else: ax.set_title(suptitle_str, fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_xlim(left=0) if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) if xax == 'separate_eg_percentage': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1.1, .1)) ax.set_xlim(right=1) ax.axhline(0, c='m', ls='-', alpha=1, lw=2) ax.invert_xaxis() if bright_bg: ax.set_facecolor(bright_bg_color) ax.set_ylabel('differential', fontsize=label_size) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_size) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(label_size) ax.legend(markerscale=1.5, fontsize=legend_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - ' + p_label + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def job_grouping_over_time(df, eg_list, jobs, job_colors, p_dict, plt_kind='bar', ds_dict=None, rets_only=True, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, time_group='A', display_yrs=40, legend_loc=4, chart_style='darkgrid', suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, legend_size=13, tick_size=11, label_size=13, xsize=12, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Inverted bar chart display of job counts by group over time. Various filters may be applied to study slices of the datasets. The 'rets_only' option will display the count of employees retiring from each year grouped by job level. developer TODO: fix x axis scaling and labeling when quarterly ("Q") or monthly ("M") time group option selected. inputs df (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object eg_list (list) list of unique employee group numbers within the proposal Example: [1, 2] jobs (list) list of job label strings (for plot legend) job_colors (list) list of colors to be used for plotting p_dict (dictionary) employee group to string description dictionary plt_kind (string) 'bar' or 'area' (bar recommended) ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function rets_only (boolean) calculate for employees at retirement age only attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string time_group (string) group counts/percentages by year ('A'), quarter ('Q'), or month ('M') display_years (integer) when using the bar chart type display, evenly scale the x axis to include the number of years selected for all group charts legend_loc (integer) matplotlib legend location number code +---+----+---+ | 2 | 9 | 1 | +---+----+---+ | 6 | 10 | 7 | +---+----+---+ | 3 | 8 | 4 | +---+----+---+ suptitle_size (integer or float) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title legend_size (integer or float) text size of chart legend labels tick_size (integer or float) text size of x and y tick labels label_size (integer or float) text size of x and y descriptive labels xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of each chart in inches (width, height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) d_filt, t_string = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) if rets_only: d_filt = d_filt[d_filt.ret_mark == 1][ ['eg', 'date', 'jnum']].copy() for eg in eg_list: with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) denom = len(ds[(ds.mnum == 0) & ( == eg)]) df_eg = d_filt[ == eg] grouped = df_eg.groupby(['date', 'jnum']) if rets_only: grpby = grouped.size().unstack().fillna(0).astype(int) df = grpby.resample(time_group).sum() if time_group == 'A': df = (df / denom).round(decimals=3) if time_group == 'Q': df = (df / (.25 * denom)).round(decimals=3) ylbl = 'percent of sep list' else: grpby = grouped.size().unstack().fillna(0).astype(int) df = grpby.resample(time_group).mean() ylbl = 'count' df['year'] = df.index.year df.set_index('year', drop=True, inplace=True) cols = df.columns labels = [] clr = [] for col in cols: labels.append(jobs[col - 1]) clr.append(job_colors[col - 1]) if plt_kind == 'area': df.plot(kind='area', linewidth=0, color=clr, stacked=True, ax=ax) if plt_kind == 'bar': df.plot(kind='bar', width=1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=.5, color=clr, stacked=True, ax=ax) if rets_only: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(.08, 0, -.01)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.invert_yaxis() if plt_kind == 'bar': ax.set_xlim(0, display_yrs) ax.legend((labels), loc=legend_loc, fontsize=legend_size) ax.set_ylabel(ylbl, fontsize=label_size) suptitle_str = df_label + ' group ' + p_dict[eg] if t_string: fig.suptitle(suptitle_str, fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_title(t_string, fontsize=title_size, y=1.005) else: ax.set_title(suptitle_str, fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_size) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(label_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - ' + 'group' + str(eg) + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def parallel(df_list, dfb, eg_list, measure, month_list, job_levels, eg_colors, dict_settings, attr_dict, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, left=0, stride_list=None, chart_style='whitegrid', grid_color='.7', suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, facecolor='w', xsize=6, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Compare positional or value differences for various proposals with a baseline position or value for selected months. The vertical lines represent different proposed lists, in the order from the df_list list input. inputs df_list (list) list of datasets to compare, may be ds_dict (output of load datasets function) string keys or dataframe variable(s) or mixture of each dfb (string or variable) baseline dataset, accepts same input types as df_list above. The order of the list is reflected in the chart x axis lables eg_list (list) list of employee group integer codes to compare example: [1, 2] measure (string) dataset attribute to compare month_list (list) list of month numbers for analysis. the function will plot comparative data from each month listed job_levels (integer) number of job levels in data model eg_colors (list) list of colors to represent the employee groups dict_settings (dictionary) program settings dictionary generated by the build_program_files script attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string left (integer) integer representing the list comparison to plot on left side of the chart(s). zero (0) represents the standalone results and is the default. 1, 2, or 3 etc. represent the first, second, third, etc. dataset results in df_list input order stride_list (list) optional list of dataframe strides for plotting every other nth result (must be same length and correspond to eg_list) grid_color (string) string name for horizontal grid color facecolor (color value) chart background color xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of individual subplots (width, height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' label_dict = {} i = 0 for df in df_list: ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) label_dict[i + 1] = df_label df_list[i] = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) i += 1 df_base, dfb_label = determine_dataset(dfb, ds_dict, return_label=True) dfb_filt, tb_string = filter_ds(df_base, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) group_dict = dict_settings['p_dict'] color_dict = dict(enumerate(eg_colors)) jobs = dict_settings['job_strs'] num_egplots = len(eg_list) num_months = len(month_list) fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_months, num_egplots) fig.set_size_inches(xsize * num_egplots, ysize * num_months) plot_num = 0 for month in month_list: ds_dict = od() col_dict = od() ds_dict[0] = dfb_filt[(dfb_filt.mnum == month) & (dfb_filt.fur == 0)][ ['eg', measure]].copy() col_dict[0] = ['eg', 'Baseline'] i = 1 for ds in df_list: ds = ds[ds['fur'] == 0] ds_dict[i] = ds[ds.mnum == month][[measure]].copy() if label_dict[i] == "Proposal": col_dict[i] = ['List' + str(i)] else: col_dict[i] = [label_dict[i]] i += 1 dict_nums = list(ds_dict.keys()) col_list = [] col_list.extend(col_dict[left]) df_joined = ds_dict[left] i = 1 for num in dict_nums: if num != left: df_joined = df_joined.join(ds_dict[num], rsuffix=('_' + str(num))) col_list.extend(col_dict[num]) df_joined.columns = col_list for eg in eg_list: plot_num += 1 with sns.axes_style(chart_style, {'axes.facecolor': facecolor, 'axes.axisbelow': True, 'axes.edgecolor': '.2', 'axes.linewidth': 1.0, 'grid.color': grid_color, 'grid.linestyle': u'--'}): ax = plt.subplot(num_months, num_egplots, plot_num) df = df_joined[ == eg] try: stride = stride_list[eg - 1] df = df[::stride] except (TypeError, LookupError): df = df[::(int(len(df) * .015))] parallel_coordinates(df, 'eg', lw=1.5, alpha=.7, color=color_dict[eg - 1], ax=ax) ax.set_title('Group ' + group_dict[eg].upper() + ' ' + attr_dict[measure].upper() + ' ' + str(month) + ' mths', fontsize=title_size, y=1.02) for ax in fig.axes: if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(1, -0.05, -.05)) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) if measure in ['jnum', 'nbnf', 'jobp', 'fbff']: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, job_levels + 2, 1)) ax.set_ylim(job_levels + .5, 0.5) yticks = ax.get_yticks().tolist() for i in np.arange(1, len(yticks)): yticks[i] = jobs[i - 1] ax.set_yticklabels(yticks, va='top', fontsize=12) if measure in ['snum', 'lnum', 'cat_order']: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.grid() ax.legend_.remove() fig.suptitle(tb_string, fontsize=title_size, y=1.01) plt.tight_layout() if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def rows_of_color(df, mnum, measure_list, eg_colors, jnum_colors, dict_settings, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, cols=150, eg_list=None, job_only=False, jnum=1, shrink_to_fit=False, cell_border=True, eg_border_color='.2', job_border_color='.2', chart_style='whitegrid', fur_color=None, empty_color='#737373', suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, legend_size=14, xsize=15, ysize=9, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''plot a heatmap with the color of each rectangle representing an employee group, job level, or status. This chart will show a position snapshot indicating the distribution of employees within the entire population, employees holding a certain job, or a combination of the two. For example, all employees holding a certain job in month 36 may be plotted with original group delineated by color. Or, all employees from one group may be shown with the different jobs for that group displayed with different colors. Also will display any other category such as a special group such as furloughed employees. Input dataframe must have a numerical representation of the selected measure, i.e. furloughed indicated by a 1, and others with a 0. inputs df (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object mnum (integer) month number of dataset to analyze measure_list (list) list form input, 'categorical' only such as employee group number or job number, such as ['jnum'], or ['eg'] ['eg', 'fur'] is also valid when highlighting furloughees eg_colors (list) colors to use for plotting the employee groups. the first color in the list is used for the plot 'background' and is not an employee group color jnum_colors (list) job level plotting colors, list form ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string cols (integer) number of columns to construct for the heatmap plot eg_list (list) employee group integer code list (if used), example: [1, 2] job_only (boolean) if True, plot only employees holding the job level identified with the jnum input jnum (integer) job level distribution to plot if job_only input is True shrink_to_fit (boolean) if True, adjust the size of the heatmap to match the size of the filtered monthly data. If False, maintain the number of cells in the heatmap to be equal to the starting size of the employee population cell_border (boolean) if True, show a border around the heatmap cells eg_border_color (color value) color of cell border if measure_list includes 'eg' (employee group) job_border_color (color value) color of cell border when plotting job information chart_style (string) underlying chart style, any valid seaborn chart style (string) fur_color (color code in rgba, hex, or string style) custom color to signify furloughed employees (otherwise, last color in jnum_colors input will be used) empty_color (color value) cell color for cells with no data suptitle_size (integer or float) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title legend_size (integer or float) text size of chart legend xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of chart in inches (width, height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) data = ds[ds.mnum == mnum] d_filt, t_string = filter_ds(data, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) joined = d_filt[[]].join(data).reindex(data.index) if shrink_to_fit: rows = int(len(data) / cols) + 1 else: rows = int(len(ds[ds.mnum == 0]) / cols) + 1 heat_data = np.zeros(cols * rows) if job_only or measure_list == ['fur']: border_color = job_border_color else: border_color = eg_border_color if ('jnum' in measure_list) and (not job_only): plot_colors = jnum_colors[:] else: plot_colors = eg_colors[:] plot_colors.insert(0, empty_color) fur_integer = len(plot_colors) - 1 if fur_color: plot_colors[-1] = fur_color eg = egs = pd.unique(eg) if job_only: jnums = joined.jnum.values for eg_num in egs: np.put(heat_data, np.where(eg == eg_num)[0], eg_num) np.put(heat_data, np.where(jnums != jnum)[0], 0) # if jnum input is not in the list of available job numbers: if jnum not in pd.unique(jnums): jnum = pd.unique(jnums)[0] suptitle = df_label + ' month ' + str(mnum) + \ ': ' + dict_settings['job_strs'][jnum - 1] + \ ' job distribution' else: for measure in measure_list: if measure in ['eg', 'jnum']: measure = joined[measure].values for val in pd.unique(measure): np.put(heat_data, np.where(measure == val)[0], val) else: if measure == 'fur': measure = joined[measure].values np.put(heat_data, np.where(measure == 1)[0], fur_integer) else: measure = joined[measure].values for v in pd.unique(measure): np.put(heat_data, np.where(measure == v)[0], v) suptitle = df_label + ': month ' + str(mnum) if eg_list: np.put(heat_data, np.where(np.isin(eg, np.array(eg_list), invert=True))[0], np.nan) heat_data = heat_data.reshape(rows, cols) cmap = mplclrs.ListedColormap(plot_colors, name='chart_cmap', N=len(plot_colors)) with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) if cell_border: sns.heatmap(heat_data, vmin=0, vmax=len(plot_colors), cbar=False, annot=False, cmap=cmap, linewidths=0.2, linecolor=border_color, ax=ax) else: sns.heatmap(heat_data, vmin=0, vmax=len(plot_colors), cbar=False, annot=False, cmap=cmap, ax=ax) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=max(9, (min(12, ysize - 3)))) ax.set_ylabel(str(cols) + ' per row', fontsize=max(12, min(ysize + 1, 18))) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(True) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(True) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(True) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(True) heat_data = heat_data.reshape(rows * cols) recs = [] legend_labels = [] if 'jnum' in measure_list: if job_only: label_dict = dict_settings['p_dict_verbose'] if eg_list: heat_unique = np.unique(np.array(eg_list)).astype(int) else: heat_unique = np.unique(eg).astype(int) if not job_only: label_dict = dict_settings['job_strs_dict'] heat_unique = np.unique(heat_data[~np.isnan(heat_data)]) \ .astype(int) if 'eg' in measure_list: label_dict = dict_settings['p_dict_verbose'].copy() label_dict[max(egs) + 1] = 'FUR' heat_unique = np.unique(heat_data[~np.isnan(heat_data)]) \ .astype(int) heat_unique = heat_unique[heat_unique > 0] if measure_list == ['fur']: label_dict = {max(egs) + 1: 'FUR'} heat_unique = np.unique(heat_data[~np.isnan(heat_data)]).astype(int) try: heat_unique except NameError: heat_unique = np.unique(heat_data[~np.isnan(heat_data)]).astype(int) label_dict = {} for item in heat_unique: label_dict[item] = 'value ' + str(item) else: pass for cat in heat_unique: if cat > 0: try: recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=plot_colors[cat], alpha=1)) legend_labels.append(label_dict[cat]) except LookupError: pass if t_string: fig.