Source code for reports

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# seniority_list is an analytical tool used when seniority-based work
# groups merge. It brings modern data science to the area of labor
# integration, utilizing the powerful data analysis capabilities of Python
# scientific computing.

# Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Robert E. Davison, Ruby Data Systems Inc.
# Please direct inquires to:

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

.. module:: reports

   :synopsis: This module builds general statistical reports for all of the
   program datasets and presents the results as spreadsheets and chart images
   within the *reports* folder.

.. moduleauthor:: Bob Davison <>


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import functions as f
import matplotlib_charting as mp
from os import path, makedirs

[docs]def stats_to_excel(ds_dict, quantiles=10, date_grouper='ldate', fixed_col_name='eg_initQ', running_col_name='eg_runQ'): '''Create a set of basic statistics for each calculated dataset and write the results as spreadsheets within the **reports** folder. There are 2 spreadsheets produced, one related to retirement data and the other related to annual data.annual The retirement information is grouped by employees retiring in future years, further grouped for longevity or initial job. The annual information is grouped by the model year, and further grouped by 10% quantiles, either by initial quantile membership or by an annual quantile adjustment of remaining employees. inputs ds_dict (dictionary) output of load_datasets function, a dictionary of datasets quantiles (integer) the number of binning quantiles to measure for the initial and running (annually updated) quantile membership analysis (default is 10) date_grouper (string) column name representing a column of dates within a dataframe. Year membership of this column will be used for grouping. Input is limited to 'ldate' or 'doh'. fixed_col_name (string) label to use for quantile number column when calculating using the initial quantile membership for all results running_col_name (string) label to use for quantile number column when calculating using a continuously updated quantile membership for all results ''' ret_dict = {} ann_dict = {} try: # get current case study name case_df = pd.read_pickle('dill/case_dill.pkl') case_name = except OSError: print('unable to retrieve case name, try setting case input') return # remove the skeleton dataset from consideration for this function ds_list = [key for key in ds_dict.keys() if key != 'skeleton'] attrs = ['spcnt', 'snum', 'cat_order', 'jobp', 'cpay', 'ylong'] ret_attrs = [attr for attr in attrs if attr not in ['mlong', 'ylong']] # find number of employee groups in case study num_egs = np.unique(ds_dict[ds_list[0]].eg).size # find column numbers for each attribute measure ret_start = np.array(range(2, (num_egs * 6) + 1, num_egs)) ret_end = ret_start + (num_egs - 1) ann_start = np.array(range(1, (num_egs * 6) + 1, num_egs)) ann_end = ann_start + (num_egs - 1) # make an array of excel column letters xlcols = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.upper()) next_cols = ['A' + el for el in xlcols] xlcols.extend(next_cols) cols = np.array(xlcols) # slice column letter array according to column numbers ret_startxl_cols = cols[ret_start] ret_endxl_cols = cols[ret_end] ann_startxl_cols = cols[ann_start] ann_endxl_cols = cols[ann_end] # make excel column ranges for formatting (example: 'C:E') ret_col_dict = {} i = 0 for idx in range(len(ret_startxl_cols)): ret_col_dict[i] = ret_startxl_cols[idx] + ':' + ret_endxl_cols[idx] i += 1 ann_col_dict = {} i = 0 for idx in range(len(ann_startxl_cols)): ann_col_dict[i] = ann_startxl_cols[idx] + ':' + ann_endxl_cols[idx] i += 1 # loop through datasets for key in ds_list: # copy to avoid altering ds_dict values df = ds_dict[key].copy() # create employee group percentage columns, one fixed and the other # recalculated each month f.make_eg_pcnt_column(df, fixed_col_name=fixed_col_name) f.make_eg_pcnt_column(df, recalc_each_month=True, running_col_name=running_col_name) # create a column assigning the initial model job for each # employee for all months f.make_starting_val_column(df, 'jnum') # make grouping values yr = lyr = df.ldate.dt.year rq = ((df[running_col_name] * quantiles // 1) + 1).astype(int) iq = ((df[fixed_col_name] * quantiles // 1) + 1).astype(int) retp = df[df.ret_mark == 1] dateyr = retp[date_grouper].dt.year job = retp.start_jnum ret = retp.retdate.dt.year # add grouped dataframes to dictionaries try: ret_dict[date_grouper + '_' + key] = \ retp.groupby([dateyr, ret, 'eg'])[ret_attrs].mean().unstack() ret_dict['job' + '_' + key] = \ retp.groupby([job, ret, 'eg'])[ret_attrs].mean().unstack() ann_dict['A_' + key] = \ df.groupby([yr, 'eg'])[attrs].mean().unstack() ann_dict['Long_' + key] = \ df.groupby([lyr, yr, 'eg'])[attrs].mean().unstack() ann_dict['RQ_' + key] = \ df.groupby([rq, yr, 'eg'])[attrs].mean().unstack() ann_dict['IQ_' + key] = \ df.groupby([iq, yr, 'eg'])[attrs].mean().unstack() except: print(key, 'report fail') # make a count worksheet for key in ds_dict.keys(): if key != 'skeleton': found_key = key break else: continue dfk = ds_dict[found_key].copy() p = dfk[dfk.ret_mark == 1] yr = dateyr = p[date_grouper].dt.year retyr = p.retdate.dt.year ret_dict['retirement_count'] = p.groupby([dateyr, retyr, 'eg'])['mnum'] \ .count().unstack().fillna(0).astype(int) ann_dict['retirement_count'] = p.groupby([retyr, 'eg'])['mnum'] \ .count().unstack().fillna(0).astype(int) # write grouped retirement dataframes to excel workbook with pd.ExcelWriter('reports/' + case_name + '/ret_stats.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer: for ws_name, df_sheet in sorted(ret_dict.items()): df_sheet.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=ws_name) if ws_name not in ['retirement_count']: # prepare to format worksheet workbook = worksheet = writer.sheets[ws_name] format0 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0', 'align': 'center'}) format2 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0.00', 'align': 'center'}) formatpcnt = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0.0%'}) # format each worksheet attribute column range worksheet.set_column('A:A', 10, None) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 7, None) worksheet.set_column(ret_col_dict[0], 7, formatpcnt) worksheet.set_column(ret_col_dict[1], 7, format0) worksheet.set_column(ret_col_dict[2], 7, format0) worksheet.set_column(ret_col_dict[3], 6, format2) worksheet.set_column(ret_col_dict[4], 7, format0) # freeze worksheet for scrolling with headers visible worksheet.freeze_panes('A4') else: # format retirement count worksheet workbook = worksheet = writer.sheets[ws_name] format0 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0', 'align': 'center'}) worksheet.set_column('A:A', 10, None) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 7, None) worksheet.set_column(ret_col_dict[0], 7, format0) worksheet.freeze_panes('A2') # write grouped annual dataframes to excel workbook with pd.ExcelWriter('reports/' + case_name + '/annual_stats.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer: for ws_name, df_sheet in sorted(ann_dict.items()): df_sheet.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=ws_name) if ws_name not in ['retirement_count']: workbook = worksheet = writer.sheets[ws_name] format0 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0', 'align': 'center'}) format1 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0.0', 'align': 'center'}) format2 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0.00', 'align': 'center'}) formatpcnt = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0.0%'}) if ws_name.startswith('A_'): col_dict = ann_col_dict else: col_dict = ret_col_dict worksheet.set_column('A:A', 10, None) worksheet.set_column(col_dict[0], 7, formatpcnt) worksheet.set_column(col_dict[1], 7, format0) worksheet.set_column(col_dict[2], 7, format0) worksheet.set_column(col_dict[3], 6, format2) worksheet.set_column(col_dict[4], 7, format0) worksheet.set_column(col_dict[5], 6, format1) worksheet.freeze_panes('A4') else: workbook = worksheet = writer.sheets[ws_name] format0 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#0', 'align': 'center'}) worksheet.set_column('A:A', 10, None) worksheet.set_column(ann_col_dict[0], 7, format0) worksheet.freeze_panes('A2')
[docs]def retirement_charts(ds_dict, adict, cdict, plot_year_group=True, date_grouper='ldate', plot_job_group=True, plot_init_quarter=True, plot_running_quarter=True, quantiles=10, pcnt_ylim=.75, cpay_stride=500, fixed_col_name='eg_initQ', running_col_name='eg_runQ', figsize=None, chartstyle='ticks', verbose_status=True, tick_size=13, legend_size=14, label_size=14, title_size=14, adjust_chart_top=.85): '''Generates multiple charts representing general attribute statistics of all calculated datasets for all employee groups AT RETIREMENT ONLY. The user may select grouping analysis by any or all of the following: 1. longevity or date of hire year 2. job level 3. initial employee group list quantile membership 4. annual employee group list quantile membership Stores the output as images in multiple folders within the **reports/<case_name>/ret_charts** folder. inputs ds_dict (dictionary) output of load_datasets function, a dictionary of datasets adict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary cdict (dictionary) program colors dictionary plot_year_group (boolean) if True, create chart images grouped by the date_grouper input year date_grouper (string) column name representing a column of dates within a dataframe. Year membership of this column will be used for grouping. Input is limited to 