Source code for converter

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# seniority_list is an analytical tool used when seniority-based work
# groups merge. It brings modern data science to the area of labor
# integration, utilizing the powerful data analysis capabilities of Python
# scientific computing.

# Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Robert E. Davison, Ruby Data Systems Inc.
# Please direct consulting inquires to:

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

.. module:: converter

   :synopsis: The converter module contains a function which is used when
   constructing a data model with an enhanced job level hierarchy (vs. basic)
   which also contains special or conditional job assignment requirements.

.. moduleauthor:: Bob Davison <>


import numpy as np

[docs]def convert(job_dict=None, sg_list=None, count_ratio_dict=None, ratio_dict=None, ratio_onoff_dict=None, count_onoff_dict=None, dist_sg=None, dist_ratio=None, dist_count_ratio=None): '''Convert data relating to job assignment conditions from basic job level inputs to enhanced job level inputs Inputs are the basic job level values for the various conditions, the job dictionary, and the distribution methods used during conversion. This function is called within the build_program_files script when the "enhanced_job" key value within the settings dictionary is set to "True". inputs job_dict (dictionary) case_specific jd variable. This input contains full-time job level conversion percentages sg_list (list) case-specific sg_rights variable ratio_list (list) case-specific ratio_cond variable ratio_dict (dictionary) dictionary containing ratio condition data count_ratio_dict (dictionary) dictionary containing all data related to a capped ratio or count ratio condition dist_sg, dist_ratio, dist_count (string) options are: 'split', 'full', 'part' determines how jobs are distributed to the enhanced job levels. 'split' - distribute basic job count to full- and part-time enhanced job levels according to the ratios set in the job dictionary (jd) variable 'full' - distribute basic job count to corresponding enhanced full-time job levels only 'part' - distribute basic job count to corresponding enhanced part-time job levels only. This option could be selected if the employees with special job rights are placed in a relatively low position on the integrated list, eliminating the option of obtaining a full-time job position The distribution type for each condition input is independent of the other condition distributions. If these variables are not assigned, the program will default to "split". ''' if job_dict is None: print('Please set job_dict variable - the job dictionary is ' + 'required to convert from basic to enhanced jobs') return # these are the output variables enhan_sg_cond = [] # enhan_ratio_cond = [] enhan_ratio_dict = {} if sg_list: temp_dict = {} for sg_cond in sg_list: eg = sg_cond[0] job = sg_cond[1] count = sg_cond[2] start_month = sg_cond[3] end_month = sg_cond[4] full_job = int(job_dict[job][0]) part_job = int(job_dict[job][1]) full_pcnt = job_dict[job][2] part_pcnt = 1 - job_dict[job][2] if dist_sg is None: dist_sg = 'split' if dist_sg == 'split': # grab full-time job number as key, # calculate count, set as value full_count = np.around(count * full_pcnt).astype(int) part_count = np.around(count * part_pcnt).astype(int) temp_dict[(eg, full_job)] = [eg, full_job, full_count, start_month, end_month] # same for part-time temp_dict[(eg, part_job)] = [eg, part_job, part_count, start_month, end_month] elif dist_sg == 'full': # apply entire count to full-time jobs only temp_dict[(eg, full_job)] = [eg, full_job, count, start_month, end_month] elif dist_sg == 'part': # apply entire count to part-time jobs only temp_dict[(eg, part_job)] = [eg, part_job, count, start_month, end_month] # sort keys and then assign corresponding values to list for key in sorted(temp_dict.keys()): enhan_sg_cond.append(temp_dict[key]) else: enhan_sg_cond = 0 # count_ratio_dict if count_ratio_dict: temp_dict = {} enhan_rcount_dict = {} for job in count_ratio_dict.keys(): job_data = count_ratio_dict[job] grp = job_data[0] wgt = job_data[1] cap = job_data[2] start_month = job_data[3] end_month = job_data[4] full_job = int(job_dict[job][0]) part_job = int(job_dict[job][1]) full_pcnt = job_dict[job][2] part_pcnt = 1 - job_dict[job][2] if dist_count_ratio is None: dist_count_ratio = 'split' # no count with the ratio data... if dist_count_ratio == 'split': temp_dict[full_job] = [grp, wgt, int(round(cap * full_pcnt)), start_month, end_month] temp_dict[part_job] = [grp, wgt, int(round(cap * part_pcnt)), start_month, end_month] elif dist_count_ratio == 'full': temp_dict[full_job] = [grp, wgt, cap, start_month, end_month] elif dist_count_ratio == 'part': temp_dict[part_job] = [grp, wgt, cap, start_month, end_month] for key in sorted(temp_dict.keys()): enhan_rcount_dict[key] = temp_dict[key] else: enhan_rcount_dict = 0 if ratio_dict: temp_dict = {} for job in ratio_dict.keys(): full_job = int(job_dict[job][0]) part_job = int(job_dict[job][1]) if dist_ratio is None: dist_ratio = 'split' if dist_ratio == 'split': temp_dict[full_job] = ratio_dict[job][:] temp_dict[part_job] = ratio_dict[job][:] if dist_ratio == 'full': temp_dict[full_job] = ratio_dict[job][:] if dist_ratio == 'part': temp_dict[part_job] = ratio_dict[job][:] for key in sorted(temp_dict.keys()): enhan_ratio_dict[key] = temp_dict[key] else: enhan_ratio_dict = 0 if ratio_onoff_dict: temp_dict = {} enhan_ratio_onoff_dict = {} for job in ratio_onoff_dict.keys(): full_job = int(job_dict[job][0]) part_job = int(job_dict[job][1]) temp_dict[full_job] = ratio_onoff_dict[job] temp_dict[part_job] = ratio_onoff_dict[job] for key in sorted(temp_dict.keys()): enhan_ratio_onoff_dict[key] = temp_dict[key] else: enhan_ratio_onoff_dict = 0 if count_onoff_dict: temp_dict = {} enhan_count_onoff_dict = {} for job in count_onoff_dict.keys(): full_job = int(job_dict[job][0]) part_job = int(job_dict[job][1]) temp_dict[full_job] = count_onoff_dict[job] temp_dict[part_job] = count_onoff_dict[job] for key in sorted(temp_dict.keys()): enhan_count_onoff_dict[key] = temp_dict[key] else: enhan_count_onoff_dict = 0 return (enhan_sg_cond, enhan_rcount_dict, enhan_ratio_dict, enhan_ratio_onoff_dict, enhan_count_onoff_dict)