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_title(t_string, fontsize=title_size, y=1.01) else: ax.set_title(suptitle, fontsize=suptitle_size) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(recs, legend_labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5), fontsize=legend_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '_m' + str(mnum) + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def quantile_bands_over_time(df, eg, measure, bins=20, ds_dict=None, year_clip=None, kind='area', quantile_ticks=False, cm_name='tab20c', chart_style='ticks', quantile_alpha=.75, grid_alpha=.4, custom_start=0.0, custom_finish=1.0, alt_bg_color=False, bg_color='#faf6eb', legend_size=13, label_size=13, xsize=14, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Visualize quantile distribution for an employee group over time for a selected proposal. This chart answers the question of where the different employee groups will be positioned within the seniority list for future months and years. Note: this is not a comparative study. It is simply a presentation of resultant percentage positioning. The chart contains a background grid for reference and may display quantiles as integers or percentages, using a bar or area type display, and includes several chart color options. inputs df (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object eg (integer) employee group number measure (string) a list percentage input, either 'spcnt' or 'lspcnt' bins (integer) number of quantiles to calculate and display ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function year_clip (integer) maximum year to display on chart (requires 'clip' input to be True) kind (string) type of chart display, either 'area' or 'bar' quantile_ticks (boolean) if True, display integers along y axis and in legend representing quantiles. Otherwise, present percentages. cm_name (string) colormap name (string), example: 'Set1' chart_style (string) style for chart output, any valid seaborn plotting style name quantile_alpha (float) alpha (opacity setting) value for quantile plot grid_alpha (float) opacity setting for background grid custom_start (float) custom colormap start level (a section of a standard colormap may be used to create a custom color mapping) custom_finish (float) custom colormap finish level alt_bg_color (boolean) if True, set the background chart color to the bg_color input value bg_color (color value) color for chart background if 'alt_bg_color' is True (string) legend_size (integer or float) text size for chart legend label_size (intger or float) text size for chart x and y axis labels xsize, ysize (integer or float) chart size inputs in inches (width, height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) if bins == 1: bins = 2 print('bins must be 2 or greater, using bins == 2') cm_subsection = np.linspace(custom_start, custom_finish, bins) colormap = eval('cm.' + cm_name) quantile_colors = [colormap(x) for x in cm_subsection] quantiles = np.arange(1, bins + 1) minor_quantiles = quantiles - .5 if year_clip: eg_df = ds[( == eg) & ( <= year_clip)] else: eg_df = ds[ == eg] eg_df = eg_df[['date', 'empkey', measure]] eg_df['year'] = years = pd.unique(eg_df.year) year_labels = np.arange(min(years), max(years) + 1, 1) bin_lims = np.linspace(0, 1, num=bins + 1, endpoint=True, retstep=False) result_arr = np.zeros((years.size, bin_lims.size - 1)) if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: filler = 1 else: filler = 0 grouped = eg_df.groupby(['year', pd.Grouper('empkey')])[measure].mean() \ .reset_index()[['year', measure]].fillna(filler) denom = len(grouped[grouped.year == min(eg_df.year)]) # in which quantile do we find employees over time? i = 0 for year in years: this_year = grouped[grouped.year == year][measure] these_bins = pd.cut(this_year, bin_lims) these_counts = this_year.groupby(these_bins).count() these_pcnts = these_counts / denom result_arr[i, :] = these_pcnts i += 1 frm = pd.DataFrame(result_arr, columns=quantiles, index=years) with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) ax.margins(x=0) step = 1 / bins if kind == 'area': frm.plot(kind=kind, linewidth=1, stacked=True, color=quantile_colors, alpha=quantile_alpha, ax=ax) elif kind == 'bar': frm.plot(kind=kind, width=1, stacked=True, color=quantile_colors, alpha=quantile_alpha, edgecolor='w', linewidth=.35, ax=ax) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) raw_yticks = np.arange(0, 1 + step, step) if bins > 20: raw_yticks = raw_yticks[::2] clipped_yticks = np.clip(raw_yticks, 0, 1) ax.set_yticks(clipped_yticks) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.invert_yaxis() if kind == 'area': ax.set_xticks(year_labels) ax.set_xticklabels(year_labels, rotation=80, ha='center') if len(ax.get_xticks()) > 20: for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) if quantile_ticks: ax2 = ax.twinx() if bins > 20: ax2_yticks = minor_quantiles[::2] quantile_labels = quantiles[::2] else: ax2_yticks = minor_quantiles quantile_labels = quantiles ax2.set_yticks(quantiles, minor=True) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax2.set_yticks(ax2_yticks) ax2.set_yticklabels(quantile_labels) ax2.set_ylim(0, bins) ax2.invert_yaxis() ax2.grid(False) ax2.grid(which='minor', color='k', alpha=grid_alpha, linestyle='dotted') ax.grid(which='major', color='gray', alpha=grid_alpha) ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', left=False, right=False, labelleft=False) ax2.set_ylabel('original quantile', fontsize=label_size) ax2.yaxis.labelpad = 10 legend_labels = quantiles legend_title = 'result quantile' else: ax.xaxis.grid(which='major', color='k', alpha=grid_alpha, ls='dotted') legend_labels = ['{percent:.1f}' .format(percent=((quart * step) - step) * 100) + ' - ' + '{percent:.1%}'.format(percent=quart * step) for quart in quantiles] legend_title = 'result_pcnt' if alt_bg_color: ax.set_facecolor(bg_color) ax.set_ylabel('original percentage', fontsize=label_size) ax.set_xlabel('year', fontsize=label_size) ax.xaxis.labelpad = 10 ax.set_title(df_label + ', group ' + str(eg) + ' quantile change over time\n' + str(bins) + ' quantiles', fontsize=16, y=1.02) recs = [] patch_alpha = min(quantile_alpha + .1, 1) legend_cols = int(bins / 30) + 1 for i in np.arange(bins, dtype='int'): recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=quantile_colors[i], alpha=patch_alpha)) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.7, box.height]) if quantile_ticks: ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.7, box.height]) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if bins > 50: ax.legend_ = None else: ax.legend(recs, legend_labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.08, 0.5), ncol=legend_cols, fontsize=legend_size, title=legend_title) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig((image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' grp [' + str(eg) + '].' + image_format), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def job_transfer(dfc, dfb, eg, job_colors, job_levels, job_strs, p_dict, ds_dict=None, gb_period='M', min_date=None, max_date=None, tgt_jobs_list=None, job_alpha=.85, chart_style='whitegrid', fur_color=None, draw_face_color=False, draw_grid=True, grid_alpha=.2, zero_line_color='m', ytick_interval=None, y_limit=None, title_size=14, legend_size=12, xsize=14, ysize=9, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''plot a differential stacked area chart displaying color-coded job transfer counts over time. Output chart is actually 2 area charts (one for positive values and one for negative values) displayed on a shared axis. inputs dfc (dataframe) proposal (comparison) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object dfb (dataframe) baseline dataset; proposal dataset is compared to this dataset, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object eg (integer) integer code for employee group job_colors (list) list of colors for job levels, may be value from color dictionary job_levels (integer) number of job levels in data model job_strs (list) list of job descriptions (labels) p_dict (dictionary) dictionary of employee number codes to verbose string description, (normally "p_dict_verbose" from the settings dictionary) Example: .. code:: python {0: 'Standalone', 1: 'Acme', 2: 'Southern'} ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function gb_period (string) group_by period. default is 'M' for monthly, other options are 'Q' for quarterly and 'A' for annual min_date (string date format) if set, analyze job transfer data from this date forward max_date (string date format) if set, analyze job transfer data up to this date tgt_jobs_list (list) if not None, only plot job level(s) in this list job_alpha (float) chart alpha level for job transfer plotting (0.0 - 1.0) chart_style (string) seaborn plotting library style fur_color (color code in rgba, hex, or string style) custom color to signify furloughed employees (otherwise, last color in job_colors input will be used) draw_face_color (boolean) apply a transparent background to the chart, red below zero and green above zero draw_grid (boolean) show major tick label grid lines grid_alpha (float) opacity setting for grid lines (0.0 - 1.0) zero_line_color (color value) color of the horizontal line a zero ytick_interval (integer) optional manual ytick spacing setting (function has auto-spacing built in) y_limit (integer) optional manual y axis chart limit (enter positive value only). This input may be used to "lock" vertical scaling (shut off auto_scaling) for comparing gains and losses between proposals and employee groups. title_size (integer or float) chart title text size legend_size (integer or float) chart legend text size xsize (integer or float) horizontal size of chart ysize (integer or float) vertical size of chart image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' dsc, dfc_label = determine_dataset(dfc, ds_dict, return_label=True) dsb, dfb_label = determine_dataset(dfb, ds_dict, return_label=True) if max_date: compare_df = dsc[( == eg) & ( <= max_date)].copy() base_df = dsb[( == eg) & ( <= max_date)].copy() else: compare_df = dsc[ == eg].copy() base_df = dsb[ == eg].copy() if min_date: compare_df = compare_df[ >= min_date].copy() base_df = base_df[ >= min_date].copy() # MAKE JOB COUNTS PER MONTH DATAFRAMES cg = compare_df[['date', 'jnum']].groupby(['date', 'jnum'])['jnum'] \ .count().unstack().fillna(0) bg = base_df[['date', 'jnum']].groupby(['date', 'jnum'])['jnum'] \ .count().unstack().fillna(0) for job_level in np.arange(1, job_levels + 1): if job_level not in bg: bg[job_level] = 0.0 if job_level not in cg: cg[job_level] = 0.0 bg.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) cg.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) # LIMIT JOBS TO TARGET LIST if tgt_jobs_list: bg = bg[sorted(set(tgt_jobs_list))] cg = cg[sorted(set(tgt_jobs_list))] # grab the corresponding job colors if len(tgt_jobs_list) == 1: job_colors = job_colors[tgt_jobs_list[0] - 1] else: jc = [] for job in sorted(set(tgt_jobs_list)): jc.append(job_colors[job - 1]) job_colors = jc # MAKE DIFFERENTIAL DATAFRAME diff2 = cg - bg diff2 = diff2.resample(gb_period).mean() diff2 = diff2.replace(0., np.nan) # CUSTOM FURLOUGH COLOR if fur_color and tgt_jobs_list is None: job_colors[-1] = fur_color # PLOT AX1 with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) ax1.margins(x=0) diff2[diff2 > 0].plot(kind='area', stacked=True, color=job_colors, ax=ax1, lw=0, alpha=job_alpha) ylimit1 = (ax1.get_ylim()[1] + 50) // 50 * 50 ax1.set_ylim(-ylimit1, ylimit1) # PLOT AX2 ax2 = ax1.twinx() diff2[diff2 < 0].plot(kind='area', stacked=True, color=job_colors, ax=ax2, sharex=ax1, lw=0, alpha=job_alpha) if draw_grid: ax1.grid(which='both', c='gray', alpha=grid_alpha, ls='dotted') ax2.grid(which='both', c='gray', alpha=grid_alpha, ls='dotted') ylimit2 = (ax2.get_ylim()[0] // 50) * -50 # SET GREATER Y AXIS LIMIT (IF PLOTTING ONLY TARGET JOBS) if ylimit2 > ylimit1: yl = ylimit2 else: yl = ylimit1 if y_limit: yl = y_limit ax1.set_ylim(-yl, yl) ax2.set_ylim(-yl, yl) # YTICKS if ytick_interval: interval = ytick_interval else: if yl > 500: interval = ((yl // 1000) + 1) * 100 else: interval = ((yl // 500) + 1) * 50 neg = np.arange(-interval, -yl - interval, -interval) pos = np.arange(0, yl + interval, interval) yticks = np.append(neg[::-1], pos) ax1.set_yticks(yticks) ax2.set_yticks(yticks) # REMOVE AX2 TICKS AND LEGEND ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', right=False, bottom=False, labelright=False, labelbottom=False) ax2.legend_.remove() # LEGEND job_labels = [] legend_title = 'job' for col in diff2.columns.values.tolist(): job_labels.append(job_strs[col - 1]) box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.95, box.height]) ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.95, box.height]) handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() ax1.legend(handles, job_labels, title=legend_title, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5), fontsize=legend_size) ax1.axhline(color=zero_line_color, alpha=.7, lw=1) # GAIN-LOSS BACKGROUND if draw_face_color: ymin, ymax = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.axhspan(0, ymax, facecolor='g', alpha=0.05, zorder=1) ax1.axhspan(0, ymin, facecolor='r', alpha=0.05, zorder=1) # AXIS LABELS ax1.set_ylabel('change in job count', fontsize=16) ax1.set_xlabel('date', fontsize=16, labelpad=15) # TITLE try: title_string = p_dict[eg] + \ ' Jobs Exchange' + '\n' + \ dfc_label + \ ' compared to ' + dfb_label ax1.set_title(title_string, fontsize=title_size, y=1.02) except (NameError, LookupError): print('error, problem creating title text') if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '_g' + str(eg) + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def eg_multiplot_with_cat_order(df, mnum, measure, xax, job_strs, job_level_colors, job_levels, settings_dict, attr_dict, color_dict, egs=[], ds_dict=None, fur_color=None, exclude_fur=False, plot_scatter=True, s=20, a=.7, lw=0, job_bands_alpha=.3, title_size=14, tick_size=12, label_pad=110, chart_style='whitegrid', remove_ax2_border=True, lgd_h_adj=None, xsize=13, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''plot any dataset attributes as x or y values for comparison when "cat_order" is selected as measure, show job category bands inputs df (dataframe) pandas dataframe input mnum (integer) month number for analysis measure (string) dataframe column name (attribute for analysis) xax (string) x axis attribute job_strs (list) list of job descriptions for labels (normally sdict['job_strs']) job_level_colors (list) list of colors for job level zones (normally cdict['job_colors']) job_levels (integer) number of job levels in model (sdict['num_of_job_levels']) settings_dict (dictionary) program job settings dictionary attr_dict (dictionary) program attribute name to attribute description dictionary color_dict (dictionary) color dictionary egs (list) list of employee groups for plotting ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function fur_color (string color value) if not None, color for furlough span color exclude_fur (boolean) if True, remove furloughed employees from input data plot_scatter (boolean) if True (default), plot a scatter chart, otherwise plot a line chart s (integer or float) size of scatter markers if a plot_scatter input is True a (float) transparency value for both line plots and scatter plots (0.0 to 1.0) lw (integer or float) width of maker edge lines with a scatter plot job_bands_alpha (float) transparency value for job level color spans title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title tick_size (integer or float) text size of chart tick labels label_pad (integer) minimum padding between job description labels that would otherwise overlap chart_style (string) any seaborn plotting style name remove_ax2_border (boolean) if True, remove axis 2 (ax2) chart spines xsize, ysize (integer or float) width and height of chart lgd_h_adj (float) set to a small float value (for example: .02, -.01) to adjust the horizontal position of the chart legend if required. Use negative values to move left, positive values to move right image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' df, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) eg_colors = color_dict['eg_colors'] eg_labels = settings_dict['p_dict_verbose'] if fur_color: job_level_colors[-1] = fur_color max_count = df.groupby('mnum').size().max() df = df[df.mnum == mnum].copy() eg_vals = eg_mask = np.isin(eg_vals, egs) df = df[eg_mask] if exclude_fur: df = df[df.fur == 0] with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) if measure == 'cat_order': tdict = pd.read_pickle('dill/dict_job_tables.pkl') table = tdict['table'] job_ticks = np.cumsum(table[0][mnum]) job_ticks = np.append(job_ticks, max_count) job_ticks = np.insert(job_ticks, 0, 0) for eg in egs: idx = eg - 1 mask = np.isin(, eg) if plot_scatter: df[mask].plot(x=xax, y=measure, kind='scatter', color=eg_colors[idx], label=eg_labels[eg], linewidth=lw, s=s, ax=ax1) else: df[mask].set_index(xax, drop=True)[measure].plot(label=eg_labels[idx], color=eg_colors[idx], ax=ax1) ax1.set_title('[' + df_label + ']' + ' month ' + str(mnum) + ' ' + xax + ' | ' + measure, y=1.02, fontsize=title_size) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=tick_size) if measure in ['snum', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'jnum', 'jobp', 'fbff', 'cat_order']: ax1.invert_yaxis() if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(1, -.05, -.05)) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax1.set_ylim(1, 0) else: ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0, max_count, 1000)) ax1.set_ylim(max_count, 0) if measure in ['cat_order']: with sns.axes_style('white'): ax2 = ax1.twinx() if remove_ax2_border: for axis in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: ax2.spines[axis].set_linewidth(0.0) ax1_lims = ax1.get_ylim() reversed_ax1_lims = (ax1_lims[1], ax1_lims[0]) ax2.set_ylim(reversed_ax1_lims) axis2_lbl_locs = [] axis2_lbls = [] for i in np.arange(1, job_ticks.size): axis2_lbl_locs.append(round((job_ticks[i - 1] + job_ticks[i]) / 2)) axis2_lbls.append(job_strs[i - 1]) axis2_lbl_locs = add_pad(axis2_lbl_locs, pad=label_pad) ax2.set_yticks(axis2_lbl_locs) ax2.set_yticklabels(axis2_lbls) for level in job_ticks: ax1.axhline(y=level, c='.8', ls='-', alpha=.8, lw=.6, zorder=0) ax2.invert_yaxis() # plot job band background on chart for i in np.arange(1, job_ticks.size): ax2.axhspan(job_ticks[i - 1], job_ticks[i], facecolor=job_level_colors[i - 1], alpha=job_bands_alpha) ax1.grid(ls='dashed', lw=.5) if measure in ['jnum', 'nbnf', 'jobp', 'fbff']: ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0, job_levels + 2, 1)) yticks = ax1.get_yticks().tolist() for i in np.arange(1, len(yticks)): yticks[i] = job_strs[i - 1] ax1.axhspan(job_levels + 1, job_levels + 2, facecolor='.8', alpha=0.2) ax1.set_yticklabels(yticks, va='top') ax1.axhline(y=job_levels + 1, c='.8', ls='-', alpha=.8, lw=3) ax1.set_ylim(job_levels + 1.5, 0.5) if xax in ['snum']: ax1.set_xlim(max_count, 0) if xax in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1.1, .1)) ax1.set_xlim(1, 0) if xax in ['age']: if settings_dict['ret_age_increase']: month_val = 1 / 12 months_incr = \ sum(np.array(settings_dict['ret_incr'])[:, -1].astype(int)) yr_add_decimal = months_incr * month_val ret_age_limit = settings_dict['ret_age'] + yr_add_decimal else: ret_age_limit = settings_dict['ret_age'] ax1.set_xlim(right=ret_age_limit) if xax in ['ylong']: ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 55, 5)) ax1.set_xlim(-0.5, max(df.ylong) + 1) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=tick_size) # LEGEND -------------- box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) if measure in ['cat_order']: ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) lgd_adj = 1.04 else: lgd_adj = .99 # allow manual adjustment of legend horizontal position if lgd_h_adj is not None: lgd_adj = lgd_adj + lgd_h_adj ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(lgd_adj, .5), loc='center left', borderaxespad=4, frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, markerscale=2) # --------------------- ax1.set_ylabel(attr_dict[measure]) ax1.set_xlabel(attr_dict[xax]) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def diff_range(df_list, dfb, measure, eg_list, attr_dict, ds_dict=None, cm_name='Set1', attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, year_clip=2042, show_range=False, range_alpha=.25, show_mean=True, normalize_y=False, suptitle_size=16, title_size=16, tick_size=13, label_size=16, legend_size=14, chart_style='whitegrid', ysize=6, xsize=11, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Plot a range of differential attributes or a differential average over time. Individual employee groups and proposals may be selected. Each chart indicates the results for one group with color bands or average lines indicating the results for that group under different proposals. This is different than the usual method of different groups being plotted on the same chart. inputs df_list (list) list of datasets to compare, may be ds_dict (output of load_datasets function) string keys or dataframe variable(s) or mixture of each dfb (dataframe, can be proposal string name) baseline dataset, accepts same input types as df_list above measure (string) differential data to compare eg_list (list) list of integers for employee groups to be included in analysis. example: [1, 2, 3] A chart will be produced for each employee group number. eg_colors (list) list of colors to represent different proposal results attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string year_clip (integer) only plot data up to and including this year show_range (boolean) show a transparent background on the chart representing the range of values for each measure for each proposal range_alpha (float) transparancy level for range plotting (0.0 to 1.0) show_mean (boolean) plot a line representing the average of the measure values for the group under each proposal normalize_y (boolean) if measure is 'spcnt' or 'lspcnt', equalize the range of the y scale on all charts (-.5 to .5) suptitle_size (integer or font) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or font) text size of chart title tick_size (integer or font) text size of chart tick labels label_size (integer or font) text size of chart x and y axis labels legend_size (integer or font) text size of the legend labels chart_style (string) any valid seaborn plotting style (string) xsize, ysize (integer or font) size of chart in inches (width and height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' print('''NOTE: Each chart represents a single employee group. The lines represent how that group is affected by each proposal. This format is different from other charts.''') label_dict = {} i = 0 for df in df_list: ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) if df_label == 'Proposal': df_label = 'list' + str(i + 1) label_dict[i + 1] = df_label df_list[i] = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) i += 1 df_base, dfb_label = determine_dataset(dfb, ds_dict, return_label=True) dfb_filt, tb_string = filter_ds(df_base, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) color_list = make_color_list(num_of_colors=len(df_list), cm_name_list=[cm_name]) cols = ['date'] sa_ds = dfb_filt[ <= year_clip][ ['mnum', 'eg', 'date', measure]].copy() sa_ds['eg_order'] = sa_ds.groupby(['mnum', 'eg']).cumcount() sa_ds.sort_values(['mnum', 'eg', 'eg_order'], inplace=True) sa_ds.pop('eg_order') sa_ds.reset_index(inplace=True) sa_ds.set_index(['mnum', 'empkey'], drop=True, inplace=True) i = 0 col_list = [] for ds in df_list: col_name = measure + '_' + label_dict[i + 1] col_list.append(col_name) ds = ds[ <= year_clip][['mnum', 'eg', 'date', measure]].copy() ds['eg_order'] = ds.groupby(['mnum', 'eg']).cumcount() ds.sort_values(['mnum', 'eg', 'eg_order'], inplace=True) ds.pop('eg_order') ds.reset_index(inplace=True) ds.set_index(['mnum', 'empkey'], drop=True, inplace=True) ds.rename(columns={measure: col_name}, inplace=True) df_list[i] = ds i += 1 i = 0 for ds in df_list: col = col_list[i] sa_ds[col] = ds[col] sa_ds[col] = sa_ds[col] - sa_ds[measure] i += 1 cols.extend(col_list) for eg in eg_list: with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) ax.margins(x=0) if show_range: sa_ds[ == eg][cols].set_index('date') \ .plot(color=color_list, alpha=range_alpha, ax=ax) ax.grid(lw=1, ls='--', c='grey', alpha=.25) if show_mean: ax.legend_ = None plt.draw() if show_mean: if show_range: sa_ds[ == eg][cols].set_index('date') \ .resample('Q').mean().plot(color=color_list, ax=ax) else: sa_ds[ == eg][cols].set_index('date') \ .resample('Q').mean().plot(color=color_list, ax=ax) if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'jobp', 'jnum', 'cat_order']: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.axhline(c='m', lw=2, ls='--') if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) if normalize_y: ax.set_ylim(.5, -.5) ax.set_yticks = np.arange(.5, -.55, .05) suptitle = 'Employee Group ' + str(eg) + ' ' +\ attr_dict[measure] + ' differential' if tb_string: fig.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_title(tb_string, fontsize=title_size) else: ax.set_title(suptitle, fontsize=title_size) plt.tight_layout() # LEGEND -------------- handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, .5), loc='center left', fontsize=legend_size) # --------------------- ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=tick_size) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=tick_size) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(label_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - group' + str(eg) + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def job_count_charts(dfc, dfb, settings_dict, eg_colors, eg_list=None, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, plot_egs_sep=False, plot_total=True, xax='date', year_max=None, chart_style='darkgrid', base_ls='-', prop_ls=':', base_lw=1.6, prop_lw=2.5, suptitle_size=14, title_size=12, total_color='g', xsize=5, ysize=4, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''line-style charts displaying job category counts over time. optionally display employee group results on separate charts or together inputs dfc (dataframe) proposal (comparison) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object dfb (dataframe) baseline dataset; proposal dataset is compared to this dataset, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object settings_dict (dictionary) program settings dictionary generated by the build_program_files script eg_colors (list) list of color values for plotting the employee groups, length is equal to the number of employee groups in the data model eg_list (list) list of employee group codes to plot Example: [1, 2] ds_dict (dictionary) variable assigned to load_datasets function output attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string plot_egs_sep (boolean) if True, plot each employee group job level counts separately plot_total (boolean) if True, include the combined job counts on chart(s) xax (string) x axis groupby attribute, options are 'date' or 'mnum', default is 'date' year_max (integer) maximum year to include on chart Example: if input is 2030, chart would display data from beginning of data model through 2030 (integer) base_ls (string) line style for base job count line(s) prop_ls (string) line style for comparison (proposal) job count line(s) base_lw (float) line width for base job count line(s) prop_lw (float) line width for comparison (proposal) job count lines suptitle_size (integer or float) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) chart title(s) font size total_color (color value) color for combined job level count from all employee groups xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of chart display in inches (width and height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' dsc, dfc_label = determine_dataset(dfc, ds_dict, return_label=True) dsb, dfb_label = determine_dataset(dfb, ds_dict, return_label=True) dfc_filt = filter_ds(dsc, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) dfb_filt, t_string = filter_ds(dsb, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) suptitle = dfc_label + ' vs ' + dfb_label + \ ' (dotted line is comparison, solid line is base)' + '\n' + t_string prop = dfc_filt[[xax, 'jnum', 'eg']] base = dfb_filt[[xax, 'jnum', 'eg']] max_mnum = dsb.mnum.max() if year_max: prop = prop[ <= year_max].copy() base = base[ <= year_max].copy() jnums = np.unique(np.concatenate((pd.unique(base.jnum), pd.unique(prop.jnum)))) num_jobs = jnums.size if plot_egs_sep: num_egplots = len(eg_list) else: num_egplots = 1 if year_max: min_date = max_date = datetime.datetime(year_max, 12, 31) dates = pd.date_range(min_date, max_date, freq='M') else: dates = pd.date_range(, periods=max_mnum, freq='M') dum = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(len(dates), dtype=int), columns=['ph'], index=dates) # count_plot function: (split the try section into an if statement # to compensate for changes in matplotlib which caused an exception # to be raised when any group had no members. This was in spite of # the try:except language...) def count_plot(df, jnum, dummy, color, ax, lw, alpha, ls): try: group = df[df.jnum == jnum].groupby('date').size() \ .fillna(0).astype(int) if len(group > 0): group.plot(c=color, lw=lw, ls=ls, alpha=alpha, ax=ax) else:, c='grey', ls='-', alpha=0) except TypeError:, c='grey', ls='-', alpha=0) plot_idx = 1 # loop through job levels for jnum in jnums: # filter for current job number base_jobs = base[base.jnum == jnum] prop_jobs = prop[prop.jnum == jnum] # plot each employee group on separate chart for each job level: if plot_egs_sep: # loop through employee groups for eg in eg_list: with sns.axes_style(chart_style): ax = plt.subplot(num_jobs, num_egplots, plot_idx) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=10) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(12) # show combined job level count on chart, otherwise skip over if plot_total: # plot base df job total count_plot(base_jobs, jnum, dum, total_color, ax, base_lw, .7, ls=base_ls) # plot proposal df job total count_plot(prop_jobs, jnum, dum, total_color, ax, prop_lw, 1, ls=prop_ls) eg_jobs = base_jobs[ == eg] # plot employee group base job count count_plot(eg_jobs, jnum, dum, eg_colors[eg - 1], ax, base_lw, 1, ls=base_ls) eg_jobs = prop_jobs[ == eg] # plot employee group proposal job count count_plot(eg_jobs, jnum, dum, eg_colors[eg - 1], ax, prop_lw, 1, ls=prop_ls) ax.set_title(settings_dict['p_dict_verbose'][eg] + ' ' + settings_dict['job_strs_dict'][jnum], fontsize=title_size) plot_idx += 1 # plot all employee groups on same job level chart else: with sns.axes_style(chart_style): ax = plt.subplot(num_jobs, num_egplots, plot_idx) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=10) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(12) # show combined job level count on chart, otherwise skip over if plot_total: # plot base df job total count_plot(base_jobs, jnum, dum, total_color, ax, base_lw, .7, ls=base_ls) # plot proposal df job total count_plot(prop_jobs, jnum, dum, total_color, ax, prop_lw, 1, ls=prop_ls) # loop through employee groups for eg in eg_list: eg_jobs = base_jobs[ == eg] count_plot(eg_jobs, jnum, dum, eg_colors[eg - 1], ax, base_lw, 1, ls=base_ls) eg_jobs = prop_jobs[ == eg] count_plot(eg_jobs, jnum, dum, eg_colors[eg - 1], ax, prop_lw, 1, ls=prop_ls) ax.set_title(settings_dict['job_strs_dict'][jnum], fontsize=title_size) plot_idx += 1 fig = plt.gcf() for ax in fig.axes: ax.margins(x=0) try: ax.legend_.remove() except AttributeError: pass fig.set_size_inches(xsize * num_egplots, ysize * num_jobs) fig.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=suptitle_size, y=1.015) fig.tight_layout() if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def build_subplotting_order(rows, cols): '''build a list of integers to permit passing through subplots by columns note: only used when looping completes one vertical column before continuing to next column inputs rows, cols (integer) number of rows and columns in multiple chart output ''' subplot_order_list = [] for col in np.arange(1, cols + 1): subplot_order_list.extend(np.arange(col, (rows * cols) + 1, cols)) return subplot_order_list
[docs]def emp_quick_glance(empkey, df, ds_dict=None, title_size=14, tick_size=13, lw=4, chart_style='dark', xsize=8, ysize=48, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''view basic stats for selected employee and proposal A separate chart is produced for each measure. inputs empkey (integer) employee number (in data model) df (dataframe) dataset to study, will accept string proposal name ds_dict (dictionary) variable assigned to load_datasets function output title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title tick_size (integer or font) text size of chart tick labels lw (integer or float) line width of plot lines chart_style (string) any valid seaborn charting style xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of chart display image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) one_emp = ds[ds.empkey == empkey].set_index('date') cols = ['age', 'ylong', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'snum', 'jnum', 'jobp', 'cat_order', 'rank_in_job', 'job_count', 'mpay', 'cpay'] with sns.axes_style(chart_style): one_emp[cols].plot(subplots=True, figsize=(xsize, ysize), lw=lw) plt.xticks(rotation=0, horizontalalignment='center') fig = plt.gcf() i = 0 for ax in fig.axes: ax.margins(x=0) if cols[i] in ['new_order', 'jnum', 'snum', 'spcnt', 'lnum', 'lspcnt', 'rank_in_job', 'job_count', 'jobp', 'cat_order']: ax.invert_yaxis() if i % 2 == 0: ax.yaxis.tick_right() if i == 0: ax.set_title(df_label + ', emp ' + str(empkey), y=1.1, fontsize=title_size) else: ax.set_title(df_label + ', emp ' + str(empkey), fontsize=title_size) if i == 0: ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labeltop=True) ax.grid(c='grey', alpha=.3) i += 1 plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=tick_size) plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=tick_size) one_emp = () plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.075, wspace=0) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def cond_test(df, grp_sel, enhanced_jobs, job_colors, job_dict, basic_jobs=None, ds_dict=None, plot_all_jobs=False, min_mnum=None, max_mnum=None, limit_to_jobs=None, use_and=False, print_count_months=None, print_all_counts=False, plot_job_bands_chart=True, only_target_bands=False, legend_size=14, title_size=16, xsize=8, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''visualize selected job counts over time applicable to computed condition with optional printing of certain data. Primary usage is validation of job assignment conditions by charting the count(s) of job(s) assigned by the program to particular employee groups over time. The function may also be used to evaluate distribution of jobs with various proposals. Career progression of employees who enjoy special job rights may be understood particularily well by utilizing the print_all_counts option. The output is 2 charts. The first chart is a line chart displaying selected job count information over time. The second is a stacked area chart displaying all job counts for the selected group(s) over time. There are additional optional print outputs. The print_all_counts option will print a dataframe containing job count totals for each month. The print_count_months input is a list of months to print the only the plotted job counts, primarily for testing purposes. inputs df (dataframe) dataset(dataframe) to examine grp_sel (list) integer input(s) representing the employee group code(s) to select for analysis. This argument also will accept the string 'sg' to select a special job rights group(s). Multiple inputs are normally handled as 'or' filters, meaning an input of [1, 'sg'] would mean employee group 1 **or** any special job rights group, but can be modified to mean only group 1 **and** special job rights employees with the 'use_and' input. enhanced_jobs (boolean) if True, basic_jobs input job levels will be converted to enhanced job levels with reference to the job_dictionary input, otherwise basic_jobs input job levels will be used job_colors (list) list of color values to use for job plots job_dict (dictionary) dictionary containing basic to enhanced job level conversion data. This is likely the settings dictionary "jd" value. basic_jobs (list) basic job levels to plot. This list will be converted to the corresponding enhanced job list if the enhanced_jobs input is set to True. Defaults to [1] if not assigned. ds_dict (dictionary) dataset dictionary which allows df input to be a string description (proposal name) plot_all_jobs (boolean) option to plot all of the job counts within the input dataset vs only those selected with the basic_jobs input (or as converted to enhanced jobs if enhanced_jobs input is True). The jobs plotted may be filtered by the limit_to_jobs input. min_mnum (integer) integer input, only plot data including this month forward(mnum). Defaults to zero. max_mnum (integer) integer input, only plot data through selected month (mnum). Defaults to maximum mnum for input data limit_to_jobs (list) a list of jobs to plot, allowing focus on target jobs. Should be a subset of normal output, otherwise no filtering of normal output occurs use_and (boolean) when the grp_sel input has more than one element, require filtered dataframe