'ldate' or 'doh'. plot_job_group (boolean) if True, create chart images grouped by job level held by employees quantiles (integer) the number of binning quantiles to measure for the initial and running (annually updated) quantile membership analysis (default is 10) plot_init_quarter (boolean) if True, produce output grouped by initial list quantile membership, for each employee group plot_running_quarter (boolean) if True, produce output grouped by annual list quantile membership, for each employee group pcnt_ylim (float) output chart maximum y axis value for percentage attribute charts as a float, example: .75 equals max displayed chart value of 75% cpay_stride (integer) y axis chart tick interval (in thousands) for charts displaying cpay (career pay) fixed_col_name (string) label to use for quantile number column when calculating using the initial quantile membership for all results running_col_name (string) label to use for quantile number column when calculating using a continuously updated quantile membership for all results figsize (tuple) optional size of all generated chart images. Default is None. This input will allow creation of larger chart images than the default small charts, at the price of an increase in the time required to run the function. date_grouper (string) 'ldate' or 'doh' date column grouping attribute used when plot_year_group input is True chartstyle (string) any valid seaborn charting style ('ticks', 'dark', 'white', 'darkgrid', 'whitegrid'), defalut is 'ticks' verbose_status (boolean) if True, print status of calculations as function is running tick_size (integer or float) text size of tick labels on the output chart images legend_size (integer or float) text size of the legend on the output chart images label_size (integer or float) text size of the x and y axis labels on the output chart images title_size (integer or float) text size of the title on the output chart images adjust_chart_top (float) input to permit adjustment of the top location of the generated charts - used to ensure full chart title is captured by the save chart figure code. Defalt top position is 1.0, default vaule for this input is .85 which "shrinks" the charts slightly vertically so that the two-line chart titles are captured when saving the charts to file as images. ''' try: # get current case study name case_df = pd.read_pickle('dill/case_dill.pkl') case_name = except OSError: print('unable to retrieve case name, try setting case input') return attrs = ['spcnt', 'cat_order', 'jobp', 'cpay'] pcnt_attributes = ['spcnt', 'lspcnt'] job_attrs = ['jnum', 'jobp'] eg_colors = cdict['eg_color_dict'] im_prefix = 'reports/' + case_name + '/ret_charts/ret_charts_' # set directory names, make directories, set title prefixes if plot_year_group: date_grouper_string = adict[date_grouper] # set path to image directories long_image_dir = (im_prefix + date_grouper_string + '/') # make directory if it does not already exist if not path.exists(long_image_dir): makedirs(long_image_dir) long_title_pre = date_grouper_string + ' ' if plot_job_group: job_image_dir = (im_prefix + 'init_job/') # make directory if it does not already exist if not path.exists(job_image_dir): makedirs(job_image_dir) job_title_pre = 'initial job ' if plot_init_quarter: iq_image_dir = im_prefix + 'init_qntl/' # make directory if it does not already exist if not path.exists(iq_image_dir): makedirs(iq_image_dir) iq_title_pre = 'initial qntl ' if plot_init_quarter: rq_image_dir = im_prefix + 'run_qntl/' # make directory if it does not already exist if not path.exists(rq_image_dir): makedirs(rq_image_dir) rq_title_pre = 'running_qntl ' # remove the skeleton dataset from consideration for this function ds_list = [key for key in ds_dict.keys() if key != 'skeleton'] # get any computed dataset to find intial chart values dummy_ds = ds_dict[ds_list[0]] # get a sorted array of unique employee group codes eg_nums = np.unique( # get the first and last data model years dt_min = min( dt_max = max( for attr in attrs: if verbose_status: print('\nPreparing', attr.upper(), 'charts...') # set chart style with sns.axes_style(chartstyle): # set global figure size (if figsize input is not None) if figsize is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if attr not in pcnt_attributes: ylim = max(dummy_ds[attr]) * .7 if attr in job_attrs: jlim = int(max(dummy_ds[attr]) + 1) if attr == 'cpay': ylim = max(dummy_ds[attr]) ldict = {} # initialize chart lines for each employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num], = ax.plot([], [], eg_colors[eg_num], label='eg' + str(eg_num), marker='o', markersize=4) # format y axis tick labels, axis labels, and y axis limit if attr in pcnt_attributes: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mp.pct_format()) ax.set_xlabel('retirement year', fontsize=label_size) if attr == 'cpay': ax.set_ylabel(adict[attr] + ' ($K)', fontsize=label_size) else: ax.set_ylabel(adict[attr], fontsize=label_size) if attr in pcnt_attributes: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, pcnt_ylim, .05)) for label in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim(ymin=-.01, ymax=pcnt_ylim) elif attr in ['ylong']: ax.set_ylim(ymin=-.75, ymax=ylim) elif attr in job_attrs: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(1, jlim)) ax.set_ylim(ymin=.75, ymax=ylim) elif attr in ['snum', 'cat_order']: ax.set_ylim(ymin=-100, ymax=ylim) elif attr in ['cpay']: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, ylim, cpay_stride)) ax.set_ylim(ymin=-100, ymax=ylim) min_xtick_yr = dt_min // 10 * 10 max_xtick_yr = dt_max // 10 * 10 + 10 ax.set_xticks(np.arange(min_xtick_yr, max_xtick_yr, 5)) ax.set_xlim(xmin=dt_min, xmax=dt_max) ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=tick_size) ax.grid(alpha=.6) # invert y axis if appropriate for attribute if attr not in ['cpay', 'ylong']: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.legend(loc=4, fontsize=legend_size) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=adjust_chart_top) # loop through each calculated dataset for key in ds_list: ds = ds_dict[key] # create a column assigning the initial model job for each # employee for all months f.make_starting_val_column(ds, 'jnum') # create employee group percentage columns, one fixed and the other # recalculated each month f.make_eg_pcnt_column(ds, fixed_col_name=fixed_col_name) f.make_eg_pcnt_column(ds, recalc_each_month=True, running_col_name=running_col_name) # make grouping values ds['yr'] = # running quantile: ds['rq'] = ((ds[running_col_name] * quantiles // 1) + 1).astype(int) # initial quantile: ds['iq'] = ((ds[fixed_col_name] * quantiles // 1) + 1).astype(int) # create a dataframe containing each employee in retirement month ret_df = ds[ds.ret_mark == 1] yr = rq = ret_df.rq iq = dateyr = ret_df[date_grouper].dt.year job = ret_df.start_jnum retyr = ret_df.retdate.dt.year if plot_year_group: # group by date grouper year (likely longevity date), data # model year, and employee group gb = ret_df.groupby([dateyr, retyr, 'eg'])[attr] # find attribute averages and unstack to create employee group # attribute value columns unstkd = gb.mean().unstack() # get a sorted array of unique data model years yrs = np.unique(unstkd.index.get_level_values(level=0)) # loop through model years for year in yrs: # reset the chart line data for the current data model year # and employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num].set_data(unstkd.loc[year].index.values, unstkd.loc[year][eg_num].values) # create the chart title ax.set_title(long_title_pre + str(year) + '\n' + key + ' retirees', fontsize=title_size) # draw the chart fig.canvas.draw() # save the chart fig.savefig(path.join(long_image_dir, attr + '_' + str(year) + ' ' + date_grouper + '_' + key + '.png')) if plot_job_group: # group by initial job (from make starting value function), # data model year, and employee group gb = ret_df.groupby([job, retyr, 'eg'])[attr] # find attribute averages and unstack to create employee group # attribute value columns unstkd = gb.mean().unstack() # get a sorted array of unique data model years jobs = np.unique(unstkd.index.get_level_values(level=0)) # loop through model years for job in jobs: # reset the chart line data for the current data model job # and employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num].set_data(unstkd.loc[job].index.values, unstkd.loc[job][eg_num].values) # create the chart title ax.set_title(job_title_pre + str(job) + '\n' + key + ' retirees', fontsize=title_size) # draw the chart fig.canvas.draw() # save the chart fig.savefig(path.join(job_image_dir, attr + '_' + 'job' + str(job) + '_' + key + '.png')) if plot_init_quarter: # group by initial quantile, data model year, and employee # group gb = ret_df.groupby([iq, yr, 'eg'])[attr] unstkd = gb.mean().unstack() # get a sorted array of quantiles qrtls = np.unique(unstkd.index.get_level_values(level=0)) # loop through intial quantile groups for qt in qrtls: # reset the chart line data for the data model # initial quantile and employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num].set_data(unstkd.loc[qt].index.values, unstkd.loc[qt][eg_num].values) # create the chart title ax.set_title(iq_title_pre + str(qt) + '\n' + key + ' retirees', fontsize=title_size) # draw the chart fig.canvas.draw() # save the chart fig.savefig(path.join(iq_image_dir, attr + '_' + 'iq' + str(qt) + '_' + key + '.png')) if plot_running_quarter: # group by running quantile, data model year, and employee # group gb = ret_df.groupby([rq, yr, 'eg'])[attr] # get a sorted array of quantiles unstkd = gb.mean().unstack() # get a sorted array of unique data model years qrtls = np.unique(unstkd.index.get_level_values(level=0)) # loop through running quantile groups for qt in qrtls: # reset the chart line data for the current data # running quantile and employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num].set_data(unstkd.loc[qt].index.values, unstkd.loc[qt][eg_num].values) # create the chart title ax.set_title(rq_title_pre + str(qt) + '\n' + key + ' retirees', fontsize=title_size) # draw the chart fig.canvas.draw() # save the chart fig.savefig(path.join(rq_image_dir, attr + '_' + 'rq' + str(qt) + '_' + key + '.png')) if verbose_status: print(' ', key, ' done!') plt.close() if verbose_status: print('\nALL JOBS COMPLETE\n\nChart images are located in the "' + case_name + '" folder within the "reports" folder.