for analysis to be part of all grp_sel input sets. print_count_months (list) list of month(s) for printing job counts print_all_counts (boolean) if True, print the entire job count dataframe. plot_job_bands_chart (boolean) if True, plot an area chart beneath the job count chart. The area chart will display all of the jobs available to the selected employee group(s) over time with job band areas only_target_bands (boolean) if True, plot area chart of jobs from job count chart only, vs the default of all job levels legend_size (integer or float) text size of legend labels title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of chart display in inches (width and height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' d, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) # construct a string which will be evaluated below with the 'eval' # statement. This string is a slicing filter for the input dataframe, and # is dependent upon the 'grp_sel' and 'use_and' inputs. pre = 'd[' eg_pre = '( == ' eg_suf = ')' suf = '].copy()' if use_and: oper = ' & ' else: oper = ' | ' if not basic_jobs: basic_jobs = [1] if enhanced_jobs: job_list = [] for job in basic_jobs: job_list.extend([int(job_dict[job][0]), int(job_dict[job][1])]) else: job_list = basic_jobs if limit_to_jobs: plot_jobs = [] for job in limit_to_jobs: if job in job_list: plot_jobs.append(job) if plot_jobs: job_list = plot_jobs job_list.sort() i = 1 if len(grp_sel) > 1: s = '' while i < len(grp_sel): if type(grp_sel[i - 1]) == int: s = s + (eg_pre + str(grp_sel[i - 1]) + eg_suf + oper) i += 1 elif grp_sel[i - 1] == 'sg': s = s + '( == 1)' + oper i += 1 if type(grp_sel[i - 1]) == int: s = s + (eg_pre + str(grp_sel[i - 1]) + eg_suf) elif grp_sel[i - 1] == 'sg': s = '( == 1)' else: if type(grp_sel[i - 1]) == int: s = eg_pre + str(grp_sel[i - 1]) + eg_suf elif grp_sel[i - 1] == 'sg': s = '( == 1)' segment = pre + s + suf # Example s variable: 'd[( == 2) | ( == 3)].copy()' df = eval(segment) # This groupby and unstack operation produces a monthly count of all jobs all_jcnts = df.groupby(['date', 'jnum']).size() \ .unstack().fillna(0).astype(int) all_jcnts['mnum'] = range(len(all_jcnts)) if not min_mnum: min_mnum = 0 if not max_mnum: max_mnum = all_jcnts.mnum.max() if enhanced_jobs: info_prefix = 'enhanced' else: info_prefix = 'basic' info_next_line = ('\nmodify "limit_to_jobs" input (as list) ' + 'to select target job plots') print('"enhanced_jobs" option is >>', bool(enhanced_jobs)) if not plot_all_jobs: print(info_prefix + ' jobs for analysis >>', job_list) print(info_next_line) title = s # option to print a numerical tally of jobs for targeted months if print_count_months: for month in print_count_months: mdate = df[df.mnum == month]['date'].iloc[0].strftime('%m-%d-%Y') print('\nmonth ' + str(month), '(' + mdate + ') ' + title + ' job count:') jnum_seg = df[df.mnum == month]['jnum'].values for job in job_list: job_count = jnum_seg[jnum_seg == job].size print(int(job), int(job_count)) try: j_colors = np.array(job_colors)[np.array(job_list) - 1] if len(job_list) == 1: j_colors = j_colors[0] except LookupError: print('\njob number error - (no matching job color), exiting...\n') return try: if not plot_all_jobs: cnd_jcnts = all_jcnts.copy() jdf = cnd_jcnts[(cnd_jcnts.mnum >= min_mnum) & (cnd_jcnts.mnum <= max_mnum)] jdf_cols = jdf.columns.values.tolist() not_found = [job for job in job_list if job not in jdf_cols] job_list = [job for job in job_list if job in jdf_cols] if not_found: print('these jobs are not found and are not plotted >>', not_found) jdf[job_list].plot(color=j_colors) if plot_all_jobs: job_list = [] for col in all_jcnts.columns: try: col + 0 job_list.append(int(col)) except TypeError: pass print('\n"plot_all_jobs" option selected') print('all job numbers found >>', job_list) if limit_to_jobs: temp_jobs = [] for job in limit_to_jobs: if job in job_list: temp_jobs.append(job) job_list = temp_jobs print('\n"limit_to_jobs" option selected, ' + 'output limited to jobs >>', job_list) print(' (set "limit_to_jobs" to "None" to stop...)') jdf = all_jcnts[(all_jcnts.mnum >= min_mnum) & (all_jcnts.mnum <= max_mnum)] jdf[job_list].plot(color=j_colors) except LookupError: print('\n...job number error - exiting...') print('> verify job(s) for analysis exist within selected sample? <\n') return fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca() ax.margins(x=0) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.95, box.height]) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5), fontsize=legend_size) fig.set_size_inches(xsize, ysize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25) if plot_job_bands_chart: out = [] for col in all_jcnts.columns: try: col + 0 out.append(int(col)) except TypeError: pass out.sort() job_list.sort() if only_target_bands: df_jcnts = all_jcnts[job_list] job_colors = j_colors else: df_jcnts = all_jcnts[out] df_jcnts[(all_jcnts.mnum >= min_mnum) & (all_jcnts.mnum <= max_mnum)].plot(kind='area', color=job_colors, stacked=True, linewidth=0.1, alpha=.6) fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca() ax.margins(x=0) ax.invert_yaxis() fig.set_size_inches(xsize, ysize) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.95, box.height]) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5), fontsize=legend_size) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_size) ax.grid(linestyle='dotted', lw=1.5) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - ' + 'job_bands' + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25) # option to print a dataframe containing all job counts for all months: if print_all_counts: all_jcnts_print = df.groupby(['mnum', 'date', 'jnum']).size() \ .unstack().fillna(0).astype(int) # calculate a total column (total count of all jobs for each month) np_total = np.add.accumulate(all_jcnts_print.values, 1).T[-1] all_jcnts_print['total'] = np_total print('\n', all_jcnts_print)
[docs]def single_emp_compare(emp, measure, df_list, xax, job_strs, eg_colors, p_dict, job_levels, attr_dict, ds_dict=None, chart_style='whitegrid', standalone_color='#ff00ff', title_size=14, tick_size=12, label_size=13, legend_size=14, xsize=12, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Select a single employee and compare proposal outcome using various calculated measures. inputs emp (integer) empkey for selected employee measure (string) calculated measure to compare examples: 'jobp' or 'cpay' df_list (list) list of calculated datasets to compare xax (string) dataset column to set as x axis job_strs (list) string job description list eg_colors (list) list of colors to be assigned to line plots p_dict (dictionary) dictionary containing eg group integer to eg string descriptions job_levels (integer) number of jobs in the model attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function chart_style (string) any valid seaborn plotting style standalone_color (color value) color of standalone plot (This function assumes one proposal from each group, any additional proposal is assumed to be standalone) title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title tick_size (integer or float) text size of chart tick labels label_size (integer or float) text size of x and y axis chart labels legend_size (integer or float) text size of chart legend xsize, ysize (integer or float) width and height of output chart in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' label_dict = {} i = 0 for df in df_list: ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) df_list[i] = ds label_dict[i] = df_label i += 1 eg_colors.append(standalone_color) eg_colors.append('green') with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) ax.margins(x=0) for i in range(0, len(df_list)): df_list[i][df_list[i].empkey == emp].set_index(xax)[measure] \ .plot(label=label_dict[i], lw=3, alpha=.6, ax=ax) ax.set_title('Employee ' + str(emp) + ' - ' + attr_dict[measure], y=1.02, fontsize=title_size) if measure in ['snum', 'cat_order', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'jnum', 'jobp', 'fbff', 'rank_in_job']: ax.invert_yaxis() if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.axhline(y=1, c='.8', alpha=.8, lw=3) if measure in ['jnum', 'nbnf', 'jobp', 'fbff']: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, job_levels + 2, 1)) yticks = ax.get_yticks().tolist() for i in np.arange(1, len(yticks)): yticks[i] = job_strs[i - 1] ax.axhspan(job_levels + 1, job_levels + 2, facecolor='.8', alpha=0.9) ax.set_yticklabels(yticks, va='top') ax.axhline(y=job_levels + 1, c='.8', ls='-', alpha=.8, lw=3) ax.set_ylim(job_levels + 1.5, 0.5) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=tick_size) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=tick_size) ax.set_xlabel(attr_dict[xax], fontsize=label_size) ax.set_ylabel(attr_dict[measure], fontsize=label_size) ax.legend(loc='best', markerscale=1.5, fontsize=legend_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def job_time_change(ds_list, ds_base, eg_list, job_colors, job_strs_dict, job_levels, attr_dict, xax, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, marker='o', edgecolor='k', linewidth=.05, size=25, alpha=.95, bg_color='#ffffff', x_max=1.02, limit_yax=False, ylimit=40, zeroline_color='m', zeroline_width=1.5, pos_neg_face=True, pos_neg_face_alpha=.03, legend_job_strings=True, legend_position=1.18, legend_marker_size=130, suptitle_size=16, title_size=14, tick_size=12, chart_style='whitegrid', label_size=13, xsize=12, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png', experimental=False): '''Plots a scatter plot displaying monthly time in job differential, by proposal and employee group. X axis percentage reflects first month within each comparative dataset, which will be the same as standalone for all groups unless the data model implementation date occurs at month zero. inputs ds_list (list) list of datasets to compare, may be ds_dict (output of load_datasets function) string keys or dataframe variable(s) or mixture of each ds_base (string or variable) baseline dataset, accepts same input types as ds_list above eg_list (list) list of integers for employee groups to be included in analysis example: [1, 2, 3] job_levels (integer) number of job levels in the data model job_colors (list) list of color values for job level plotting job_strs_dict (dictionary) dictionary of job code (integer) to job description label attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary xax (string) list percentage attrubute, i.e. spcnt or lspcnt ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string job_colors (list) list of color values for the job level plotting job_strs_dict (dictionary) job number to job label dictionary marker (string) scatter chart matplotlib marker type edgecolor (color value) matplotlib marker edge color linewidth (integer or float) matplotlib marker edge line size size (integer or float) size of markers alpha (float) marker alpha (transparency) value bg_color (color value) background color of chart if not None x_max (integer or float) high limit of chart x axis limit_yax (integer or float) if True, restrict plot y scale to this value may be used to prevent outliers from exagerating chart scaling ylimit (integer or float) y axis limit if limit_yax is True zeroline_color (color value) color for zeroline on chart zeroline_width (integer or float) width of zeroline pos_neg_face (boolean) if True, apply a light green tint to the chart area above the zero line, and a light red tint below the line legend_job_strings (boolean) if True, use job description strings in legend vs. job numbers legend_position (float) controls the horizontal position of the legend legend_marker_size (integer or float) adjusts the size of the legend markers suptitle_size (integer or float) text size of chart super title title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title tick_size (integer or float) text size of chart tick labels xsize, ysize (integer or float) x and y size of each plot in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' experimental (boolean) show additional output under development consisting of a table, heatmap, and bar chart ''' label_dict = {} i = 0 for df in ds_list: ds, ds_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) label_dict[i + 1] = ds_label ds_list[i] = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) i += 1 ds_base, ds_base_label = determine_dataset(ds_base, ds_dict, return_label=True) dsb_filt, tb_string = filter_ds(ds_base, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) ds_frames = od() ds_dict = od() # sorts index by empkey, this is base df with key 0 ds_dict[0] = dsb_filt.groupby([pd.Grouper('empkey'), 'jnum']).size()\ .unstack().fillna(0) i = 1 for ds in ds_list: ds_frames[i] = ds[ds.mnum == 0][[xax, 'eg']] # sorts index by empkey ds_dict[i] = ds.groupby([pd.Grouper('empkey'), 'jnum']).size().unstack().fillna(0) i += 1 # get keys for comparative dataframes (all but key 0) compare_keys = [x for x in list(ds_dict.keys()) if x > 0] diff_dict = od() joined_dict = od() for i in compare_keys: # create diff dataframes - all comparative dataframes minus base df diff_dict[i] = ds_dict[i] - ds_dict[0] # create empty comparative dataframe (index only) empty = ds_frames[i][[]] # auto-align (order) diff_dict[i] with index-only dataframes # using join method joined_dict[i] = empty.join(diff_dict[i]) # sort columns joined_dict[i].sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True, ascending=False) # add xax and eg columns joined_dict[i] = joined_dict[i].join(ds_frames[i]) # do not include results for employees with no change (0) in chart joined_dict[i] = joined_dict[i].replace(0, np.nan) joined_keys = list(joined_dict.keys()) # make a reversed list of the data model job levels (high to low) job_list = np.arange(job_levels, 0, -1) for jk in joined_keys: for eg in eg_list: # filter for eg eg_df = joined_dict[jk][joined_dict[jk].eg == eg] if experimental: db = eg_df.copy() db.replace(np.nan, 0, inplace=True) db['quantile'] = \ np.clip(db[xax] * 100 // 10 + 1, 1, 10).astype(int) db.drop([xax, 'eg'], axis=1, inplace=True) # db = db.groupby('quantile').sum().divide(len(db) / 10) db = db.groupby('quantile').sum().astype(int) db = db[db.columns[::-1]] = 'job_level' print('< proposal', label_dict[jk] + ', eg ' + str(eg), '>', '\n', '--' * 10, '\n') print('Job time change table (months)', '\n') print(db.T.reindex(columns=list(range(10, 0, -1)))) sns.heatmap(db.T, cmap='seismic_r', center=0, annot=True, fmt='d') plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.gca().set_title('months-in-job change, by quantile') db.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, width=1, color=job_colors, linewidth=.5, edgecolor='k') ax = plt.gca() ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_title('Months in job change by quantile') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.85, box.height]) lgnd = ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(.99, .5), borderaxespad=4, title='job_level', fontsize=12) with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.margins(x=0) fig.set_size_inches(xsize, ysize) for jnum in job_list: try: eg_df.plot(kind='scatter', x=xax, y=jnum, color=np.reshape(job_colors[jnum - 1], (1, -1)), edgecolor=edgecolor, marker=marker, linewidth=linewidth, s=size, alpha=alpha, label=str(jnum), ax=ax) except KeyError: pass if xax in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=x_max) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, .05)) if xax in ['cat_order']: ax.set_xlim(left=0) ax.axhline(c=zeroline_color, lw=zeroline_width) ax.tick_params(labelsize=13, labelright=True) ax.set_ylabel('months differential', fontsize=label_size) ax.set_xlabel(attr_dict[xax], fontsize=label_size) ax.set_title('Months in job differential, ' + label_dict[jk] + ', eg ' + str(eg), fontsize=title_size) if limit_yax: ax.set_ylim(-ylimit, ylimit) if pos_neg_face: ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.axhspan(0, ymax, facecolor='g', alpha=pos_neg_face_alpha, zorder=8) ax.axhspan(0, ymin, facecolor='r', alpha=pos_neg_face_alpha, zorder=8) if bg_color: ax.set_facecolor(bg_color) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=tick_size) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=tick_size) ax.grid(linestyle='dotted', lw=1.5) ax.invert_xaxis() plt.tight_layout() handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # sort both labels and handles by labels (converted to int) # from lowest job number(best) to highest (worst) for # for legend handles, labels = zip(*sorted(zip(handles, labels), key=lambda x: int(x[1]))) # use job string descriptions in legend vs. job numbers if legend_job_strings: label_strs = [] for label in labels: label_strs.append(job_strs_dict[int(label)]) labels = label_strs # move legend off of chart face to right legend_title = 'job' # use sorted labels and handlers as legend input # and position legend box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.85, box.height]) lgnd = ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(.99, .5), borderaxespad=4, title=legend_title, fontsize=12) lgnd.get_title().set_fontsize('16') # set legend marker size for mark in lgnd.legendHandles: mark._sizes = [legend_marker_size] if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - ' + str(jk) + 'grp' + str(eg) + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def group_average_and_median(dfc, dfb, eg_list, eg_colors, measure, job_levels, settings_dict, attr_dict, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1='0', attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2='0', attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3='0', plot_median=False, plot_average=True, compare_to_dfb=True, use_filtered_results=True, show_full_yscale=False, job_labels=True, max_date=None, chart_style='whitegrid', xsize=14, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Plot group average and/or median for a selected attribute over time for compare and/or base datasets. Standalone data may be used as compare or baseline data. Results may be further filtered/sliced by up to 3 constraints, such as age, longevity, or job level. This function can plot basic data such as average list percentage or could, for example, plot the average job category rank for employees hired prior to a certain date who are over or under a certain age, for a selected integrated dataset and/or standalone data (or for two integrated datasets). inputs dfc (string or dataframe variable) comparative dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object dfb (string or dataframe variable) baseline dataset to plot (likely use standalone dataset here for comparison, but may plot and compare any dataset), may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object eg_list (list) list of integers representing the employee groups to analyze (i.e. [1, 2]) eg_colors (list) list of colors for plotting the employee groups measure (string) attribute (column) to compare, such as 'spcnt' or 'jobp' job_levels (integer) number of job levels in the data model settings_dict (dictionary) program settings dictionary generated by the build_program_files script attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary ds_dict (dictionary) dataset dictionary (variable assigned to the output of load_datasets function) attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string plot_meadian (boolean) plot the median of the measure for each employee group plot_average (boolean) plot the average(mean) of the measure for each employee group compare_to_dfb (boolean) plot average dfb[measure] data as dashed line. (likely show standalone data with dfb, or reverse and show standalone as primary and integrated as dfb) (dfb refers to baseline dataframe or dataset) use_filtered_results (boolean) if True, use the same employees from the filtered proposal list. For example, if the dfc list is filtered by age only, the dfb list could be filtered by the same age and return the same employees. However, if the dfc list is filtered by an attribute which diverges from the dfb measurements for the same attribute, a different set of employees could be returned. This option ensures that the same group of employees from both the dfc (filtered first) list and the dfb list are compared. (dfc refers to the comparison proposal, dfb refers to baseline) show_full_yscale (boolean) if measure input is one of these: 'jnum', 'nbnf', 'jobp', 'fbff', if True, show all job levels on chart. Otherwise, allow chart to autoscale with plotted data job_labels (boolean) if measure input is one of these: 'jnum', 'nbnf', 'jobp', 'fbff', use job text description labels vs. number labels on the y axis of the chart (boolean) max_date (date string) maximum chart date. If set to 'None', the maximum chart date will be the maximum date within the list data. chart_style (string) option to specify alternate seaborn chart style xsize, ysize (integer or float) x and y size of chart in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' dsc, dfc_label = determine_dataset(dfc, ds_dict, return_label=True) dsb, dfb_label = determine_dataset(dfb, ds_dict, return_label=True) if max_date: dfc = dfc[ <= max_date] dfb = dfb[ <= max_date] dfc = filter_ds(dsc, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) dfb, t_string = filter_ds(dsb, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) if plot_average: if plot_median: plot_string = ' avg/median ' else: plot_string = ' average ' elif plot_median: plot_string = ' median ' else: plot_string = ' <set plot_average or plot_median to True> ' title_string = '' p_dict = settings_dict['p_dict'] if measure == 'mpay': # eliminate variable employee last month partial pay dfc = dfc[dfc.ret_mark == 0].copy() dfb = dfb[dfb.ret_mark == 0].copy() with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.margins(x=0) for eg in eg_list: # for each employee group, group by date and plot avg/median of measure try: date_group = dfc[ == eg].groupby('date') if plot_average: date_group[measure].mean().plot(color=eg_colors[eg - 1], ax=ax, lw=3, label=dfc_label + ', grp' + p_dict[eg] + ' avg') if plot_median: date_group[measure].median().plot(color=eg_colors[eg - 1], ax=ax, lw=1, label=dfc_label + ', grp' + p_dict[eg] + ' median') except: print('invalid or missing data - dfc, group ' + str(eg)) if compare_to_dfb: if use_filtered_results: title_string = title_string + \ ' (dfb employees match dfc filtered group)' # perform join to grab same employees as filtered proposal list try: dfb = dfc.set_index(['mnum', 'empkey'], verify_integrity=False)[['date', 'eg']] \ .join(dfb.set_index(['mnum', 'empkey'], verify_integrity=False)[measure]) except: print('dfb data not found') else: # if join above not needed... title_string = title_string + \ ' (dfb employees independently filtered)' for eg in eg_list: try: date_group = dfb[ == eg].groupby('date') if plot_average: date_group[measure].mean().plot(label=dfb_label + ', ' + 'grp' + p_dict[eg] + ' avg', color=eg_colors[eg - 1], ls='dashed', lw=2.5, alpha=.5, ax=ax) if plot_median: date_group[measure].median().plot(label=dfb_label + ', ' + 'grp' + p_dict[eg] + ' median', color=eg_colors[eg - 1], ls='dotted', lw=2.5, alpha=.5, ax=ax) except: print('invalid or missing data - dfb, group ' + str(eg)) # snippit below for no label with plots... # label='_nolabel_', if measure in ['snum', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'jnum', 'lnum', 'jobp', 'fbff', 'cat_order']: ax.invert_yaxis() if measure in ['jnum', 'nbnf', 'jobp', 'fbff']: if job_labels: if show_full_yscale: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, job_levels + 2, 1)) else: max_ytick = int(max(ax.get_yticks().tolist())) + 1 ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, max_ytick, 1)) yticks = ax.get_yticks().tolist() job_strs_dict = settings_dict['job_strs_dict'] for i in np.arange(1, len(yticks)): yticks[i] = job_strs_dict[i] ax.set_yticklabels(yticks, va='top') ax.set_ylim(top=0.75) else: if show_full_yscale: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, job_levels + 2, 1)) ax.set_ylim(top=0.75) if show_full_yscale: ax.set_ylim(bottom=job_levels + 2) ax.axhspan(job_levels + 1, job_levels + 2, facecolor='.8', alpha=0.5) ax.axhline(y=job_levels + 1, c='.8', ls='-', alpha=.8, lw=3) if settings_dict['delayed_implementation']: if settings_dict['implementation_date']: # plot vertical line at implementation date ax.axvline(settings_dict['implementation_date'], c='#33cc00', ls='dashed', alpha=1, lw=1, label='implementation date', zorder=1) if compare_to_dfb: suptitle_string = (dfc_label + plot_string.upper() + attr_dict[measure].upper() + ' vs. ' + dfb_label) else: suptitle_string = (dfc_label + plot_string.upper() + attr_dict[measure].upper()) fig.suptitle(suptitle_string, fontsize=16) ax.set_title(t_string + ' ' + title_string, y=1.02, fontsize=14) # LEGEND -------------- # move legend off of chart face to right handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, .5), fontsize=14) # -------------------- fig.set_size_inches(xsize, ysize) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def stripplot_eg_density(df, mnum, eg_colors, ds_dict=None, mnum_order=True, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, dot_size=3, chart_style='whitegrid', bg_color='white', title_size=12, suptitle_size=14, xsize=5, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''plot a stripplot showing density distribution for non-retired employees for each employee group separately at the selected month. The stripplot displays remaining employees positioned according to the selected month or initial month integrated list order (controlled by the "mnum_order" input). Note: To analyze job category distribution density, use the "stripplot_dist_in_category" plotting function. The input dataframe (df) may be a dictionary key (string) or a pandas dataframe. The input dataframe may be filtered by attributes using the attr(x), oper(x), and val(x) inputs. inputs df (string or dataframe) text name of input proposal dataset, also will accept any dataframe variable (if a sliced dataframe subset is desired, for example) Example: input can be 'proposal1' (if that proposal exists, of course, or could be df[df.age > 50]) mnum (integer) view data for employees remaining (not yet retired) within this data model month number eg_colors (list) color codes for plotting each employee group ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function mnum_order (boolean) if True, plot list position in month selected with the "mnum" input, otherwise plot according to initial integrated list position attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string dot_size (integer or float) size of stripplot markers bg_color (color value) chart background color title_size (integer or float) chart title text size suptitle_size (integer or float) chart text size of suptitle xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of chart width and height in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) ds = ds[ds.mnum == mnum] d_filt, t_string = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) d_filt = d_filt[['eg']].copy() d_filt.rename(columns={'eg': 'filt_eg'}, inplace=True) if mnum_order: y_order = 'snum' y_label = 'm' + str(mnum) + ' list order' else: y_order = 'new_order' y_label = 'initial list order' mnum_p = ds[['eg', y_order]].join(d_filt) mnum_p['eg'] = mnum_p.filt_eg min_eg = min(np.unique( max_eg = max(np.unique( try: with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) sns.stripplot(y=y_order, x='eg', data=mnum_p, jitter=.5, order=np.arange(min_eg, max_eg + 1), palette=eg_colors, size=dot_size, linewidth=0, dodge=True, ax=ax) ax.set_facecolor(bg_color) except: print('\nEmpty dataset, nothing to plot. Check filters?\n') return ax.set_ylim(max(mnum_p[y_order]), 0) ttl = df_label + ' m' + str(mnum) if t_string: fig.suptitle(ttl, fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_title(t_string, fontsize=title_size) else: ax.set_title(ttl, fontsize=suptitle_size) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def job_count_bands(df_list, eg_list, job_colors, settings_dict, ds_dict=None, emp_list=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, fur_color=None, show_grid=True, max_date=None, plot_alpha=.75, legend_alpha=.9, legend_xadj=1.3, legend_yadj=1.0, legend_size=11, title_size=14, tick_size=12, label_size=13, chart_style='darkgrid', xsize=13, ysize=8, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''area chart representing count of jobs available over time This chart displays the future job opportunities for each employee group with various list proposals. This is not a comparative chart (for example, with standalone data), it is simply displaying job count outcome over time. However, the results for the employee groups may be compared and measured for equity. Inputs df_list (list) list of datasets to compare, may be ds_dict (output of load_datasets function) string keys or dataframe variable(s) or mixture of each eg_list (list) list of integers for employee groups to be included in analysis example: [1, 2, 3] job_colors (list) list of colors to represent job levels settings_dict (dictionary) program settings dictionary generated by the build_program_files script ds_dict (dictionary) output from load_datasets function emp_list (list) optional list of employee number(s) to plot (empkey attribute) attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string fur_color (color code in rgba, hex, or string style) custom color to signify furloughed job level band (otherwise, last color in job_colors input will be used) max_date (date string) only include data up to this date example input: '1997-12-31' plot_alpha (float, 0.0 to 1.0) alpha value (opacity) for area plot (job level bands) legend_alpha (float, 0.0 to 1.0) alpha value (opacity) for legend markers legend_xadj, legend_yadj (floats) adjustment input for legend horizontal and vertical placement legend_size (integer or float) text size of legend labels title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title tick_size (integer or float) text size of x and y tick labels label_size (integer or float) text size of x and y descriptive labels chart_style (string) chart styling (string), any valid seaborn chart style xsize, ysize (integer or float) plot size in inches (width and height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' label_dict = {} i = 0 for df in df_list: ds, df_label = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict, return_label=True) if max_date: ds = ds[ <= max_date] label_dict[i] = df_label df_list[i] = filter_ds(ds, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) i += 1 if fur_color: job_colors[-1] = fur_color for eg in eg_list: i = 0 for df_object in df_list: with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) ax.margins(x=0) if show_grid: ax.grid(which='major', color='k', alpha=.1, linestyle='solid') ax.grid(which='minor', color='k', alpha=.1, linestyle='dotted') ax.minorticks_on() else: ax.grid(False) df = df_object[ == eg].copy() y = len(df[df.mnum == 0]) + 50 dfg = df.groupby(['date', 'jnum']).size() dfg = pd.DataFrame(dfg.unstack().fillna(0)) cols = dfg.columns.values.tolist() plot_colors = [job_colors[j - 1] for j in cols] dfg.plot(kind='area', stacked=True, color=plot_colors, linewidth=0, alpha=plot_alpha, ax=ax) if emp_list: empkey_set = set(df.empkey) if any(x in empkey_set for x in emp_list): df['eg_order'] = df.groupby('mnum').cumcount() + 1 for emp in emp_list: if emp in empkey_set: df[df.empkey == emp].plot('date', 'eg_order', ls='dashed', lw=2, ax=ax) ax.set_ylim(y, 0) if label_dict[i] in ['standalone', 'award']: title_str = label_dict[i] + ', group ' + str(eg) else: title_str = label_dict[i] + ' proposal, group ' + str(eg) ax.set_title(title_str, fontsize=title_size, y=1.01) # legend----------- recs = [] job_labels = [] for k in cols: recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=job_colors[k - 1], alpha=legend_alpha)) job_labels.append(settings_dict['job_strs'][k - 1]) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(recs, job_labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5), fontsize=legend_size, title='job') # ----------------- ax.xaxis.label.set_size(label_size) ax.yaxis.label.set_size(label_size) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=tick_size) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=tick_size) ax.set_ylabel('job count', fontsize=10) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - ' + label_dict[i] + ' grp' + str(eg) + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25) i += 1
[docs]def determine_dataset(ds_def, ds_dict=None, return_label=False): '''this function permits either a dictionary key (string) or a dataframe variable to be used in functions as a dataframe object. inputs ds_def (dataframe or string) A pandas dataframe or a string representing a key for a dictionary which contains dataframe(s) as values ds_dict (dictionary) A dictionary containing string to dataframes, used if ds_def input is not a dataframe return_label (boolean) If True, return a descriptive dataframe label if the ds_dict was referenced, otherwise return a generic "Proposal" string ''' if type(ds_def) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame: ds = ds_def ds_label = 'Proposal' else: if ds_dict: try: ds = ds_dict[ds_def] ds_label = ds_def except (NameError, LookupError): print('error:\n invalid dataframe or ds_dict key ' + '(first argument)') return else: print('error:\n it appears that you may be using a dictionary' + ' key as input, but "ds_dict" is undefined,' + ' please set "ds_dict" keyword variable') return if return_label: return ds, ds_label else: return ds
[docs]def numeric_test(value): '''determine if a variable is numeric returns a boolean value input value any variable ''' try: float(value) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def filter_ds(ds, attr1=None, oper1=None, val1=None, attr2=None, oper2=None, val2=None, attr3=None, oper3=None, val3=None, return_title_string=True): '''Filter a dataset (dataframe) by attribute(s). Filter process is ignored if attr(n) input is None. All attr, oper, and val inputs must be strings. Up to 3 attribute filters may be combined. Attr, oper, and val inputs are combined and then evaluated as expressions. If return_title_string is set to True, returns tuple (ds, title_string), otherwise returns ds. inputs ds (dataframe) the dataframe to filter attr(n) (string) an attribute (column) to filter. Example: 'ldate' oper(n) (string) an operator to apply to the attr(n) input. Example: '<=' val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string return_title_string (boolean) If True, returns a string which dexcribes the filter(s) applied to the dataframe (ds) ''' # title_string = '' if any([attr1, attr2, attr3]): str1 = '' str2 = '' str3 = '' if attr1: if not numeric_test(val1): val1_text = "'" + val1 + "'" else: val1_text = str(val1) try: # slice proposal dataset according to attr1 inputs ds = ds[eval('ds[attr1]' + oper1 + val1_text)].copy() str1 = attr1 + ' ' + oper1 + ' ' + str(val1) except: print('''attr1 filter error - filter ignored ensure filter inputs are strings''') if attr2: if not numeric_test(val2): val2_text = "'" + val2 + "'" else: val2_text = str(val2) try: ds = ds[eval('ds[attr2]' + oper2 + val2_text)].copy() str2 = attr2 + ' ' + oper2 + ' ' + str(val2) except: print('''attr2 filter error - filter ignored ensure filter inputs are strings''') if attr3: if not numeric_test(val3): val3_text = "'" + val3 + "'" else: val3_text = str(val3) try: ds = ds[eval('ds[attr3]' + oper3 + val3_text)].copy() str3 = attr3 + ' ' + oper3 + ' ' + str(val3) except: print('''attr3 filter error - filter ignored ensure filter inputs are strings''') else: if return_title_string: title_string = '' return ds, title_string else: return ds if return_title_string: title_string = ', '.join([x for x in [str1, str2, str3] if x]) return ds, title_string else: return ds