\n\n' + 'Note: The charts produced from this routine are intended ' + 'for basic overview of the calculated datasets only.\n' + 'The built-in plotting functions provide much more detailed ' + 'and comprehensive analysis of integrated list outcomes.\n')
[docs]def annual_charts(ds_dict, adict, cdict, plot_year_group=True, plot_job_group=True, quantiles=10, plot_init_quarter=True, plot_running_quarter=True, pcnt_ylim=.75, cpay_stride=500, fixed_col_name='eg_initQ', running_col_name='eg_runQ', figsize=None, date_grouper='ldate', chartstyle='ticks', verbose_status=True, tick_size=13, legend_size=14, label_size=14, title_size=14, adjust_chart_top=.85): '''Generates multiple charts representing general annual attribute statistics of all calculated datasets for all employee groups FOR ALL ACTIVE EMPLOYEES (annual results for all employees). The user may select grouping analysis by any or all of the following: 1. longevity or date of hire year 2. job level 3. initial employee group list quantile membership 4. annual employee group list quantile membership Stores the output as images in multiple folders within the **reports/<case_name>/ann_charts** folder. inputs ds_dict (dictionary) output of load_datasets function, a dictionary of datasets adict (dictionary) dataset column name description dictionary cdict (dictionary) program colors dictionary plot_year_group (boolean) if True, create chart images grouped by the date_grouper input year date_grouper (string) column name representing a column of dates within a dataframe. Year membership of this column will be used for grouping. Input is limited to 'ldate' or 'doh'. plot_job_group (boolean) if True, create chart images grouped by job level held by employees quantiles (integer) the number of binning quantiles to measure for the initial and running (annually updated) quantile membership analysis (default is 10) plot_init_quarter (boolean) if True, produce output grouped by initial list quantile membership, for each employee group plot_running_quarter (boolean) if True, produce output grouped by annual list quantile membership, for each employee group pcnt_ylim (float) output chart maximum y axis value for percentage attribute charts as a float, example: .75 equals max displayed chart value of 75% cpay_stride (integer) y axis chart tick interval (in thousands) for charts displaying cpay (career pay) fixed_col_name (string) label to use for quantile number column when calculating using the initial quantile membership for all results running_col_name (string) label to use for quantile number column when calculating using a continuously updated quantile membership for all results figsize (tuple) optional size of all generated chart images. Default is None. This input will allow creation of larger chart images than the default small charts, at the price of an increase in the time required to run the function. date_grouper (string) 'ldate' or 'doh' date column grouping attribute used when plot_year_group input is True chartstyle (string) any valid seaborn charting style ('ticks', 'dark', 'white', 'darkgrid', 'whitegrid'), defalut is 'ticks' verbose_status (boolean) if True, print status of calculations as function is running tick_size (integer or float) text size of tick labels on the output chart images legend_size (integer or float) text size of the legend on the output chart images label_size (integer or float) text size of the x and y axis labels on the output chart images title_size (integer or float) text size of the title on the output chart images adjust_chart_top (float) input to permit adjustment of the top location of the generated charts - used to ensure full chart title is captured by the save chart figure code. Defalt top position is 1.0, default vaule for this input is .85 which "shrinks" the charts slightly vertically so that the two-line chart titles are captured when saving the charts to file as images. ''' try: # get current case study name case_df = pd.read_pickle('dill/case_dill.pkl') case_name = except OSError: print('unable to retrieve case name, try setting case input') return attrs = ['spcnt', 'cat_order', 'jobp', 'cpay'] pcnt_attributes = ['spcnt', 'lspcnt'] job_attrs = ['jnum', 'jobp'] eg_colors = cdict['eg_color_dict'] im_prefix = 'reports/' + case_name + '/annual_charts/ann_charts_' # set directory names, make directories, set title prefixes if plot_year_group: date_grouper_string = adict[date_grouper] # set path to image directories long_image_dir = (im_prefix + date_grouper_string + '/') # make directory if it does not already exist if not path.exists(long_image_dir): makedirs(long_image_dir) long_title_pre = date_grouper_string + ' ' if plot_job_group: job_image_dir = (im_prefix + 'init_job/') # make directory if it does not already exist if not path.exists(job_image_dir): makedirs(job_image_dir) job_title_pre = 'initial job ' if plot_init_quarter: iq_image_dir = im_prefix + 'init_qntl/' # make directory if it does not already exist if not path.exists(iq_image_dir): makedirs(iq_image_dir) iq_title_pre = 'initial qntl ' if plot_init_quarter: rq_image_dir = im_prefix + 'run_qntl/' # make directory if it does not already exist if not path.exists(rq_image_dir): makedirs(rq_image_dir) rq_title_pre = 'running_qntl ' # remove the skeleton dataset from consideration for this function ds_list = [key for key in ds_dict.keys() if key != 'skeleton'] # get any computed dataset to find intial chart values dummy_ds = ds_dict[ds_list[0]] # get a sorted array of unique employee group codes eg_nums = np.unique( # get the first and last data model years dt_min = min( dt_max = max( for attr in attrs: if verbose_status: print('\nPreparing', attr.upper(), 'charts...') # set chart style with sns.axes_style(chartstyle): # set global figure size (if figsize input is not None) if figsize is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if attr not in pcnt_attributes: ylim = max(dummy_ds[attr]) * .7 if attr in job_attrs: jlim = int(max(dummy_ds[attr]) + 1) if attr == 'cpay': ylim = max(dummy_ds[attr]) ldict = {} # initialize chart lines for each employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num], = ax.plot([], [], eg_colors[eg_num], label='eg' + str(eg_num), marker='o', markersize=4) # format y axis tick labels, axis labels, and y axis limit if attr in pcnt_attributes: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mp.pct_format()) ax.set_xlabel('year', fontsize=label_size) if attr == 'cpay': ax.set_ylabel(adict[attr] + ' ($K)', fontsize=label_size) else: ax.set_ylabel(adict[attr], fontsize=label_size) if attr in pcnt_attributes: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, pcnt_ylim, .05)) for label in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim(ymin=-.01, ymax=pcnt_ylim) elif attr in ['ylong']: ax.set_ylim(ymin=-.75, ymax=ylim) elif attr in ['jobp', 'jnum']: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(1, jlim)) ax.set_ylim(ymin=.75, ymax=ylim) elif attr in ['snum', 'cat_order']: ax.set_ylim(ymin=-100, ymax=ylim) elif attr in ['cpay']: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, ylim, cpay_stride)) ax.set_ylim(ymin=-100, ymax=ylim) min_xtick_yr = dt_min // 10 * 10 max_xtick_yr = dt_max // 10 * 10 + 10 ax.set_xticks(np.arange(min_xtick_yr, max_xtick_yr, 5)) ax.set_xlim(xmin=dt_min, xmax=dt_max) ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=tick_size) ax.grid(alpha=.6) # invert y axis if appropriate for attribute if attr not in ['cpay', 'ylong']: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.legend(loc=4, fontsize=legend_size) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=adjust_chart_top) # loop through each calculated dataset for key in ds_list: ds = ds_dict[key] # create a column assigning the initial model job for each # employee for all months f.make_starting_val_column(ds, 'jnum') # create employee group percentage columns, one fixed and the other # recalculated each month f.make_eg_pcnt_column(ds, fixed_col_name=fixed_col_name) f.make_eg_pcnt_column(ds, recalc_each_month=True, running_col_name=running_col_name) # make grouping values yr = rq = ((ds[running_col_name] * quantiles // 1) + 1).astype(int) iq = ((ds[fixed_col_name] * quantiles // 1) + 1).astype(int) dateyr = ds[date_grouper].dt.year job = ds.start_jnum # retyr = ds.retdate.dt.year if plot_year_group: # group by date grouper year (likely longevity date), data # model year, and employee group gb = ds.groupby([dateyr, yr, 'eg'])[attr] # find attribute averages and unstack to create employee group # attribute value columns unstkd = gb.mean().unstack() # get a sorted array of unique data model years yrs = np.unique(unstkd.index.get_level_values(level=0)) # loop through model years for year in yrs: # reset the chart line data for the current data model year # and employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num].set_data(unstkd.loc[year].index.values, unstkd.loc[year][eg_num].values) # create the chart title ax.set_title(long_title_pre + str(year) + '\n' + key + ' actives', fontsize=title_size) # draw the chart fig.canvas.draw() # save the chart fig.savefig(path.join(long_image_dir, attr + '_' + str(year) + ' ' + date_grouper + '_' + key + '.png')) if plot_job_group: # group by initial job (from make starting value function), # data model year, and employee group gb = ds.groupby([job, yr, 'eg'])[attr] # find attribute averages and unstack to create employee group # attribute value columns unstkd = gb.mean().unstack() # get a sorted array of unique data model years jobs = np.unique(unstkd.index.get_level_values(level=0)) # loop through model years for job in jobs: # reset the chart line data for the current data model job # and employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num].set_data(unstkd.loc[job].index.values, unstkd.loc[job][eg_num].values) # create the chart title ax.set_title(job_title_pre + str(job) + '\n' + key + ' actives', fontsize=title_size) # draw the chart fig.canvas.draw() # save the chart fig.savefig(path.join(job_image_dir, attr + '_' + 'job' + str(job) + '_' + key + '.png')) if plot_init_quarter: # group by initial quantile, data model year, and employee # group gb = ds.groupby([iq, yr, 'eg'])[attr] unstkd = gb.mean().unstack() # get a sorted array of quantiles qrtls = np.unique(unstkd.index.get_level_values(level=0)) # loop through intial quantile groups for qt in qrtls: # reset the chart line data for the data model # initial quantile and employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num].set_data(unstkd.loc[qt].index.values, unstkd.loc[qt][eg_num].values) # create the chart title ax.set_title(iq_title_pre + str(qt) + '\n' + key + ' actives', fontsize=title_size) # draw the chart fig.canvas.draw() # save the chart fig.savefig(path.join(iq_image_dir, attr + '_' + 'iq' + str(qt) + '_' + key + '.png')) if plot_running_quarter: # group by running quantile, data model year, and employee # group gb = ds.groupby([rq, yr, 'eg'])[attr] # get a sorted array of quantiles unstkd = gb.mean().unstack() # get a sorted array of unique data model years qrtls = np.unique(unstkd.index.get_level_values(level=0)) # loop through running quantile groups for qt in qrtls: # reset the chart line data for the current data # running quantile and employee group for eg_num in eg_nums: ldict[eg_num].set_data(unstkd.loc[qt].index.values, unstkd.loc[qt][eg_num].values) # create the chart title ax.set_title(rq_title_pre + str(qt) + '\n' + key + ' actives', fontsize=title_size) # draw the chart fig.canvas.draw() # save the chart fig.savefig(path.join(rq_image_dir, attr + '_' + 'rq' + str(qt) + '_' + key + '.png')) if verbose_status: print(' ', key, ' done!') plt.close() if verbose_status: print('\nALL JOBS COMPLETE\n\nChart images are located in the "' + case_name + '" folder within the "reports" folder.\n\n' + 'Note: The charts produced from this routine are intended ' + 'for basic overview of the calculated datasets only.\n' + 'The built-in plotting functions provide much more detailed ' + 'and comprehensive analysis of integrated list outcomes.\n')
[docs]def job_diff_to_excel(base_ds, compare_ds, ds_dict, add_cpay=True, diff_color=True, row_color=True, lighten_factor=.65, neg_color='red', pos_color='blue', zero_color='white', id_cols=['lname', 'ldate', 'retdate']): '''Generates a spreadsheet which reports the differential number of months spent at each job level between two outcome datasets. Results are reported for every employee. The order of the employees shown will be the order from the "compare" dataset input. The user may choose to apply formatting to the output spreadsheet. The generation of the output with formatting is much slower than without, however. Stores the output within the **reports/<case_name>/by_employee** folder. inputs base_ds (dataframe) baseline dataset compare_ds (dataframe) comparison dataset add_cpay (boolean) if True, add a "cpay_diff" column to show data model pay differential (compare vs. base) diff_color (boolean) if True, use the neg_color, pos_color, and zero_color inputs to color the spreadsheet job differential output row_color (boolean) color spreadsheet rows by employee group if True. Color will be a tint (lighter color version) of the colors used to represent the employee groups in chart output. lighten_factor (float) when the "row_color" input is True, this input controls the tint of the normal employee group colors to use for the cell background row coloring. The input is limited from 0.0 to 1.0 and a higher value will make the coloring lighter. neg_color, pos_color, zero_color (color values) this input will determine the font colors to use for negative, positive, and zero job differential values within the spreadsheet output. Inputs may by string hex values, or rgb values within tuples or lists id_cols (list) list of columns to include within the spreadsheet output which are in addition to the job level columns. This list (with the addition of the "order" column) will also be colored according to employee group when the "row_color" input