# This is used with the EDITOR_TOOL notebook...
[docs]def display_proposals(): '''print out a list of the proposal names which were generated and stored in the dill folder by the build_program_files script no inputs ''' print('proposal list:') print(list(pd.read_pickle('dill/proposal_names.pkl').proposals))
[docs]def slice_ds_by_filtered_index(df, ds_dict=None, mnum=0, attr='age', attr_oper='>=', attr_val=50): '''filter an entire dataframe by only selecting rows which match the filtered results from a target month. In other words, zero in on a slice of data from a particular month, such as employees holding a specific job in month 25. Then, using the index of those results, find only those employees within the entire dataset as an input for further analysis within the program. The output may be used as an input to a plotting function or for other analysis. This function may also be used repeatedly with various filters, using output of one execution as input for another execution. inputs df (dataframe, can be proposal string name) the dataframe (dataset) to be filtered ds_dict (dictionary) A dictionary containing string to dataframes, used if ds_def input is not a dataframe mnum (integer) month number of the data to filter attr (string) attribute (column) to use during filter oper (string) operator to use, such as '<=' or '!=' attr_val (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr1 limiting value (combined with oper) as string Example filter: jnum >= 7 (in mnum month) ''' ds = determine_dataset(df, ds_dict) mnum = str(mnum) try: attr_val = str(float(attr_val)) except ValueError: pass # get the indexes (employee numbers) of the filtered data month_slice_indexes = \ ds[eval('(ds[attr]' + attr_oper + attr_val + ') & (ds.mnum == ' + mnum + ')')].index.values ds_index = ds.index.values # get all of the dataset rows with an index (employee number) which exists # within the month_slice_indexes array ds_filter = ds[np.isin(ds_index, month_slice_indexes)] return ds_filter
[docs]def mark_quantiles(df, quantiles=10): '''add a column to the input dataframe identifying quantile membership as integers (the column is named "quantile"). The quantile membership (category) is calculated for each employee group separately, based on the employee population in month zero. The output dataframe permits attributes for employees within month zero quantile categories to be be analyzed throughout all the months of the data model. The number of quantiles to create within each employee group is selected by the "quantiles" input. The function utilizes numpy arrays and functions to compute the quantile assignments, and pandas index data alignment feature to assign month zero quantile membership to the long-form, multi-month output dataframe. This function is used within the quantile_groupby function. inputs df (dataframe) Any pandas dataframe containing an "eg" (employee group) column quantiles (integer) The number of quantiles to create. example: If the input is 10, the output dataframe will be a column of integers 1 - 10. The count of each integer will be the same. The first quantile members will be marked with a 1, the second with 2, etc., through to the last quantile, 10. ''' mult = 1000 mod = mult / quantiles aligned_df = df.copy() df = df[df.mnum == 0][['eg']].copy() eg_arr = bins_arr = np.zeros_like(eg_arr) unique_egs = np.arange(eg_arr.max()) + 1 for eg in unique_egs: eg_count = eg_arr[eg_arr == eg].size this_eg_arr = np.clip((np.arange(eg_count) + 1) / eg_count, 0, .9999) this_bin_arr = (this_eg_arr * mult // mod).astype(int) + 1 np.put(bins_arr, np.where(eg_arr == eg)[0], this_bin_arr) df['quantile'] = bins_arr aligned_df['quantile'] = df['quantile'] return aligned_df
[docs]def quantile_groupby(dataset_list, eg_list, measure, quantiles, eg_colors, band_colors, settings_dict, attr_dict, job_dict, groupby_method='median', xax='date', ds_dict=None, num_cat_order_yticks=10, through_date=None, verbose_title=True, plot_total=True, show_job_bands=True, show_grid=True, plot_implementation_date=True, draw_reserve_levels=False, custom_color=False, cm_name='Set1', start=0.0, stop=1.0, exclude=None, reverse=False, chart_style='whitegrid', remove_ax2_border=True, line_width=1, use_dashed_line_compare=True, bg_color='.98', job_bands_alpha=.15, line_alpha=.7, grid_alpha=.3, title_size=14, tick_size=12, label_size=13, label_pad=110, xsize=12, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Plot representative values of a selected attribute measure for each employee group quantile over time. Multiple employee groups may be plotted at the same time. Job bands may be plotted as a chart background to display job level progression when the measure input is set to "cat_order". Two data models may be plotted and compared on the same chart. Only the first employee group found within the eg_list input will be compared when plotting more than one dataset. Example use case: plot the average job category rank of each employee quantile group, from the start date though the life of the data model. The quantile group attribute may be analyzed with any of the following methods: [mean, median, first, last, min, max] If the eg_list input list contains a single employee group code and the custom_color input is set to "True", the color of the plotted quantile result lines will be a spectrum of colors. The following inputs are related to the custom color generation: [cm_name, start, stop, exclude, reverse] The above inputs will be used by the make_color_list function located within this module to produce a list of colors with a length equal to the quantiles input. (Please see the docstring for the make_color_list function for further explaination). If the quantiles input is set to a relatively high value (100-200), the impact on the career profiles of the employee groups is easily discernible when using a qualitative color map. inputs dataset_list (dataframes) A list of long-form dataframes, each of which contains "date" (and "mnum" if xax input is set to "mnum") and "eg" columns and at least one attribute column for analysis. The normal input is a list of calculated datasets with many attribute columns. The list may only hold one or two datasets. eg_list (list) List of eg (employee group) codes for analysis. The order of the employee codes will determine the z-order of the plotted lines, last employee group plotted on top of the others. measure (string) Attribute column name quantiles (integer) The number of quantiles to create and plot for each employee group in the eg_list input. eg_colors (list) list of color values for plotting the employee groups band_colors (list) list of color values for plotting the background job level color bands when the using a measure of 'cat_order' with the 'show_job_bands' variable set to True settings_dict (dictionary) program settings dictionary generated by the build_program_files script attr_dict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary job_dict (dictionary) dictionary containing basic to enhanced job level conversion data. This is likely the settings dictionary "jd" value. groupby_method (string) The method applied to the attribute data within each quantile. The allowable methods are listed in the description above. Default is 'median'. xax (string) The first groupby level and x axis value for the analysis. This value defaults to "date" which represents each month of the model. Alternatively, "mnum" may be used. ds_dict (dictionary) A dictionary containing string to dataframes, used if df input is not a dataframe but a string key (examples: 'standalone', 'p1') num_cat_order_yticks (int) approiximate number of y axis ticks to display on the lefthand side of the chart when "cat_order" is selected as the "measure" input. The actual number of ticks displayed will be adjusted to match an optimal numerical interval between tick values. This input does not have a linear relationship with the output and may require a significant input change to affect the chart display. through_date (date string) If set as a date string, such as '2020-12-31', only show results up to and including this date. verbose_title (boolean) If True, chart title will use the long descriptions for each employee group from the settings.xlsx input file, proposal_dictionary worksheet. Otherwise, the eg number codes will be used in the title plot_total (boolean) If True, plot a dotted gray line representing the total count of active pilots over time (only when "measure" input is set to "cat_order" and "show_job_bands" input is True) show_job_bands If measure is set to "cat_order", plot properly scaled job level color bands on chart background show_grid (boolean) If True, plot a grid on the chart plot_implementation_date If True and the xax argument is set to "date", plot a dashed vertical line at the implementation date. draw_reserve_levels (boolean) If True and basic job levels have been selected via the settings.xlsx "scalars" worksheet, "enhanced jobs" setting, draw a horizontal red dashed line within each basic job category level representing the upper limit of reserve status custom_color (boolean) If set to True, will permit a custom color spectrum to be produced for plotting a single employee group "cat_order" result (color map is selected with the cm_name input) cm_name (string) The colormap name to be used for the custom color option start (float) The starting point of the colormap to begin a custom color list generation (0.0 to less than 1.0) stop (float) The ending point of the colormap to finish a custom color list generation (greater than 0.0 to 1.0) exclude (list) A list of 2 floats between 0.0 and 1.0 describing a section of the original colormap to exclude from a custom color list generation. (Example [.45, .55], the middle of the list excluded) reverse (boolean) If True, reverse the sequence of the custom color list chart_style (string) set the chart plot style for ax1 from the avialable seaborn plotting themes: ["darkgrid", "whitegrid", "dark", "white", and "ticks"] The default is "whitegrid". remove_ax2_border (boolean) if "cat_order" is set as the measure input and the show_job_bands input is set True, a second axis is generated to be the container for the job level labels. The chart style for ax2 is "white" which avoids unwanted grid lines but includes a black solid chart border by default. This ax2 border may be removed if this input is set to True. (The border may be displayed if the chart_style input (for ax1) is set to "white" or "ticks"). line_width (float) The width of the plotted lines. Default is .75 use_dashed_line_compare (boolean) If True, when comparing output from 2 datasets, plot the second dataset output with a dashed line, otherwise use a solid line bg_color (color value) The background color for the chart. May be a color name, color abreviation, hex value, or decimal between 0 and 1 (shades of black) job_bands_alpha (float) If show_job_bands input is set to True and measure is set to "cat_order", this input controls the alpha or transparency of the background job level bands. (0.0 to 1.0) line_alpha (float) Transparency value of plotted lines (0.0 to 1.0) grid_alpha (float) Transparency value of grid lines (0.0 to 1.0) title_size (integer or float) Font size value for title tick_size (integer or float) Font size value for chart tick (value) labels label_size (integer or float) Font size value for x and y unit labels xsize, ysize (integers or floats) Width and height of chart in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' if len(dataset_list) > 2: print('''dataset list input variable too long... list may contain a maximum of 2 datasets''') return if len(dataset_list) == 1 and len(eg_list) > 1: multiplot = True else: multiplot = False clrs = make_color_list(num_of_colors=quantiles, start=start, stop=stop, exclude=exclude, reverse=reverse, cm_name_list=[cm_name], return_list=True) if measure == 'cat_order' and (groupby_method not in ['mean', 'median', 'first', 'last', 'min', 'max']): print('\nError:\n\n' + ' When measure is set to "cat_order", groupby_method input ' + 'must be in ["mean", "median", "first", "last", "min", "max"]' + '\n\n' + ' Current groupby_method value is "' + groupby_method + '".\n\n') return if use_dashed_line_compare: ls_list = ['-', '--'] else: ls_list = ['-', '-'] job_levels = settings_dict['num_of_job_levels'] job_strs = settings_dict['job_strs_dict'] # proposal dictionary p_dict = od() # quantile dataframe dictionary bin_df_dict = od() # the dataset_list input can accept dataset proposal string names or # dataset variable names counter = 1 for model in dataset_list: df, df_label = determine_dataset(model, ds_dict, return_label=True) if model == pd.core.frame.DataFrame: df_label = df_label + str(counter) counter += 1 p_dict[df_label] = df # limit the scope of the plot to a selected month in the future if the # through_date argument is assigned an integer if through_date: through_date = pd.to_datetime(through_date) p_dict[df_label] = \ p_dict[df_label][p_dict[df_label].date <= through_date] through_date = min(max(, through_date) else: through_date = max(p_dict[df_label].date) # make a dataframe with an added column ('quantile') indicating # quantile membership number (integer) for each employee, # each employee group calculated separately... bin_df_dict[df_label] = mark_quantiles(p_dict[df_label], quantiles) # if mpay is selected, remove employee monthly pay data for retirement # months to exclude partial pay amounts if measure == 'mpay': bin_df_dict[df_label] = \ bin_df_dict[df_label][bin_df_dict[df_label].ret_mark == 0] # create figure and ax1 with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) ax1.margins(x=0) # ---------------------------------------------- # create the job bands and labels on ax2 if measure in ['cat_order'] and show_job_bands: bg_color = '#ffffff' job_strs_dict = settings_dict['job_strs_dict'] starting_date = settings_dict['starting_date'] tdict = pd.read_pickle('dill/dict_job_tables.pkl') table = tdict['table'] df_table = pd.DataFrame(table[0], columns=np.arange(1, job_levels + 1), index=pd.date_range(starting_date, periods=table[0].shape[0], freq='M')) # for band areas jobs_table = df_table[:through_date] jobs_table.plot.area(stacked=True, sort_columns=True, linewidth=2, color=band_colors, alpha=job_bands_alpha, legend=False, ax=ax1) # for headcount: d = p_dict[df_label] df_monthly_non_ret = \ pd.DataFrame(d[d.fur == 0].groupby('mnum').size(), columns=['count']) df_monthly_non_ret.set_index( pd.date_range(starting_date, periods=pd.unique(df_monthly_non_ret.index).size, freq='M'), inplace=True) non_ret_count = df_monthly_non_ret[:through_date] last_month_jobs_series = jobs_table.loc[through_date].sort_index() l_mth_counts = pd.DataFrame(last_month_jobs_series, index=last_month_jobs_series.index ).sort_index() l_mth_counts.rename(columns={l_mth_counts.columns[0]: 'counts'}, inplace=True) l_mth_counts['cum_counts'] = l_mth_counts['counts'].cumsum() cnts = list(l_mth_counts['cum_counts']) cnts.insert(0, 0) axis2_lbl_locs = [] axis2_lbls = [] ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.grid(False) if remove_ax2_border: for axis in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: ax2.spines[axis].set_linewidth(0.0) ax1.invert_yaxis() i = 0 for job_num in l_mth_counts.index: axis2_lbl_locs.append(round((cnts[i] + cnts[i + 1]) / 2)) axis2_lbls.append(job_strs_dict[job_num]) i += 1 axis2_lbl_locs = add_pad(axis2_lbl_locs, pad=label_pad) ax2.set_yticks(axis2_lbl_locs) ax2.set_yticklabels(axis2_lbls) if plot_total: non_ret_count['count'].plot(c='r', ls=':', lw=1.5, label='active count', ax=ax1) ax2.set_ylim(ax1.get_ylim()) # ------------------------------------------------- # ............................................................. # this section is for the quantile line plots: y_limit = 0 if len(dataset_list) == 1: for eg in eg_list: frame = bin_df_dict[df_label][bin_df_dict[df_label].eg == eg] # group frame for eg by xax and quantile category and include # measure attribute gb = frame.groupby([xax, 'quantile'])[measure] # apply a groupby method to the groups gb = getattr(gb, groupby_method)() # unstack and plot gb = gb.unstack() y_limit = max(y_limit, np.nanmax(gb.values)) if multiplot or not custom_color: gb.plot(c=eg_colors[eg - 1], lw=line_width, ax=ax1, alpha=line_alpha) else: ax1.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', clrs)) gb.plot(lw=line_width, ax=ax1, alpha=line_alpha) if len(dataset_list) > 1: idx = 0 for label in p_dict.keys(): frame = bin_df_dict[label][bin_df_dict[label].eg == eg_list[0]] # group frame for eg by xax and quantile category and include # measure attribute gb = frame.groupby([xax, 'quantile'])[measure] # apply a groupby method to the groups gb = getattr(gb, groupby_method)() # unstack and plot gb = gb.unstack() y_limit = max(y_limit, np.nanmax(gb.values)) if multiplot or not custom_color: gb.plot(c=eg_colors[eg_list[0] - 1], lw=line_width, ls=ls_list[idx], ax=ax1, alpha=line_alpha) else: ax1.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', clrs)) gb.plot(lw=line_width, ls=ls_list[idx], ax=ax1, alpha=line_alpha) idx += 1 # ................................................................. # set "dense" tick labels if measure in ['cat_order']: try: y_limit = int(max(ax1.get_ylim())) stride_list = np.array([5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 20000, 25000, 50000]) raw_stride = y_limit // num_cat_order_yticks min_stride = max(min(stride_list), raw_stride) tick_stride = max([stride for stride in stride_list if stride < min_stride]) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0, y_limit, tick_stride)) ax1.set_ylim(y_limit, 0) if show_job_bands: ax2.set_ylim(ax1.get_ylim()) except: print('auto y_scale fail') ax1.set_ylim(int(max(ax1.get_ylim())) + 1, 0) if measure in ['fbff', 'jobp', 'jnum', 'orig_job']: jnums = np.arange(1, job_levels + 2, 1) ax1.set_yticks(jnums) yticks = [] for i in jnums: yticks.append(job_strs[i]) ax1.set_yticklabels(yticks, va='top') ax1.set_ylim(job_levels + 1.25, 0.5) if measure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, .05)) ax1.legend_.remove() try: ax2.tick_params(axis='both', left=False, which='both', labelsize=tick_size) except: pass ax1.set_facecolor(bg_color) if show_grid: ax1.grid(b=True, c='grey', lw=.5, alpha=grid_alpha) else: ax1.grid(b=False) m_list = ['spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'lnum', 'snum', 'fbff', 'orig_job', 'rank_in_job'] if (measure in m_list) and (groupby_method not in ['size', 'count']): ax1.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax1.invert_yaxis() ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=tick_size) ax1.set_ylabel(attr_dict[measure] + ' for each quantile', fontsize=label_size) ax1.set_xlabel(xax, fontsize=label_size) ax1.yaxis.labelpad = 10 ax1.xaxis.labelpad = 7 if (settings_dict['delayed_implementation'] and settings_dict['implementation_date'] and plot_implementation_date and xax == 'date'): ax1.axvline(settings_dict['implementation_date'], c='g', ls='--', alpha=1, lw=1) pname = '' for p in dataset_list: pname = pname + p + ' ' pname = '[' + pname.rstrip() + ']' title1 = 'proposal: ' + pname + ' ' if verbose_title: eg_names = '' for eg in eg_list: eg_names = eg_names + \ str(settings_dict['p_dict_verbose'][eg]) + ' ' eg_names = eg_names.rstrip() title2 = 'eg: [' + eg_names + '] ' else: title2 = 'eg: ' + str(eg_list) + ' ' ax1.set_title(title1 + title2 + str(quantiles) + ' quantile ' + attr_dict[measure] + ' by ' + groupby_method, fontsize=title_size) if (draw_reserve_levels and show_job_bands and not settings_dict['enhanced_jobs']): cum = 0 rsv_lines = [] rsv_pcnts = [x[-1] for x in job_dict.values()] for i, row in enumerate(np.array(settings_dict['eg_counts']).T): this_job_count = sum(row) rsv_lines.append(int(rsv_pcnts[i] * this_job_count) + cum) cum += this_job_count for rsv_line in rsv_lines: ax1.axhline(rsv_line, linewidth=.75, linestyle='dashed', color='r', alpha=.6) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + ' - ' + df_label + ' grp ' + str(eg_list) + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def make_color_list(num_of_colors=10, start=0.0, stop=1.0, exclude=None, reverse=False, cm_name_list=['Set1'], return_list=True, return_dict=False, print_all_names=False, palplot_cm_name=False, palplot_all=False): '''Utility function to generate list(s) of colors (rgba format), any length and any from any section of any matplotlib colormap. The function can return a list of colors, a dictionary of colormaps to color lists, plot result(s) as seaborn palplot(s), and print out the names of all of the colormaps available. The end goal of this function is to provide customized color lists for plotting. inputs num_of_colors (integer) number of colors to produce for the output color list(s), used within the cm_subsection data calculation start (float) the starting point within the selected colormap to begin the spectrum color selection (0.0 to 1.0), used within the cm_subsection data calculation stop (float) the ending point within the selected colormap to end the spectrum color selection (0.0 to 1.0), used within the cm_subsection data calculation exclude (list) list of 2 floats representing a section of the colormap(s) to remove before calculating the result list(s). reverse (boolean) reverse the color list order which reverses the color spectrum cm_name_list (list) any matplotlib colormap name(s) return_list (boolean) if True, return a list of rgba color codes for the cm_name_list colormap input only, or (if the return_dict input is set to True) a dictionary of all colormap names to all of the resultant corresponding calculated color lists using the cm_subsection data return_dict (boolean) if True (and return_list is True), return a dictionary of all colormap names to all of the resultant corresponding calculated color lists print_all_names (boolean) if True (and return_list is False), print all the names of available matplotlib colormaps palplot_cm_name (boolean) if True (and return_list is set to False), plot a seaborn palplot of the color list produced with the cm_name_list colormap input using the cm_subsection data palplot_all (boolean) if True (and return_list and palplot_cm_name are False), plot a seaborn palplot for all of the color lists produced from all available matplotlib colormaps using the cm_subsection data ''' # get a list of all of the matplotlib colormaps maps = sorted(m for m in if not m.endswith("_r")) # swap start and stop values if reverse input is True if reverse: start, stop = stop, start if exclude: exclude = exclude[::-1] # make the decimal array(s) to grab colormap sections if exclude: num_of_colors1 = num_of_colors // 2 num_of_colors2 = num_of_colors - num_of_colors1 ex_stop = exclude[0] ex_start = exclude[1] cmap_section1 = np.linspace(start, ex_stop, num_of_colors1) cmap_section2 = np.linspace(ex_start, stop, num_of_colors2) cm_subsection = np.concatenate((cmap_section1, cmap_section2)) else: cm_subsection = np.linspace(start, stop, num_of_colors) lists_of_colors = [] # make list of color lists (all colormaps) using cm_subsection data for m in maps: colormap = eval('cm.' + m) color_list = [colormap(x) for x in cm_subsection] lists_of_colors.append(color_list) # make a dictionary of map to list of colors from map color_dict = od(zip(maps, lists_of_colors)) # returning a color list has priority over plots and printing if return_list: if return_dict: # return the entire color_dict (dictionary) and stop return color_dict else: # return only the cm_name color list (list) and stop color_lists = [] if len(cm_name_list) == 1: return color_dict[cm_name_list[0]] else: for cmn in cm_name_list: if cmn in color_dict.keys(): color_lists.append(color_dict[cmn]) return color_lists else: # plot all lists of colors as seaborn palplots if palplot_all: for key in color_dict.keys(): sns.palplot(color_dict[key]) if print_all_names: print(key) # only plot cm_name_list as palplot else: if cm_name_list: for cmn in cm_name_list: if cmn in color_dict.keys(): if exclude: print('\n', 'palplot colormap:', cmn, ' [', start, ' >> ', ex_stop, '] [*exclude*] [', ex_start, ' >> ', stop, ']') else: print('\n', 'palplot colormap:', cmn, ' [ ', start, ' >> ', stop, ' ]') sns.palplot(color_dict[cmn]) else: print('"' + str(cmn) + '"', 'not found in color dictionary') else: print('set a cm_name_list argument for a palplot(s)') # print all of the colormap names if print_all_names and not palplot_all: print('All colormaps:', '\n') i = 0 for key in color_dict.keys(): print(i, key) i += 1
[docs]def add_pad(list_in, pad=100): '''Separate all elements in a monotonic list by a minimum pad value. Used by plotting functions to prevent overlapping tick labels. inputs list_in (list) a monotonic list of numbers pad (integer) the minimum separation required between list elements If the function is unable to produce a list with the pad between all elements (excluding the last list spacing), the original list is returned. The function will permit the final list padding (between the last two elements) to be less than the pad value. ''' a = list_in[:] diff_list = [] i = 0 for tick in a[1:]: diff_list.append(tick - a[i]) i += 1 max_idx = diff_list.index(max(diff_list)) sec1 = a[:max_idx] len_sec1 = len(sec1) if len_sec1 > 1: for i in np.arange(1, len_sec1): if sec1[i] - sec1[i - 1] < pad: sec1[i] = sec1[i - 1] + pad a[:len_sec1] = sec1 sec2 = a[max_idx:] len_sec2 = len(sec2) if len_sec2 > 0: for i in np.arange(len_sec2 - 1, 1, -1): if sec2[i] - sec2[i - 1] < pad: sec2[i - 1] = sec2[i] - pad a[-len_sec2:] = sec2 if f.monotonic(a): return a else: for i in np.arange(1, len(a[:-1])): if a[i] - a[i - 1] < pad: a[i - 1] = a[i] - pad if f.monotonic(a): return a else: return list_in
# Pretty print a dictionary...
[docs]def pprint_dict(dct, marker1='#', marker2='', skip_line=True): '''print the key-value pairs in a horizontal, organized fashion. inputs dct (dictionary) the dictionary to print marker1, marker2 prefix and suffix for the dictionary key headers ''' for el in sorted(dct.items()): print(marker1, el[0], marker2) if skip_line: print(' ', el[1], '\n') else: print(' ', el[1])
[docs]def percent_bins(eg, base, compare, measure='spcnt', by_year=True, quantiles=20, time_col='date', agg_method='median'): '''Return a tuple of two dataframes containing differential percentage bin counts, one containing positive counts and another containing negative counts. This function first compares list percentage between two datasets on a grouped time period basis (annual or monthly), then counts the number of employees within specified percentage gain or loss quantiles. The counts are returned in dataframes with indexes reflecting the quantiles and columns representing the grouped time period. This function is used in the percent_diff_bins plotting function. inputs eg (integer) employee group code base (dataframe) baseline dataframe (dataset) containing a list percentage column compare (dataframe) comparison dataframe (dataset) containing a list percentage column measure (string) dataset percentage attribute column ('spcnt' or 'lspcnt') by_year (boolean) if True, group employee percentage differentials by year, otherwise by time_col input quantiles (integer) number of quantiles to measure. An input of 20 would translate to quantiles of 5% each (100 / 20). time_col (string) if by_year is False, group percentage differentials by this time unit. Inputs may be "mnum" or "date". agg_method (string) quantile bin aggregation method. Inputs may be "mean" or "median" ''' bins = np.linspace(0, 1, quantiles + 1) neg_bins = np.linspace(-1, 0, quantiles + 1) neg_bins[-1] = -.001 bins[0] = .001 c = compare[['mnum', 'date', 'eg', measure]] b = base[['mnum', 'date', 'eg', measure]] eg_c = c[ == eg].copy() eg_b = b[ == eg].copy() if by_year: eg_c['year'] = pcnt_df = eg_c[[measure, 'year']].copy() else: pcnt_df = eg_c[[measure, time_col]].copy() pcnt_df[measure + '_b'] = eg_b[measure] pcnt_df['out'] = pcnt_df[measure + '_b'] - pcnt_df[measure] pcnt_df['out'].replace(to_replace=0.0, value=np.nan, inplace=True) pcnt_df['empkey'] = pcnt_df.index if by_year: grouped = pcnt_df[['empkey', 'year', 'out']] \ .groupby([pd.Grouper('empkey'), 'year']) else: grouped = pcnt_df[['empkey', time_col, 'out']] \ .groupby([pd.Grouper('empkey'), time_col]) if agg_method == 'mean': pc_df = grouped.mean().unstack().fillna(0) if agg_method == 'median': pc_df = grouped.median().unstack().fillna(0) pc_df.columns = pc_df.columns.droplevel(0) pc_df_col_list = pc_df.columns.values.tolist() pos_df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(1, quantiles + 1), columns=pc_df_col_list) neg_df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(1, quantiles + 1), columns=pc_df_col_list) for time_period in pc_df_col_list: count, division = np.histogram(pc_df[time_period], bins=bins) neg_count, neg_division = np.histogram(pc_df[time_period], bins=neg_bins) pos_df[time_period] = count neg_df[time_period] = neg_count[::-1] return pos_df, neg_df * -1
[docs]def percent_diff_bins(compare, base, eg, measure='spcnt', kind='bar', quantiles=40, num_display_colors=25, area_xax='date', ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, man_plotlim=None, invert_barh=False, chart_style='ticks', cmap_pos='tab20c', cmap_neg='tab20c', zero_line_color='m', bright_bg=False, bg_color='#ffffe6', title_size=14, legend_size=12.5, xsize=16, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Display employee group counts within differential list percentage bins over time. Chart style options include bar, barh, and area. Selectable inputs include the number of percentile bins, chart colors and the number of colors in the color cycle representing the bins. The analysis groups may be targeted by up to three attribute value filters. inputs compare (dataframe) comparison dataframe (dateset) base (dataframe) baseline dataframe (dataset) eg (integer) employee group code measure (string) list percentage attribute for comparison ('spcnt' or 'lspcnt') kind (string) chart style ('bar', 'barh', or 'area') quantiles (integer) the number of differential percentage bins. If the input is 40, each bin width will be 2.5% (100 / 40) num_display_colors (integer) the number of distinct colors to create from the cmap inputs. If the input is less than the number of bins found for display, the colors display will cycle or repeat as necessary. area_xax (string) attribute to use for the chart when the kind input is set to 'area'. Inputs may be 'mnum' or 'date'. ds_dict (dictionary) variable assigned to the output of the load_datasets function. This keyword variable must be set if string dictionary keys are used as inputs for the dfc and/or dfb inputs. attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string man_plotlim (integer) if not None, restrict chart differential axis to this value. Otherwise, limit is set by an algorithm. invert_barh (boolean) If 'kind' input is set to 'barh', if True, invert the chart y axis chart_style (string) any valid seaborn plotting style name cmap_pos (string) any matplotlib colormap name representing colors to be applied to positive chart values cmap_neg (string) any matplotlib colormap name representing colors to be applied to negative chart values zero_line_color (color value) color to be applied to the chart zero line bright_bg (boolean) if True, color the chart background with the 'bg_color' color value bg_color (color value) color to use for the chart background if 'bright_bg' is True title_size (integer or float) text size for the chart title legend_size (integer or float) text size for the chart legend xsize, ysize (integers or floats) Width and height of chart in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' b, b_label = determine_dataset(base, ds_dict, return_label=True) c, c_label = determine_dataset(compare, ds_dict, return_label=True) d_filtb = filter_ds(b, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) d_filtc, t_string = filter_ds(c, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3) b = d_filtb[['mnum', 'date', 'eg', measure]] c = d_filtc[['mnum', 'date', 'eg', measure]] with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) pos_colors = make_color_list(num_of_colors=num_display_colors, cm_name_list=[cmap_pos]) neg_colors = make_color_list(num_of_colors=num_display_colors, cm_name_list=[cmap_neg]) eg_label = 'Group ' + str(eg) + ', ' proposal_str = c_label + ' vs ' + b_label if t_string: t_string = t_string + '\n' if kind == 'area': title = (eg_label + proposal_str + '\n' + measure.upper() + ' percent differential bin counts\n' + t_string) y_label = '<< LOSS GAIN >>' if any(x in ['ret_mark'] for x in [attr1, attr2, attr3]): by_year = True else: by_year = False if kind == 'barh': title = (eg_label + proposal_str + '\n' + measure.upper() + ' percent differential bin counts\n' + t_string + '\n<< LOSS' + (' ' * 12) + (' ' * 12) + 'GAIN >>') by_year = True if kind == 'bar': title = (eg_label + proposal_str + '\n' + measure.upper() + ' percent differential bin counts\n' + t_string) y_label = '<< LOSS GAIN >>' by_year = True pos, neg = percent_bins(eg, b, c, by_year=by_year, quantiles=quantiles, measure=measure, agg_method='median', time_col=area_xax) pv = pos.values nv = neg.values raw_xlim = max([np.amax(np.add.reduce(pv, 0)), (np.abs(np.amin(np.add.reduce(nv, 0))))]) try: pos_bins_found = np.amax(np.nonzero(pv)[0]) except ValueError: pos_bins_found = 0 try: neg_bins_found = np.amax(np.nonzero(nv)[0]) except ValueError: neg_bins_found = 0 bins_found = max(pos_bins_found, neg_bins_found) + 1 label_arr = (np.linspace(0, 1, quantiles + 1) * 100)[1:] pos_labels = ['{0:.1f}%'.format(x) for x in label_arr][:bins_found] neg_labels = ['{0:.1f}%'.format(x) for x in label_arr * -1][:bins_found] str_labels = pos_labels + neg_labels if man_plotlim: plotlim = man_plotlim else: if raw_xlim <= 1500: rounder = 100 else: rounder = 200 plotlim = (raw_xlim + rounder) // 100 * 100 if kind == 'bar': pos.T.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, color=pos_colors, width=1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5, ax=ax1) ax1.set_ylim(-plotlim, plotlim) if kind == 'barh': pos.T.plot(kind='barh', stacked=True, color=pos_colors, width=1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5, ax=ax1) ax1.set_xlim(-plotlim, plotlim) if kind == 'area': pos.T.plot(kind='area', stacked=True, color=pos_colors, linewidth=0, ax=ax1) ax1.set_ylim(-plotlim, plotlim) ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', right=False, left=False, bottom=False, top=False, labelright=False, labelbottom=False, labeltop=False, labelleft=False) if kind == 'barh': neg.T.plot(kind='barh', stacked=True, color=neg_colors, width=1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5, ax=ax2) ax2.set_xlim(-plotlim, plotlim) if invert_barh: ax2.invert_yaxis() ax1.axvline(c=zero_line_color, lw=2, ls='dotted') ax2.axvline(c=zero_line_color, lw=2, ls='dotted') which = 'major' if kind == 'bar': neg.T.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, color=neg_colors, width=1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5, ax=ax2) ax2.set_ylim(-plotlim, plotlim) ax1.axhline(c=zero_line_color, lw=2, ls='dotted') ax2.axhline(c=zero_line_color, lw=2, ls='dotted') which = 'major' ax1.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=14) if kind == 'area': neg.T.plot(kind='area', stacked=True, color=neg_colors, linewidth=0, ax=ax2) ax2.set_ylim(-plotlim, plotlim) ax1.axhline(c='k', lw=2, ls='dotted') ax2.axhline(c='k', lw=2, ls='dotted') which = 'both' ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=14) ax1.grid(ls='dotted', color='gray', alpha=.25, which=which) # turn off ax2 grid lines... ax2.grid(False) handles2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() ax2.legend_.remove() handles2 = handles2[:bins_found] box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) handles1, labels1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() handles1 = handles1[:bins_found] handles = handles1 + handles2 ax1.legend(handles, str_labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5), fontsize=legend_size, ncol=2, title='Percentage Bins \n\nGain Loss') if bright_bg: ax1.set_facecolor(bg_color) ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=title_size) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) if type(compare) == str and type(base) == str: title_a = ' - ' + compare + ' vs ' + base else: title_a = '' title_b = ' grp' + str(eg) title_c = title_a + title_b plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + title_c + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def cohort_differential(ds, base, sdict, cdict, adict, measure='ldate', compare_value='2010-12-31', mnum=None, ds_dict=None, single_eg_compare=None, sort_xax_by_measure=False, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, pos_color='g', neg_color='r', pos_alpha=.25, neg_alpha=.25, bg_color=None, # #ffffe6 zero_line_color='m', title_size=16, label_size=14, tick_size=12.5, legend_size=12.5, xsize=14, ysize=10, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Compare proposed integrated list locations of employees from different groups who share a similar attribute value. This function is best used with date-type attributes, such as longevity date or date of hire. The comparative list locations are a continuous list of index locations determined by finding the last list position within an attribute column from another employee group which is less than or equal to a corresponding column from the base employee group. A variance or differential is calculated by comparing the base and comparative locations. Attributes (measures) are sorted within each employee group prior to comparison. The x axis may be arranged to display proposed list ordering or the attribute value range (typically a date range). Differences in list position are shown with a line above or below zero. One employee group (base) is compared to other group(s) in the proposed list within a selected month. When the line is above zero, it means that the base group cohort at a particular x axis position is on the list ahead of another group cohort by an amount equal to the y displacement of the line. The line colors correspond to the employee group color codes. The default behavior is to compare the base group with all other groups at once, but single group comparison may be accomplished as well. When the x axis is set to display list location (not attribute values), the user may designate a compare value. The list location of employees from each group who share the comparison attribute value will be marked on the chart with a color-coded vertical line. inputs ds (dataframe) dataset for analysis base (integer) employee group number code sdict (dictionary) program settings dictionary cdict (dictionary) program color dictionary adict (dictionary) program attribute dictionary measure (string) attribute column for list location comparison, likely 'ldate' or 'doh' compare_value (type to match measure input dtype) value to mark on chart if "sort_xax_by_measure" input is False. Likely a date string, such as "2001-01-31" mnum (integer) data model month number to study ds_dict (dictionary) dictionary of datasets, likely generated by the "load_datasets" function single_eg_compare (integer) if not None, compare base employee group to this group only sort_xax_by_measure (boolean) if True, use an x axis for the chart based on the selected measure. if False, use list location for the x axis attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (integer, float, date as string, string (as appropriate)) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string pos_color, neg_color (color value string) color used for the positive and negative area shading pos_alpha, neg_alpha (integer or float) transparency value assigned to the positive and negative color shading areas (0.0 to 1.0) bg_color (color value string) if not None, the color for the chart background zero_line_color (color value string) color for the zero line title_size (integer or float) text size for the chart title label_size (integer or float) text size for the chart axis labels tick_size (integer or float) text size for the chart tick labels legend_size (integer or float) text size for the chart legend xsize, ysize (integer or float) size of the chart in inches (width, height) image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' d, d_label = determine_dataset(ds, ds_dict, return_label=True) if mnum is None: mnum = 0 df0 = d[d.mnum == mnum].copy() df0['list_order'] = np.arange(len(df0)) df0 = filter_ds(df0, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=False) df0 = df0[['eg', measure, 'list_order']] eg_colors = cdict['eg_colors'] eg_dict = {} color_dict = {} for eg in set( df = df0[ == eg].copy() df[measure] = np.sort(df[measure]) eg_dict[eg] = df color_dict[eg] = eg_colors[eg - 1] other_egs = [eg for eg in list(eg_dict.keys()) if eg != base] dfb = eg_dict[base] asof_dict = {} for eg in other_egs: dfc = eg_dict[eg] asof = pd.merge_asof(dfb[[measure, 'list_order']], dfc[[measure, 'list_order']], on=measure, suffixes=('_grp' + str(base), '_compare'), allow_exact_matches=True) asof['cohort_diff'] = asof['list_order_compare'] -\ asof['list_order_grp' + str(base)] if sort_xax_by_measure: asof.set_index(measure, inplace=True) asof_dict[eg] = asof else: asof.set_index('list_order_grp' + str(base), inplace=True) asof_dict[eg] = asof with sns.axes_style('ticks'): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) if single_eg_compare: if single_eg_compare == base: print('''single_eg_compare input must be different than base eg,\n reverting to plotting all employee groups...''') plot_egs = list(asof_dict.keys()) else: plot_egs = [single_eg_compare] else: plot_egs = list(asof_dict.keys()) for eg in plot_egs: yvals = asof_dict[eg].cohort_diff yvals.plot(color=color_dict[eg], lw=1.5, label=sdict['p_dict_verbose'][eg]) ax.invert_xaxis() ax.fill_between(asof.index, 0, yvals, where=yvals > 0, facecolor=pos_color, alpha=pos_alpha, interpolate=True) ax.fill_between(asof.index, 0, yvals, where=yvals < 0, facecolor=neg_color, alpha=neg_alpha, interpolate=True) if sort_xax_by_measure: ax.set_xlim(max(df0[measure]), min(df0[measure])) ax.set_xlabel(adict[measure], fontsize=label_size) else: ax.set_xlim(max(df0.list_order), 0) ax.set_xlabel(ax.get_xlabel(), fontsize=label_size) ax.legend(fontsize=legend_size, loc=0) ax.axhline(lw=1.5, color='m') ax.set_title('Proposal ' + d_label + ' - [ group ' + str(base) + ' ] - ' + adict[measure] + ' differential - month ' + str(mnum), fontsize=title_size) ax.set_ylabel('list position compared to cohorts', fontsize=label_size) ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=tick_size) ax.grid(alpha=.15, ls='dotted', color='k') if sort_xax_by_measure and measure in ['date', 'ldate', 'doh', 'retdate']: locator = mdate.YearLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.xticks(rotation=75, ha='center') if len(ax.get_xticks()) > 20: for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.labelpad = 10 ax.xaxis.labelpad = 10 if not sort_xax_by_measure and compare_value: try: marker_dict = {} base_and_plot_egs = [base] + plot_egs print('Base group is group < ' + str(base) + ' >') print('finding last list locations for:\n\n ' + measure + ' <= ' + str(compare_value) + '\n') print('Results:') for eg in base_and_plot_egs: df = eg_dict[eg] if compare_value: try: marker_dict[eg] = (df[df[measure] <= compare_value] .list_order.values[-1]) except IndexError: marker_dict[eg] = np.nan print('Group ' + str(eg) + ' location: ' + str(marker_dict[eg])) if eg == base: ls = 'solid' else: ls = 'dotted' ax.axvline(marker_dict[eg], color=color_dict[eg], ls=ls, lw=2) print('') for eg in plot_egs: print('Relative to group ' + str(eg) + ' cohort: ' + str(marker_dict[eg] - marker_dict[base])) except (ValueError, TypeError): print('''Error plotting comparative location "compare_value" vertical lines.\n perhaps check type equivalence?\n ("compare_value" input vs. "measure" input)''') if bg_color: ax.set_facecolor(bg_color) if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)