is set to True. ''' sdict = pd.read_pickle('dill/dict_settings.pkl') hex_dict = f.hex_dict() if compare_ds == 'edit': order_col = 'idx' else: order_col = 'order' def lighten(color, hex_dict, factor=.8): '''This function will return a lightened color. The "factor" input determines how much lighter. The "color" input may be a string or rgb input. ''' try: if type(color) is str: if color.startswith('#'): h = color.lstrip('#') else: h = hex_dict[color].lstrip('#') rgb = tuple(int(h[i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) list_rgb = list(rgb) lighter = (((255 - np.array(list_rgb)) * factor) + list_rgb).astype(int) hexcolor = '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(lighter) return hexcolor if type(color) is tuple: list_rgb = list(color)[:3] if type(color) is list: list_rgb = color[:3] lighter = (((255 - np.array(list_rgb)) * factor) + list_rgb).astype(int) return type(color)(lighter) except: print('''invalid color input for "lighten" function, must be an RGB tuple, RGB list, or string hex value''') def cpay_diff(base, compare): base_cpay = base[base.ret_mark == 1][['cpay']].copy() compare_cpay = compare[compare.ret_mark == 1][['cpay']].copy() compare_cpay['base'] = base_cpay['cpay'] compare_cpay['cpay_diff'] = \ ((compare_cpay.cpay - compare_cpay.base) * 1000).astype(int) return compare_cpay[['cpay_diff']] def job_months(df): job_months = df.groupby([df.empkey, 'jnum'])['jnum']. \ count().unstack().fillna(0) return job_months.astype(int) def fill_job_columns(df, sdict): num_of_job_levels = sdict['num_of_job_levels'] job_levels = list(range(1, num_of_job_levels + 2)) for level in job_levels: if level not in df.columns: df[level] = 0 df.columns = sorted(df.columns) return df def resort_df(df, order_df): m0 = order_df[order_df.mnum == 0][[]].copy() m0[order_col] = range(1, len(m0) + 1) df['order'] = m0[order_col] df.sort_values('order', inplace=True) df.drop('order', inplace=True, axis=1) return df def add_cols(df, order_df, col_list=id_cols): cols = [order_col] if 'eg' not in col_list: col_list.append('eg') m0 = order_df[order_df.mnum == 0][col_list].copy() m0[order_col] = range(1, len(m0) + 1) cols.extend(col_list) m0 = m0[cols] m0 = m0.join(df) for col in col_list: try: m0[col] = m0[col] except: pass return m0 def color_vals(val): """ Takes a scalar and returns a string with the css property 'color: red' for negative strings, 'color: blue' for positive numbers and 'color: white' for zero values. """ color = ((pos_color, neg_color), (zero_color, ))[val == 0][val < 0] return 'color: %s' % color def color_rows(df, hex_dict, light_factor=.85): sdict = pd.read_pickle('dill/dict_color.pkl') eg_dict = sdict['eg_color_dict'] for key in eg_dict.keys(): eg_dict[key] = lighten(eg_dict[key], hex_dict, factor=light_factor) prefix = 'background-color: ' egs = color_strs = np.empty(egs.size, dtype=object) for eg in np.unique(egs): np.put(color_strs, np.where(egs == eg)[0], prefix + eg_dict[eg]) return color_strs try: # get current case study name case_df = pd.read_pickle('dill/case_dill.pkl') case_name = except OSError: print('unable to retrieve case name, try setting case input') return # make a folder for the report if it does not exist folder = 'reports/' + case_name + '/by_employee/' if not path.exists(folder): makedirs(folder) # assign the output spreadsheet name and path file_name = 'job_months_' + compare_ds + '_vs_' + base_ds + '.xlsx' path_name = folder + file_name # get the base and compare dataframes from the dataset dictionary base = ds_dict[base_ds] compare = ds_dict[compare_ds] # make the groupby job count dataframes base_jobs = job_months(base) compare_jobs = job_months(compare) # add any missing job level columns base_jobs_filled = fill_job_columns(base_jobs, sdict) compare_jobs_filled = fill_job_columns(compare_jobs, sdict) # sort both datasets by compare dataset order base_sorted = resort_df(base_jobs_filled, compare) compare_sorted = resort_df(compare_jobs_filled, compare) # create the differential dataframe df_diff = compare_sorted - base_sorted # add other columns to the differential dataframe (name, ldate, etc.) final = add_cols(df_diff, compare) # add a career pay differential column to the final dataframe if add_cpay: cpay = cpay_diff(base, compare) final = final.join(cpay) # define the row color function apply_row_color = color_rows(final, hex_dict, light_factor=lighten_factor) job_levels = list(range(1, sdict['num_of_job_levels'] + 2)) id_cols.append(order_col) # determine the formatting to be applied if diff_color and row_color: frame = s: apply_row_color, subset=id_cols).applymap(color_vals, subset=job_levels) elif diff_color and not row_color: frame =, subset=job_levels) elif not diff_color and row_color: frame = s: apply_row_color, subset=id_cols) else: frame = final # write the spreadsheet file to disk frame.to_excel(path_name, engine='openpyxl', freeze_panes=(1, 0))