[docs]def eg_attributes(ds, xmeasure, ymeasure, sdict, adict, cdict, eg_list=None, mnum=None, ret_only=False, ds_dict=None, attr1=None, oper1='>=', val1=0, attr2=None, oper2='>=', val2=0, attr3=None, oper3='>=', val3=0, q_eglist_only=True, xquant_lines=True, x_quantiles=10, xl_alpha=1, xl_ls='dashed', xl_lw=1, xl_color='.7', x_bands=True, xb_fc='.3', xb_alpha=.09, yquant_lines=True, y_quantiles=10, yl_alpha=1, yl_ls='dashed', yl_lw=1, yl_color='.7', y_bands=True, yb_fc='#66ffb3', yb_alpha=.09, linestyle='', linewidth=0, markersize=5, marker_alpha=.7, grid_alpha=.25, chart_style='ticks', full_xpcnt=True, full_ypcnt=True, xax_rotate=70, label_size=13, qtick_size=12, tick_size=12, border_size=.5, legend_size=14, title_size=18, y_title_pos=1.12, box_height=.95, xsize=15, ysize=11, image_dir=None, image_format='png'): '''Plot selected employee group(s) attribute data. Chart x and y axes may be any dataset attributes, including date attributes. Quantile membership for the x and/or y attribute may also be displayed. Membership may be relative to the entire integrated population or only to the employee group(s) selected for display (q_eglist_only input). inputs ds (dataframe) dataset to examine, may be a dataframe variable or a string key from the ds_dict dictionary object xmeasure (string) attribute to plot on x axis ymeasure (string) attribute to plot on y axis sdict (dictionary) program settings dictionary adict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary cdict (dictionary) program colors dictionary eg_list (list) list of employee groups to plot (integer codes) mnum (integer) month number for analysis ret_only (boolean) if True, mnum input is ignored and results are displayed for all employees at retirement ds_dict (dictionary) output of the load_datasets function, dictionary. This keyword argument must be set if a string key is used as the df input. attr(n) (string) filter attribute or dataset column as string oper(n) (string) operator (i.e. <, >, ==, etc.) for attr(n) as string val(n) (string, integer, float, date as string as appropriate) attr(n) limiting value (combined with oper(n)) as string q_eglist_only (boolean) if set to True: if quantile bands are displayed, show membership based on selected employee groups (eg_list input). if set to False: if quantile bands are displayed, show membership based on the integrated group population (all groups). xquant_lines (boolean) if True, show quantile membership for x axis attribute x_quantiles (integer) number of quantiles to display if xquant_lines input is True xl_alpha (float) transparency value of x axis quantile lines (0.0 to 1.0) xl_ls (string) x axis quantile lines linestyle ('dashed', 'dotted', etc.) xl_lw (integer or float) x axis quantile lines line width xl_color (string color value) x axis quantile lines color x_bands (boolean) if True, show a background color within every other x axis quantile membership area xb_fc (string color value) x axis quantile bands background color xb_alpha (float) x axis quantile bands color transparency value (0.0 to 1.0) yquant_lines (boolean) if True, show quantile membership for y axis attribute y_quantiles (integer) number of quantiles to display if yquant_lines input is True yl_alpha (float) transparency value of y axis quantile lines (0.0 to 1.0) yl_ls (string) y axis quantile lines linestyle ('dashed', 'dotted', etc.) yl_lw (integer or float) y axis quantile lines line width yl_color (string color value) y axis quantile lines color y_bands (boolean) if True, show a background color within every other y axis quantile membership area yb_fc (string color value) y axis quantile bands background color yb_alpha (float) y axis quantile bands color transparency value (0.0 to 1.0) markersize (integer or float) size of chart scatter points marker_alpha (integer or float) transparency setting for plot lines or points (0.0 to 1.0) grid_alpha (float) transparency value for the chart grid corresponding to the x and y attribute values (not the quantile membership lines) chart_style (string) any valid seaborn chart style name full_xpcnt (boolean) if True, show full range percentage (0 to 100 percent) when a percentage attribute is displayed on the x axis full_ypcnt (boolean) if True, show full range percentage (0 to 100 percent) when a percentage attribute is displayed on the y axis xax_rotate (integer) rotation value (in degrees) for the x axis tick labels qtick_size (integer or float) text size of the quantile membership tick labels tick_size (integer or float) text size of the x and y attribute tick labels label_size (integer or float) text size of x and y axis labels border_size (integer or float) width of the chart border line (chart spines) legend_size (integer or float) text size of chart legend title_size (integer or float) text size of chart title y_title_pos (float) vertical position of the chart title when attribute filtering has been applied. (typical values are 1.1 to 1.2) box_height (float) chart height multiplier which slightly shrinks vertical chart area for proper printing (saving) purposes. This input does not affect the displayed values. xsize, ysize (integer or float) plot size in inches image_dir (string) if not None, name of a directory in which to save an image of the chart output. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. image_format (string) file extension string for a saved chart image if the image_dir input is not None Examples: 'svg', 'png' ''' d, d_label = determine_dataset(ds, ds_dict, return_label=True) # filter for ret_only or specific month if ret_only: d = d[d.ret_mark == 1].copy() else: if mnum is not None: d = d[d.mnum == mnum].copy() # additional user-defined filters df, filt_title = filter_ds(d, attr1=attr1, oper1=oper1, val1=val1, attr2=attr2, oper2=oper2, val2=val2, attr3=attr3, oper3=oper3, val3=val3, return_title_string=True) # reduce data to specific employee group(s) if q_eglist_only: egs = if eg_list is None: eg_list = np.unique(egs) df = df[np.isin(egs, eg_list)].copy() # filter to include only active employees if an "active only" attribute # is selected no_fur_list = ['spcnt', 'snum'] if xmeasure in no_fur_list or ymeasure in no_fur_list: df = df[df.spcnt >= 0] # list of attributes where a lower value should be at the top or right # of chart display invert_attr_list = ['cat_order', 'ldate', 'doh', 'retdate', 'date', 'snum', 'lnum', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'jnum', 'jobp', 'fbff', 'orig_job', 'rank_in_job', 'new_order'] job_attr_list = ['jnum', 'jobp', 'orig_job', 'fbff'] date_attr_list = ['ldate', 'doh', 'retdate', 'date'] # define chart axis limits if xmeasure in ['snum', 'lnum', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'cat_order']: minx = 0 if full_xpcnt and xmeasure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: maxx = 1 else: maxx = max(df[xmeasure]) elif xmeasure in job_attr_list: minx = .75 maxx = sdict['num_of_job_levels'] + 2 else: minx = min(df[xmeasure]) maxx = max(df[xmeasure]) if ymeasure in ['snum', 'lnum', 'spcnt', 'lspcnt', 'cat_order']: miny = 0 if full_ypcnt and ymeasure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: maxy = 1 else: maxy = max(df[ymeasure]) elif ymeasure in job_attr_list: miny = .75 maxy = sdict['num_of_job_levels'] + 2 else: miny = min(df[ymeasure]) maxy = max(df[ymeasure]) dflen = len(df) num_of_job_levels = sdict['num_of_job_levels'] eg_colors = cdict['eg_colors'] # set employee group list if eg_list is None: eg_list = list(set( else: eg_list = list(set(eg_list).intersection(set( with sns.axes_style(chart_style): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) # set x and y chart values - format values if date attribute if xmeasure in date_attr_list: xto_dates = pd.to_datetime(df[xmeasure]) dtx = list(xto_dates.dt.strftime('%Y-%b-%d')) x = mdate.datestr2num(dtx) max_yearx = max(df[xmeasure].dt.year) min_yearx = min(df[xmeasure].dt.year) yrngx = max_yearx - min_yearx else: x = df[xmeasure].values if ymeasure in date_attr_list: yto_dates = pd.to_datetime(df[ymeasure]) dty = list(yto_dates.dt.strftime('%Y-%b-%d')) y = mdate.datestr2num(dty) max_yeary = max(df[ymeasure].dt.year) min_yeary = min(df[ymeasure].dt.year) yrngy = max_yeary - min_yeary else: y = df[ymeasure].values # plot chart for eg in eg_list: mask = ( == eg) egy = y[mask] egx = x[mask] ax1.plot(egx, egy, color=eg_colors[eg - 1], ls=linestyle, lw=linewidth, marker='o', markersize=markersize, alpha=marker_alpha, label=eg) # more date attribute handling: if xmeasure in date_attr_list: ax1.xaxis_date() ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdate.YearLocator()) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdate.DateFormatter('%Y')) if yrngx <= 3: ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mdate.MonthLocator()) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.xticks(rotation=75, ha='center') if len(ax1.get_xticks()) > 20: for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) if ymeasure in date_attr_list: ax1.yaxis_date() ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(mdate.YearLocator()) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mdate.DateFormatter('%Y')) if yrngy <= 3: ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mdate.MonthLocator()) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) if len(ax1.get_yticks()) > 20: for label in ax1.yaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) # axis setup if percentage or job-level related if xmeasure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, .05)) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) if ymeasure in ['spcnt', 'lspcnt']: ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, .05)) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pct_format()) if xmeasure in ['jnum', 'jobp', 'orig_job', 'fbff']: ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(0, num_of_job_levels + 2).astype(int)) if ymeasure in ['jnum', 'jobp', 'orig_job', 'fbff']: ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0, num_of_job_levels + 2).astype(int)) # set chart axis limits ax1.set_xlim(minx, maxx) ax1.set_ylim(miny, maxy) # quantile lines/bands start-------------- if xquant_lines: with sns.axes_style(chart_style): x_ax = ax1.twiny() xdiv_list = np.linspace(0, 1, x_quantiles + 1) qx_labels = ["{0:.1f}%".format(f * 100) for f in xdiv_list] xlines = np.linspace(0, dflen, x_quantiles + 1).astype(int) xlines[-1] = xlines[-1] - 1 sorted_xdf = df[[xmeasure]].sort_values(xmeasure, ascending=False) x_locations = [] for line in xlines: x_locations.append(sorted_xdf.iloc[line][xmeasure]) if xmeasure in date_attr_list: x_locations = [ for t in x_locations] x_ax.set_xticks(x_locations) x_ax.set_xlim(ax1.get_xlim()) x_ax.grid(ls=xl_ls, lw=xl_lw, color=xl_color) # x quantile bands if x_bands: x1 = x_locations[0:-1:2] x2 = x_locations[1::2][:len(x1)] for x1, x2 in zip(x1, x2): x_ax.axvspan(x1, x2, facecolor=xb_fc, alpha=xb_alpha) if yquant_lines: with sns.axes_style(chart_style): y_ax = ax1.twinx() ydiv_list = np.linspace(0, 1, y_quantiles + 1) qy_labels = ["{0:.1f}%".format(f * 100) for f in ydiv_list] ylines = np.linspace(0, dflen, y_quantiles + 1).astype(int) ylines[-1] = ylines[-1] - 1 sorted_ydf = df[[ymeasure]].sort_values(ymeasure, ascending=False) y_locations = [] for line in ylines: y_locations.append(sorted_ydf.iloc[line][ymeasure]) if ymeasure in date_attr_list: y_locations = [ for t in y_locations] y_ax.set_ylim(ax1.get_ylim()) y_ax.set_yticks(y_locations) y_ax.grid(ls=yl_ls, lw=yl_lw, color=xl_color) # y quantile bands if y_bands: y1 = y_locations[0:-1:2] y2 = y_locations[1::2][:len(y1)] for y1, y2 in zip(y1, y2): y_ax.axhspan(y1, y2, facecolor=yb_fc, alpha=yb_alpha) # quantile lines/bands end-------------- # invert/label section start...................... if ymeasure in invert_attr_list: ax1.invert_yaxis() if yquant_lines: if ymeasure in invert_attr_list: y_ax.invert_yaxis() y_ax.set_yticklabels(qy_labels[::-1], rotation=-4, fontsize=qtick_size, va='top') else: y_ax.set_yticklabels(qy_labels, rotation=-4, fontsize=qtick_size, va='top') if len(ax1.get_yticks()) > 20: for label in ax1.yaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) else: if yquant_lines: y_ax.set_yticklabels(qy_labels, rotation=-4) if xmeasure in invert_attr_list: ax1.invert_xaxis() if xquant_lines: if xmeasure in invert_attr_list: x_ax.invert_xaxis() x_ax.set_xticklabels(qx_labels[::-1], rotation=75, fontsize=qtick_size, ha='left') else: x_ax.set_xticklabels(qx_labels, rotation=75, fontsize=qtick_size, ha='left') if len(ax1.get_xticks()) > 20: for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) else: if xquant_lines: x_ax.set_xticklabels(qx_labels, rotation=75) # invert/label section end........................ if ymeasure in job_attr_list: job_labels = [''] job_str_dict = sdict['job_strs_dict'] y_ticks = ax1.get_yticks() for tick in y_ticks: try: job_labels.append(job_str_dict[tick]) except: pass # move labels slightly down for y axis job-level attributes ax1.set_yticklabels(job_labels, va='top') if xmeasure in job_attr_list: job_labels = [''] job_str_dict = sdict['job_strs_dict'] x_ticks = ax1.get_xticks() for tick in x_ticks: try: job_labels.append(job_str_dict[tick]) except: pass ax1.set_xticklabels(job_labels, va='top', ha='right', rotation=80) # title position adjustment if xquant_lines: y_pos = y_title_pos else: y_pos = 1.01 if yquant_lines: legend_pad = 5 else: legend_pad = 1 title = (d_label + ' ' + adict[xmeasure] + ' vs. ' + adict[ymeasure] + ', groups ' + str(eg_list)) if mnum is not None and ret_only is False: title = title + ' ,month ' + str(mnum) if ret_only: title = title + ' at retirement' if filt_title: title = title + '\n' + filt_title ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=title_size, y=y_pos) if xmeasure not in date_attr_list: for tick in ax1.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(xax_rotate) ax1.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=tick_size) ax1.grid(alpha=grid_alpha) ax1.set_xlabel(adict[xmeasure], fontsize=label_size) ax1.set_ylabel(adict[ymeasure], fontsize=label_size) ax1.xaxis.labelpad = 5 # legend legend_title = 'eg' box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.92, box.height * box_height]) if xquant_lines: x_ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.92, box.height * box_height]) if yquant_lines: y_ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.92, box.height * box_height]) handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() lg = ax1.legend(handles, labels, title=legend_title, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), borderaxespad=legend_pad, frameon=True, fancybox=True, markerscale=2, fontsize=legend_size) lg.get_frame().set_linewidth(1.5) for ax in fig.axes: for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_linewidth(border_size) # saving chart image: if image_dir: func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not path.exists(image_dir): makedirs(image_dir) plt.savefig(image_dir + '/' + func_name + '.' + image_format, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.25)